I have no clue what I should and shouldn’t eat while pregnant. I am newly 5 weeks pregnant and I am very overwhelmed with all the articles I see about what I can’t do. I am at the point now where I am concerned about anything I eat and I look up nutrition facts to make sure I feel ok eating it. I guess I just want to know if anyone feels or felt as concerned as I do. Has anyone’s OB told them that drinking wine is ok every once and a while? I keep seeing conflicting articles about everything. Some say don’t do this or that and some say its ok and not to worry. Any advice?
Re: I’m concerned about what I eat while pregnant
As far as wine goes, I never drank it while pregnant, but I was high risk and couldn't. So, that is something to take up with your dr.
I lived off of crackers and rice for the first trimester, and couldn't tolerate veggies (except romaine lettuce, so I was real mad about the recalls 😂) most of the time I was pregnant. Just eat what sounds good now, and worry about nutrition when the nausea is gone.
Personally, I wouldn't drink alcohol while pregnant. There is no 'safe' level. But I know many people still have the occasional drink.
Also, I would take a prenatal vitamin everyday if you haven't started already.
Otherwise I eat pretty much anything as long as it seems like it's not sketchy. Most of the food recommendations stem from concerns over foodborne illness so use your own judgment and pay attention to food recalls. Personally, I'll eat cold cuts, sushi, etc if I feel it comes from a good place. I'l feel like the foodborne illnesses is higher with lettuce and melon that those things, so...
My understanding is that zero alcohol is safe, but I know many women whose doctors allowed them to have a tiny bit of beer. I’d ask your doctor and abstain completely for the first trimester at least.
My happiest news was hearing that 200mg of caffeine is okay. I don’t know how I would stay awake this first trimester without it!
Good luck! Try not to stress too much.