Why are sporting events so damn expensive? I took my 4.5 year old to his first baseball game yesterday, and we had the BEST time. Like, I'm still on a high from it, and I want to go way more often, but dude. Without even setting foot in the arena, I was $125 in the hole for two seats (not super far, but definitely not close either) and parking. Also worth noting that it was Oakland, which has generally been pretty affordable. What happens in a few years when we have a family of 5 to take? Oh well. Actually, the A's will probably move to Vegas by then so we'll have to go to Giants games, which are a lot more expensive. We'll take out house equity I suppose
@Lisa3379 I'm glad you guys had fun but yeah, it's so steep! And then you have to account for food and drinks, any merchandise you may want...yeesh.
My b*tchfest is that I know better but I still ate spicy mayo from last night's (vegetable) sushi straight from the container, and then I wonder why I am nauseous.
@fifilala516 Yeah, and since it was his first game, we did it big: he wanted a shirt and a hat (he didn't have any A's stuff), a hot dog, snow cone, and cotton candy (we shared the desserts). A cheeseburger and fries was $16! Ok, done bitching about it. And similarly to your spicy mayo situation, I straight up ate a spoonful of chimichurri last night. It was wonderful in the moment, but definitely a questionable decision on my part, haha.
@Lisa3379 have you looked at season tickets? One year me and my husband worked it out and if we went to like 7 games it paid for its self (hockey). We just sold any tickets we didn’t use and were pretty close to even.
@beckylookatherbump I have thought about it, and maybe we'd do it when the kids get older... I feel like season tickets makes total sense with something like hockey, where you don't have games 3-4 days in a row. We live about 50 minutes away from Oakland on a good traffic day, so getting up to the Coliseum so often would be tough. Maybe if we did a season tickets-sharing thing with another family... It's just a shame I'm not a Sharks fan, because San Jose is like 20 minutes away and I LOVE hockey, but I'm a Kings fan. Womp womp. But if the kids turn out to be really into a team as they get older, I think that would be awesome. Husband is a road block for sure right now - there is NO WAY he'd be down to get season tickets because he sort of hates sports
@lisa3379@beckylookatherbump Is there a scenario where you can do weekend home games? I remember my brother and father did that for Mets tickets back in the day.
@Lisa3379 - it’s crazy how expensive it is! I’m originally from Jacksonville, Florida. And the Jaguars (the NFL team there) actually let’s you bring your own food into the stadium - as long as it’s in a clear plastic bag. It’s a nice way for families to be able to afford to go. We are taking my nephew to a Giants game in two weeks and I’m definitely not looking forward to the $! But yeah, you gotta spoil the kids with the merch a bit. I’m so glad you had fun though!!
@Lisa3379 that's crazy! I've been to Twins games quite often, and even with their newer stadium (it's about 10 or 11 year old), you can still get okay tickets for like $25-$35. Back when it was in the Metrodome, you could get a hotdog, and a drink included if you bought home run porch tickets and I think they were $16 or something crazy cheap like that.
My bitch is that my husband is at work right now, lol! We got our NIPT results sent to my email this afternoon. The rave is that they came back negative for risk of chromosomal abnormalities. My bitch is that it also has a separate link to find out the baby's sex. And I have to wait for him to come home. I still don't 100% know if we're even going to find out. Having it at my fingertips is so hard to resist. But also reading it out of an email seems so.... anticlimactic. I almost stopped at a bakery on the way home from the zoo today to show them the results and have them do something for us to open together later.
@magalina_h I totally know how you feel re: sex results in an email. For our first, I read the results to my husband over the phone from a Safeway parking lot - I was on my way to lunch with some friends. Then for our second, I read the results over the phone to him again while I was at the gym. I guess we're not people into ceremony and formality, haha! But if I could do it again, I would make it more of a thing like you're thinking.
Another b*tchfest I have is I’m still waiting the results of my bloodwork I had done Thursday. My doctor doesn’t do it at his office so I had to go to a lab (fine) but then they made me come back because they misread the paperwork and didn’t take enough blood! Annoying. They’re usually very quick with the results but not this time…I keep refreshing the patient portal!
Ahh! That just reminded me. I need to get my bloodwork done still! Looks like I'll be doing that tomorrow. Ugh. I hate needles. Anyway, @fifilala516, that sucks, and I'd be annoyed too!
my bf for the day. Had my first appointment and she couldn’t find the heartbeat. I’m 10+3 so it’s not that worrying and pretty normal I think. But I have to wait until tomorrow for my dating ultrasound and the anxiety is real.
@MrsJessS totally normal. My OB doesn’t even try to get the heartbeat until 14+ weeks and even then she warned me it can be difficult and take some time so to not freak out but I’d be annoyed that she didn’t do an ultrasound then just to confirm everything was ok. That’s what my OB always did if anything was “off” with the heart beat.
@beckylookatherbump yeah. It happened at probably close to 12 weeks with my daughter and they did an ultrasound right away. But this is a totally different office and I’m not sure they have in-room ultrasounds. And at least I go back tomorrow and I’m telling myself it’s fine. But ughhhhh non bf is that my midwife was suuuuper nice and I think I like where I picked 🙌
My b!tch is that I still don't have an appointment for my dating US. I'm 7+4. I'm self-employed. So I worry that I'm going to have to reschedule patients for the dating US, and then again for the NT scan. Apparently where I live, they do the dating US anywhere from 8-10wks, I see the OB at 11+6, and then the next week have to drive an hour and a half to the nearest city for the NT scan. Talk about leaving it all to the last minute. So far, I'm not a fan of the OB stream of medical care. I'm on a waitlist for the midwifery practice here, but it's very small. Please cross all fingers and toes that I'll get a call from them!
@sarah_is_pregnant that’s super frustrating. I called at 4 weeks with completely open availability and they weren’t able to get me in till 10 weeks so I feel you. It’s super frustrating when I just want to see the little baby and make sure everything is ok. I can’t even imagine adding in having to move clients around.
@sarah_is_pregnant I'm sorry you've had to go through all that. Hopefully they call you back soon so you can figure all that out. If it makes you feel better, scheduling my NT scan and anatomy scan was pretty dicey here, too. I think I had maybe two or three possible days offered to me per scan, and even as a stay at home mom, I was kinda relegated to one or two options based on stuff going on with me, so I imagine scheduling some of this stuff and also balancing a work schedule too is super tough.
Re: Monday BF 6/14
My b*tchfest is that I know better but I still ate spicy mayo from last night's (vegetable) sushi straight from the container, and then I wonder why I am nauseous.
My bitch is that my husband is at work right now, lol! We got our NIPT results sent to my email this afternoon. The rave is that they came back negative for risk of chromosomal abnormalities. My bitch is that it also has a separate link to find out the baby's sex. And I have to wait for him to come home. I still don't 100% know if we're even going to find out. Having it at my fingertips is so hard to resist. But also reading it out of an email seems so.... anticlimactic. I almost stopped at a bakery on the way home from the zoo today to show them the results and have them do something for us to open together later.
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
my bf for the day. Had my first appointment and she couldn’t find the heartbeat. I’m 10+3 so it’s not that worrying and pretty normal I think. But I have to wait until tomorrow for my dating ultrasound and the anxiety is real.
non bf is that my midwife was suuuuper nice and I think I like where I picked 🙌
@MrsJessS Try not to stress. Sending you good vibes for your dating ultrasound!
Apparently where I live, they do the dating US anywhere from 8-10wks, I see the OB at 11+6, and then the next week have to drive an hour and a half to the nearest city for the NT scan. Talk about leaving it all to the last minute.
So far, I'm not a fan of the OB stream of medical care. I'm on a waitlist for the midwifery practice here, but it's very small.
Please cross all fingers and toes that I'll get a call from them!