November 2021 Moms

GTKY - Favourite Thing About Your Job

What is your favourite thing about your current job? 
Me: 29 | DH: 28
Due: 6 Nov 2021
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
PitaPata Dog tickers

Re: GTKY - Favourite Thing About Your Job

  • I’m quite lucky in that I actually really love my job so it’s hard to pick one thing as my favourite. I suppose I’ll go with the hours (alternates each week between 7-3 and 10-6) so I either get to finish early or sleep in yet still finish at a good time 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • The pay 🥴💀😅

    If not for that I wouldn't be here, though my coworkers are second on my list, so that's actually nice that I like them.
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  • Most of my coworkers have kids, many of them young kids, so they all totally get that family comes first and sometimes you just have to take a day off to take care of a sick kid.
  • Academia can be brutal but I'm employed at a great college, with awesome colleagues and smart students. It's a pretty sweet gig, I mean we literally only have to work on a schedule 8 months out of the year
  • @gingerale87 that is a tough job but one that I admire. Thanks for doing what you do. I have a rescue dog and forever thankful that she's in my life. 

    I work in large tech, so the benefits are pretty sweet, I really did just stick around for the mat leave 😜 it's been 11 years until I had to use it but still. 

    From the work side I loved traveling the world and seeing new places. I write stories in my job for startups and I get to meet inspiring people from all different backgrounds. Obviously with the pandemic travel hasn't been an option but I'm excited to get back to it! 

    Oh and I can take my dogs to the office 😊🐾
  • @jenharvey84 My brother went into tech and I always tell myself I went into the wrong "tech" field, lol. The travel sounds amazing and I know their are great benefits at alot of those companies.  And sticking around for mat leave... I mean we all need goals! I'm just trying to hit 5yrs at my current job so I can be 100% vested for retirement, haha.
  • My job plays to a lot of my strengths and I get a lot of trust to lead my program however I see fit because I am the only one who specializes in my work. 
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