2nd Trimester

Morning Sickness: How can I help?

katie35katie35 member
edited June 2021 in 2nd Trimester
Hello All!

Not sure if this is the right place for this question but figured it was worth a shot since I am sure you all have some experience!  Extremely long story short, my husband and I have been TTC for almost 10 years.  After some advice from our doctors and sharing that advice with one of the most selfless humans on this planet, my best friend is now 7 weeks along with our baby ❤️ With that being said, she is just starting to get to the point where the nausea is pretty aweful and seems to be happening most of the day.  She keeps telling me that she knows what she signed up for and not to feel bad but I wish there was something I could do, but I am completely clueless.  I just wanted to see if anyone has any advice or thoughts on how I might help or what I could put together in a package for her?  Any help is appreciated!


Re: Morning Sickness: How can I help?

  • Wow that is an amazing story!  What a great friend you have.  You are also wonderful for thinking about and proactively trying to find something to help.

    Everyone is a little different in what works.  For me, I lived off of ginger ale and crackers for the first two trimesters.  My mother sent me anti-nausea candy and spearmint mints which was also very helpful (both for the nausea and the eventual heartburn of second and third trimester).  Some people think mint makes it worse, so that one can be a little hit or miss.  I also drank a lot of chocolate pediasure and smoothies, so I was sure to be getting nutrients in a more easily tolerated form.  
  • Lemon or ginger candies, preggie pops, sea bands, popsicles, earth mama has some sprays and lotions too. 
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  • Thank you both! This is super helpful!
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