December 2021 Moms

Re: WTF Wednesday 5/26

  • I got an email that the lab received my NIPT blood work & they have a portal where I can track the progress of the screening. I go to the website to create my account and it says it can't find my sample. WTF!? YOU emailed ME!?
  • I was just saying yesterday I was sure our news would spread fast in our small town now that we’ve told relatives and our workplaces. Well, today over lunch I was informed that DH’s boss’s wife announced it at her study club meeting last night (which is full of gossipy older ladies) that we were expecting. W.T.F! 
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  • I was just saying yesterday I was sure our news would spread fast in our small town now that we’ve told relatives and our workplaces. Well, today over lunch I was informed that DH’s boss’s wife announced it at her study club meeting last night (which is full of gossipy older ladies) that we were expecting. W.T.F! 
    That fucking rude! I was mad at my mom for telling my grandma, let alone an acquaintance telling a bunch of people. I’m sorry! 
  • @eggsbene42 ughh. And here I was worried about my aunt who works in the bank! Oh well I guess, people were gonna start talking anyways because I look freaking 20 weeks preg instead of 10 🤦🏼‍♀️. 

    @mommaduck2490 that type of thing frustrates me so much! Like c’mon people, get it together! 
  • @mommaduck2490 wow how annoying!

    @savedbygrace1213 wtf indeed!  Why is that even any of their business?!?!

    My wtf is insurance.  I pay for it so I DON'T have to use my life savings to have a friggin baby.   Why do I still have to pay thousands of dollars for what is essentially standard prenatal care?  Like, should this not ALL be fully covered?  It's not like I'm asking them to do a bunch of unnecessary tests.  Insurance is a scam and the whole medical system seems broken.
  • @mommaduck2490 that’s annoying, I hope you can get it sorted!

    @savedbygrace1213 WTF, so rude!

    @scaredunprepared the system is indeed broken, don’t get me started! Healthcare in this country is a joke.. well not a joke since there’s nothing funny about people not being access or afford basic health care.
  • @mommaduck2490 What the heck! I'm so sorry. Hopefully you get the results soon!

    @savedbygrace1213 Oh no, that was so rude! I'm sorry the news got out like that!

    @scaredunprepared I'm so sorry about your insurance, that's awful that standard prenatal care isn't covered? I thought that was a standard :(
    BFP 6/3/19 EDD 2/14/20 BFP 4/15/21 EDD 12/20/21
    Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
  • My WTF is just that I can't for the life of me - get comfortable in bed anymore. Not sure if I need new pillows, new body, idk?
    BFP 6/3/19 EDD 2/14/20 BFP 4/15/21 EDD 12/20/21
    Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
  • @brookert615 I audibly laughed at your comment, "..a new body..?" LOL - I can definitely relate! I slept in hour and a half intervals last night. Here's to a GREAT night's rest for all!! 
  • @mommaduck2490 Yes - it makes zero sense lol! I definitely pulled out the pregnancy pillow today. Hope you can get some rest as well! 
    BFP 6/3/19 EDD 2/14/20 BFP 4/15/21 EDD 12/20/21
    Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
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