January 2022 Moms

Jersey City / Hoboken


I love meeting new moms in my neighborhood. With my first pregnancy in 2014 I met my mom friends from the New Jersey “Jersey City” forum. 7.5 years later me and these mamas are still friends and have dinner together at least once a month. Would love to do the same with my third pregnancy. Because of COVID we have all been cooped up inside and prob lost ourselves. Would love to revive myself and other mamas by meeting up outdoors at parks or local outdoor dining. 

Let me know if the post is acceptable on this board and if you’re local let’s meet up! 
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Re: Jersey City / Hoboken

  • I don't know how many of us are in your area... you'd probably be better off finding a local meetup group. However, I'll say this: my December 2016 BMB still is super close, and there have been several meetups in the past few years. I flew my 1-year old to Cleveland from California to hang out with several other moms and kids! But even in that group, for me, the nearest moms are 2+ hours away. 
  • I love to hear that we get to meet/ bond with moms over motherhood! 

    I know that my town has local mom boards on FB I am just not ready to announce my pregnancy on FB yet. You know how if you write in a group it shares your post with your friends in their timeline. 

    So I will leave this post on just in case anyone would like to comment or maybe I get to meet other moms❤️
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  • I’m excited to meet other moms and make friends too!  I’m really hoping not to have to use Facebook though.  I hate FB and deleted the app off my phone but still have an account,  I’m so much happier just logging in from my computer maybe once a month.  My husbands is a native NYer (well from Brooklyn) and his new job is based in NYC so I imagine once we feel safe we will be traveling back there every few months.  I’m down to meet up in Hoboken! Or anywhere (eventually) - I love traveling!  
  • I'm in Queens, so not too far!
  • @fifilala516 you are not too far! I think it will be in Queens this weekend! 
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  • @karenmarie9 let me know when your back in town it would be great to meet up! I am willing to go into NYC 
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