Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Where the heck

Where the heck is the right place to store car seats and the baby bath tub?!?! I have a small house so every inch of space counts? Storage hacks for these items anyone? 

Re: Where the heck

  • Where the heck is the right place to store car seats and the baby bath tub?!?! I have a small house so every inch of space counts? Storage hacks for these items anyone? 
    Car seat - under the table maybe. Add a hook to a wall and hang it up. Under a bed if you have a tall bed. 

    Baby bath - probably the best storage hack is don’t have one. I’ve never needed one. I’ve bathed them in the sink occasionally, but mostly - even as newborns - I just bathed them in our regular tub with very shallow water. You can lay a hand towel or washcloth on the bottom of the tub to help keep them from slipping around, but I’ve honestly never done that and never had issues. Or take a bath with them and lay them on your legs so your legs function just like a baby bath. 
  • We keep our car seats in the car or under the dining room table.

    For the bathtub, drill a hole on one end and hang it with a hook and rope or chain in the shower or anywhere else out of the way (we put ours on the side of a bookshelf in the bedroom). Here's a video showing what I'm talking about
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