Why are you high risk? AMA, second pregnancy was preterm, third pregnancy tfmr at 23+5 with sIUGR/chorioamniotic membrane separation/intermittent absent arterial flow caused by chronic histiocytic intervilliositis (CHI) with a 80% recurrence rate
Any additional monitoring or testing this week? Had my second attempt at viability u/s yesterday. Dates confirmed for 2/14 due date, though babe measuring a little small at 6+4 yesterday. Heartbeat present 💜
Any concerns/news currently? I start antirejection meds today when I go pick them up. So I’m going to be immunocompromised this pregnancy. At least it won’t be weird to wear a mask everywhere.
How are you coping being high risk? Therapy helps.
Why are you high risk? over 40, obese, hypothyroid, history of loss.
Any additional monitoring or testing this week? I just had my first appt today (I had to beg to get in early) and I am sched for 1st ultrasound in 2 weeks. Dr said I can have it ASAP but the facility is very busy and that was the first appt.
Any concerns/news currently? So nervous and scared. But i did have 2 perfectly normal pregnancies in the last 5 years....
How are you coping being high risk? I don't think I am!
Any questions? Is it normal to feel like you've never done this before?! I remember taking my second to the pediatrician and the dr said something like "well you know all this already...you have a 1 year old..." I'm like no i know nothing!!!!
@Eveinshock when I was doing my peds rotation in medical school they talk about how you call 1 mil times with baby 1 since you’re not sure what’s normal, 2 mil times with baby 2 since baby 2 is not the same as baby 1, then zero times with baby 3+ since you know to expect the unexpected.
Our age gaps will be 11, 5, and newborn when babe gets here so it’s starting over each time for me.
Why are you high risk? AMA, RPL, PCOS, Graves, Hashimotos (both thyroid conditions are currently in remission)
Any additional monitoring or testing this week? Not currently. I go for my 9 week ultrasound next week.
Any concerns/news currently? I don't really have any concerns or news right now.
How are you coping being high risk? I have a lot of pregnancy related anxiety. I feel like I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop, even though *knock on wood* this has been an uncomplicated pregnancy. I felt this way while I was pregnant with DS2 until the day I delivered, so I'm expecting it to stick around for the duration. I try to combat it by staying busy. With work and the boys, it's been easier to keep my mind off of it.
Why are you high risk? Factor V Leiden (heterozygous), multiple miscarriages
Any additional monitoring or testing this week? No
Any concerns/news currently? Worried because my symptoms seem to be disappearing. It makes me so nervous to have another loss. I had surgery in May to remove any endometriosis and help with recurrent miscarriages
How are you coping being high risk? Doing ok with the factor V, I did blood thinning shots for both kids and losses so it’s nothing new. Most worried something bad is going to happen.
Any questions? Anyone else lose their symptoms? My boobs hurt real bad at first but they don’t hurt anymore.
@alylove11 I had left boob pain as the first symptom and this was about a week before I found out I was even pregnant. Then extreme fatigue right when I found out for a few days. I thought I was going to have twins when the heartburn started at that point, it was just so much so early! Then everything stopped completely and I just thought ok this is over. I kept poking my boob….nothing. After like 4 days of this everything started coming back. The left boob, the exhaustion, and some sporadic nausea replaced the heartburn. But it was very weird and almost impossible to imagine things would come back at that point…
Any additional monitoring or testing this week? Appointment/ultrasound Wednesday, hoping to be able to see a membrane separating the babies
Any concerns/news currently? A lot of anxiety and nerves about the ultrasound, hoping for the best news possible, that the babies are mono di, will still be high risk, just not as high risk as if they are mono mono
How are you coping being high risk? I think right now I am just trying to ignore it all. I know that isn't the right way but I can't let myself think about all the what ifs right now. Hopefully getting more information will let me relax a little or at least let me know what I need to research more or whatever.
Why are you high risk?: PPROM/Delivery at 34+6 with 1st pregnancy and postpartum preeclampsia
Any additional monitoring or testing this week?: just my intake appointment so far
Any concerns/news currently?: Not at the moment
How are you coping being high risk?: Since the pregnancy still doesn't completely feel real I also haven't really processed how I'll fell as I get closer to the third trimester. There was never any identifiable reason for PPROM last time so I'm not sure that there is much we will be able to do besides more monitoring and inaction is really not my forte....
Why are you high risk? AMA, IVF, Thyroid (hypo, but not officially diagnosed)
Any additional monitoring or testing this week? Nope
Any concerns/news currently? No, even though I overanalyze and the results for this pregnancy are not as "strong" as it was for my son. However told everyhing was normal.
Why are you high risk? AMA (will turn 40 this weekend), obese, pre diabetes/gestational diabetes, hypothyroidism, my LC was preterm (water broke at 33 was).
Any additional monitoring or testing this week? I have to get an EKG done due to GD, and I’m doing a 24 hr urine collection. My next appointment is on 7/22 for NT scan and genetic bloodwork
Any concerns/news currently? No
How are you coping being high risk? It is very overwhelming at times but my MFM team is incredible and I see a maternal wellness therapist too, and the Zoloft!
Any questions? Anyone else taking insulin already for fasting numbers?
So my endocrinologist thinks i am going to get diabetes this pregnancy. My A1C is 5.5, my fasting blood sugar is 95. She gave me a monitor and has me testing in the AM and 2 hours after every meal. I started last night... I had fried oreos at the fair and was 95, and breakfast today was junk and I was at 91. But I was 98 this morning, and i hadn't eaten anything since the oreos! It makes no sense! But my sister had GD last pregnancy and she said the same thing....she was always perfectly fine after meals, but really high in the AM. She stuck to her GD diet but ended up needing insulin eventually just bc of the morning numbers. I am going to have to get my butt back on low carb pronto....
I also had an ultrasound yesterday and all looks good but there was a subchorionic hemorrhage? Dr said not to worry about it but there might be some bleeding. I wasn't worried since he said not to but now googling....I'm less comfy...
Re: High-risk check in 6.28.21
over 40, obese, hypothyroid, history of loss.
I just had my first appt today (I had to beg to get in early) and I am sched for 1st ultrasound in 2 weeks. Dr said I can have it ASAP but the facility is very busy and that was the first appt.
So nervous and scared. But i did have 2 perfectly normal pregnancies in the last 5 years....
I don't think I am!
Is it normal to feel like you've never done this before?! I remember taking my second to the pediatrician and the dr said something like "well you know all this already...you have a 1 year old..." I'm like no i know nothing!!!!
11, 5, and newborn when babe gets here so it’s starting over each time for me.
How far along are you?: 7+1
I had fried oreos at the fair and was 95, and breakfast today was junk and I was at 91. But I was 98 this morning, and i hadn't eaten anything since the oreos! It makes no sense! But my sister had GD last pregnancy and she said the same thing....she was always perfectly fine after meals, but really high in the AM. She stuck to her GD diet but ended up needing insulin eventually just bc of the morning numbers. I am going to have to get my butt back on low carb pronto....
I also had an ultrasound yesterday and all looks good but there was a subchorionic hemorrhage? Dr said not to worry about it but there might be some bleeding. I wasn't worried since he said not to but now googling....I'm less comfy...