November 2021 Moms

Weekly Symptoms 7/12

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How are you feeling this week? What symptoms are you having? 
Me: 29 | DH: 28
Due: 6 Nov 2021
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Re: Weekly Symptoms 7/12

  • 23+2 

    not sure if it’s because I’ve been in bed all week or if it’s pregnancy related but I have really bad restless leg syndrome 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • 20+2
    Ive been getting dull intermittent pains in my left lower abdomen. Sometimes its pretty severe and takes my breath away. I told my OB about it and he kind of just shrugged it off. I think its round ligament pain or constipation. Sometimes I'll get it on my right side, but rarely, it's mostly on my left. I haven't really noticed a difference with position changes, which made me question if it was RLP.
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  • 20+5, I am also fighting the restless leg, mostly right before I go to bed but the worst is all the tunnel syndrome stuff.  I've been diagnosed before with cubital tunnel and I think due to generalized swelling I've also developed carpal tunnel.  So every night, multiple times,  I wake up with completely numb hands and pinched nerves in one elbow and the opposite wrist... super annoying and painful.  But it will switch too, so not always the same hand for each and sometimes both on the same hand...

    Sorry, really venting at this point!
  • @gingerale87 You have no reason to apologize. The pregnancy carpal tunnel freaking sucks, but I can confirm it goes away really soon after giving birth! Mine switched sides too! My OB prescribed me a wristband, but I have to confess it really didn't do much to help.
  • @gingerale87 Sorry you're dealing with carpal tunnel! I haven't experienced that (yet?) this time but did with my first. It took me awhile to even realize what was going on because for the longest time it only happened while I slept and I just kept having dreams that my hands were literally on fire. Then one day I randomly felt it while driving and realized it was more than a dream the whole time! Mine didn't last my whole pregnancy, keeping well hydrated and sleeping with my arm up on a pregnancy pillow, wrist straight did a lot for me. I hope you find something that works for you to help!
  • I think I’m gonna have to get the surgery for carpal tunnel. It’s almost untenable at this point, and the ortho said he does local anesthesia, so it’s safe for mom and baby. 
  • 23+4. 
    Had a cardiology examination last month, the specialist gyn called to tell me that I have a black flow of blood which cause my bp swings. Said it should settle after giving birth. When I got the call, I was on the train on my way back home, very exhausted. So I just received the info. He refused to book me
    for a check up post pregnancy. Later when I checked my journal, there is no mention of the leaky valve 🤷🏼‍♀️ He just wrote that the cardiology showed nothing. And nowhere on internet it says that heart valve leakage would just go away. I’m terrified. I’ve now opted to change hospital. It’s summer here, meaning I won’t get any answers now. But I’m so upset and confused. 

    @sliztee I experienced carpal
    tunnel after giving birth. I was pumping a lot then. I thought I was imagining, but is that a thing? 
  • So sorry to hear all of you who are struggling w carpal tunnel! I've had it, but my chiro does "active release technique " or ART on my feet for plantar fasciitis- heard it works well for carpal tunnel too. May be worth looking into if you want to avoid steroid shots or surgery?

    Still riding the nausea struggle bus, but its not as frequent or severe 🙌🏼 pretty bad SI joint pain, so remembering my old PT exercises from previous pregnancies and getting chiro treatment 2x/wk...hoping to keep the pubic bone pain at bay! 

  • @sthlm_21 Not sure about that, but I can confirm “mommy thumb” feels a great deal similar! I had to have surgery for it a couple months ago because steroid shots didn’t make it go away🙃
  • 20+ 5 Little more energy, little more into eating now. Sleep still eludes me, whether it's trying to fall asleep or staying asleep, I think I got 4-5 hour stretch last night. Definitely have a belly now which tends to get tight and painful if I walk too much. 
  • I’m sorry everyone is experiencing carpal tunnel!

    Is anyone else already finding it hard to stand up from a seated position? I have to support my stomach already and I just don’t remember ever feeling this way so early on.
  • @doodleoodle yes! My RLP is the absolute worst when standing up. I already feel like I’m deep into the third trimester with the stretching and belly support and I’m not even close lol
  • @doodleoodle Yes! I definitely feel more off balance already than with my first. For a week or so, I was also experiencing sharp pains near my tailbone as I stand up, but thankfully a visit to my chiropractor followed by my PT seems to have taken care of that.
  • I agree with the RLP, even just too big of an inhale gets me a little pain.  Flew across country this week, so I've got/had some major swelling in my feet but luckily, we came to Florida so I am forced to stay hydrated!!  Small victories
  • @MaximumEffort for the sleep: get a pregnancy pillow NOW. I wish I would have gotten one sooner. I started losing sleep around 20 weeks and thought I would adjust but alas, it just got way worse. I finally got one and holy hell I forgot how good it felt to sleep the whole night without waking up. And cherry juice (the pure stuff) to help you fall asleep. My DH figured that one out, God love him. 
  • @enchu37 Cherry juice? Never even heard of that before! But anyway, came here to say +1 to a pregnancy pillow. GAME CHANGER. I have the big U-shaped kind, so I can just roll from side to side without having to reposition the pillow.
  • @enchu37 Do you know what's in cherry juice that helps with sleep? I haven't heard that either!
  • Cherries are a natural source of melatonin. 
  • +1 for the big "U" shaped pregnancy pillow. It's my new boyfriend. We've named him Bruce 🤣
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