November 2021 Moms

Weekly Check-in 3/14

I figured I’d start one of these fresh for this next week. I started them on a Sunday because we currently don’t have any prompts on our board organization for Sunday’s but let me know if anyone else wants to do it on a different day of the week! 

Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 

Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? 

Me: 29 | DH: 28
Due: 6 Nov 2021
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
PitaPata Dog tickers

Re: Weekly Check-in 3/14

  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: I think I’m about 4 weeks TW- I’ve not had a period in 4.5 years I keep getting pregnant on my first cycle back after baby. Due to the progression of positive tests, symptoms, and implantation bleeding which I’ve had with each kiddo on the same days I have a good guess END TW

    How are you feeling?: TIRED but my youngest still isn’t sleeping through the night so there’s that. And I keep waking up at night starving.

    Rants/Raves: I’m super excited in general- looking forward to Mass later 

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? Oh I loved most things ummmm probably crab or steak haha  

    @jackie_dunny I’m so sorry about your father. My grandma who I was incredibly close to past before I could tell her I was pregnant with my oldest. It’s so hard. I like to think she helped Pick him out though ❤️  Also- my boys love those Dino nuggets too haha 

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  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 5w+6d

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: sweet pea

    Upcoming appointments: 3/31

    How are you feeling?: More or less the same. Some breast tenderness and sensitivity, some extra fatigue

    Rants/Raves: Since I don't drive nearly as much as I used to, I've needed to jump start my car multiple times but what really irked me was when it had only sat for a couple days before the battery didn't have enough juice to start it. I'm NOT a car person, but luckily my FIL is and he changed the battery and did an oil change for me today! So grateful for all the time and money he saved me.

    Questions: None right now.

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? Probably mac & cheese. Heck, I still love mac & cheese.

  • @jackie_dunny Sorry this week is going to be such a hard one for you. I hope you have a good support system to help you through it.
    As for the sore upperback and neck... is it a muscle tension soreness or like an aching? My shoulders and back are always tight. I try to roll them out with a tennis ball when it gets really bad.
  • @amostpeculiarmlle I guess I’d say it’s more achy? Honestly it kind of feels like it’s bruised. Maybe I’ll try the tennis ball thing!

    @doodleoodle lmao you make me laugh
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • @jackie_dunny I'm sorry for your loss. I hope that you're able to find pockets of peace this week

    @doodleoodle haha, you have a one year old right? Are you nursing still? I ask because I am (never thought I would make it past a year, yet here we are at 17 months)

    @KNB1027 aw that sucks about your shrubs. I'm hoping to garden more this summer too


    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Nov 23rd-ish / 4 weeks (different calculators put the EDD between the 22nd-24th)

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: I think it was literally a speck of dust

    Upcoming appointments: None yet, I'm going to call my OBGYN on Wednesday probably

    How are you feeling?: Great, no symptoms other than no period yet. That's how it was with DS until I could feel him moving as the next big symptom. It freaked me out as a paranoid FTM, but now I'm hoping for the same

    Rants/Raves: I'm so excited! I'm reminiscing on all of the wonders and being able to do it again. I mentioned in my intro that I didn't think this would happen this cycle and that's true. I was lazy and didn't temp (used CM instead), started temping after I thought I O'ed but then saw a dip and intense spike way later. It made our BD timing O-5, so I was gob smacked at the BFP. MH didn't believe me at first.

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child?  I'm loving the "international" spelling of favourite here (sorry my American is showing, I'll act cool now). I used to eat anything and everything, my favorite was probably my mom's cooking so just Caribbean food, meaning a ton of rice, beans and meats.

  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Nov 14th, 5+2

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: apple seed 

    Upcoming appointments: mid to late April

    How are you feeling?: okay, 3rd pregnancy... scared. There’s a lot going on right now. 

    Rants/Raves: nothing much to report other than a freak blizzard here and I had to drive to work. Apparently hospitals don’t close. Haha! 


    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? Oh man, Mac n cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas! Anything cheesy! 

  • @marbellie whoops I didn’t even realize I spelt it that way 😂 my bad! I always make sure to do the dates the American way so it doesn’t get confusing lol 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • @marbellie whoops I didn’t even realize I spelt it that way 😂 my bad! I always make sure to do the dates the American way so it doesn’t get confusing lol 
    No need, let the confusion commence! Where are you from btw?
  • @marbellie congrats! That’s awesome! I was able to breastfeed my second until just past her second birthday but then I became pregnant with my third and I couldn’t hack it anymore. DD3 and I only made it until 3ish months. I really tried, but it was just too painful and the sight of her spitting up blood was too much for me 🤢 I know some people could have powered through, but I was not one of them lol
  • @doodleoodle I don't think I would be able to either! That's an interesting difference though, I just assumed that every time would be easier and easier, but of course that's not a given. I bet I'll even be confused as to why Baby 2 doesn't know what's going on 😂
  • @marbellie 😂 i wish it was a given! Something was off about DD3’s latch and I couldn’t fix it. She was tongue tied at birth but we got that squared away 🤷‍♀️ My nipples were bleeding from her latch and just couldn’t heal. I tried pumping for some relief, but then my supply started to tank and I had to supplement with formula anyway. And like I said, every time she spit up she looked like she was covered in blood lol it was too much for me. 
  • @doodleoodle Wow, that sounds absolutely miserable! I don't know that I could have powered through that and I was pretty stubborn when it came to breastfeeding my first (at not quite a year, I was pumping day and night to keep up with what my baby was drinking at daycare and I was really at unhealthy levels of stress over it). Breastfeeding can be a beautiful thing, but sometimes it's just not worth it and it's equally beautiful that science gives us another option to keep our babies fed.
  • @marbellie I’m FROM NJ lol but I live in the UK now and have for about 3 years now 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • cyanne12cyanne12 member
    edited March 2021
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: est. due date Nov. 8, 6 weeks

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: embryo is the size of a pea

    Upcoming appointments: April 14- the wait is killing me. I seem to have a far away 1st appointment compared to everyone else.

    How are you feeling?: Mostly like normal, just bloated. Everything is so tight even though I haven’t gained weight. I’m tired in and off. No morning sickness yet which worries me, but it seems it hasn’t happened to a lot of us yet. I thought I was slightly nauseous earlier, but might be imagining it.

    Rants/Raves: none?


    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child?  Spaghettios probably. Mostly ate whatever mom made unless it was sweet potatoes, grits, or biscuits. I’m a bad southern.

  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Nov 5 6w 4days 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a small bean still (or an apple seed?)

    Upcoming appointments: dating u/s on 3/26

    How are you feeling?: pretty crummy. I'm nauseous all day and don't sleep well at night. I just started taking some B6 to see if it will help with the nausea. 

    Rants/Raves: I'm happy to feel symptoms because it's reassuring but I'm like ugggggggh


    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? Xia jiao/ha gao! Steamed shrimp dumplings you get at dim sum (I grew up in Asia) 

  • @amostpeculiarmlle pumping moms are truly superheroes. Idk how you guys do it. And, I totally agree there should be zero shame in opting to formula feed! 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Nov 3  6w6d

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: idk - small

    Upcoming appointments: March 29

    How are you feeling?: Sleep is not going great. More annoyingly, I'm nauseous all.the.time.  I was just about to start researching what I can do to curb the nausea because this is getting real old, real fast. I'm just glad I'm WFH because this would be so much worse to deal with in the office. I was only nauseous for a day here or there with DD and only ever threw up once, so this is new territory for me.

    Rants/Raves: No food sounds good except for carbs. Don't get me wrong - I love me some bread, pasta and potatoes, but I feel I should be getting a bit more nutrition than that lol

    Questions: Nope

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? Mac & Cheese. Honestly, it probably still is one of my favorite foods (and one of the few that actually sounds good to me right now).

  • magsmcg11 said:
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Nov 3  6w6d

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: idk - small

    Upcoming appointments: March 29

    How are you feeling?: Sleep is not going great. More annoyingly, I'm nauseous all.the.time.  I was just about to start researching what I can do to curb the nausea because this is getting real old, real fast. I'm just glad I'm WFH because this would be so much worse to deal with in the office. I was only nauseous for a day here or there with DD and only ever threw up once, so this is new territory for me.

    Rants/Raves: No food sounds good except for carbs. Don't get me wrong - I love me some bread, pasta and potatoes, but I feel I should be getting a bit more nutrition than that lol

    Questions: Nope

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? Mac & Cheese. Honestly, it probably still is one of my favorite foods (and one of the few that actually sounds good to me right now).

    Amen! I had mac and cheese for lunch because it’s all that sounded good. It was AWESOME. 
  • @slitzee @magsmcg11 I'm glad to see I'm not the only adult who still has a fondness for mac & cheese! 
  • @magsmcg11 sounds like we are on the same nauseous all the time train, solidarity. I also am only eating carbs (and melted cheese) because everything else is so gross to me. High fives for WFH though 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 6 weeks

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: pea

    Upcoming appointments: April

    How are you feeling?: Not having much in the way of symptoms but I've been having a hard time focusing lately.

    Rants/Raves: Been having some rough nights with my 2-year-old and I don't think it's related to teething (and it started before DST). Hoping to be through this phase soon!

    Questions: No

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? My mom's homemade lasagna

  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: est. due date Nov. 8, 6 weeks

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: embryo is the size of a pea

    Upcoming appointments: April 14- the wait is killing me. I seem to have a far away 1st appointment compared to everyone else.

    How are you feeling?: Mostly like normal, just bloated. Everything is so tight even though I haven’t gained weight. I’m tired in and off. No morning sickness yet which worries me, but it seems it hasn’t happened to a lot of us yet. I thought I was slightly nauseous earlier, but might be imagining it.

    Rants/Raves: none?


    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child?  Spaghettios probably. Mostly ate whatever mom made unless it was sweet potatoes, grits, or biscuits. I’m a bad southern.

    Try to enjoy the lack of nausea! I spent so long while pregnant with DS worrying about my lack of symptoms rather than appreciating them. That's an aspect that I'll change this time around if I'm lucky enough to not have bad symptoms again.
  • @mayoduck I’m adding lasagna ingredients to my grocery list this week now
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 5w5d

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Appleseed 

    Upcoming appointments: next Thursday for another US

    How are you feeling?: The all day nausea has begun and I’m still tired all the time. I had some bleeding but seems that everything it good for now.

    Rants/Raves: Daylight Savings Time was invented to torture parents of toddlers. Also my son just said “I wish I was a better listener.” Me too, bub, me too...

    Questions: Anyone else getting unreasonably upset at work at stupid things people do? I yelled at one of the House Supervisors and she was so upset because I never get mad (it wasn’t her fault, she was giving me some bad news). I totally apologized and told her I was super early pregnant because I think she was going to cry 🤦🏻‍♀️. I need to reign in these hormones I guess.

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? Chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes with gravy. Also birthday cake. 

  • @artsiefartsie and @teamginger13, now I need to run to the grocery store for some cake! Maybe it will be someone’s birthday at work tomorrow...
  • @mkp0903 @artsiefartsie @teamginger13 and @sliztee I'll join this cake party!! 

    Me: 34 DH: 43
    Our Journey for #1
    2014 -- Started TTC casually
    2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
    Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI 
    Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
    Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
    Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
    Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021

  • Did I hear cake?

  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 4+2

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: I have no idea haha. Tiny. 

    Upcoming appointments: none yet

    How are you feeling?: tired. Lol. 

    Rants/Raves: my H is taking me for a birthday get away without the kids. I’m so excited. RANT- TW—— my BFF was due four weeks ahead of me and just found out she’s having a miscarriage 💔. End TW

    Questions: nope

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child?  Vegetable beef soup lol 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Nov 4 - 7weeks today

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Blueberry

    Upcoming appointments: Finally booked one for March 31. I've been kind of hesitant to go all in on this because of a previous mmc

    How are you feeling?: Nauseated and soooooo tired

    Rants/Raves: Need to eat because nauseated; cannot eat because making food makes me nauseated. 

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? Steak! Unequivocally. I can't believe my parents could ever afford to take me out to eat. 

  • @Starynightsky24 How heartbreaking! So sorry for your friend's loss.
  • @Marz1pan omg I feel that rant/rave so hard 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • @Starynightsky24 So sorry for your friend's loss. That is so hard
    Me: 34 DH: 43
    Our Journey for #1
    2014 -- Started TTC casually
    2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
    Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI 
    Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
    Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
    Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
    Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021

  • @amostpeculiarmlle @slitzee @magsmcg11 - I'm with you ladies! Give me all the Mac n cheese!!

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 11/11 - 6 weeks

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Appleseed

    Upcoming appointments: had one this morning... there are officially 2 babies in there! It was surreal seeing her label them baby A and baby B

    How are you feeling?: still in shock with the whole twins thing. Even after a week, it still hasn't completely sunk in, but I'm not sure if it will until they're here.

    Nausea hit this week which I didn't have with my previous 2 pregnancies so that's throwing me for a loop but my RE suggested trying B6 and unisom so we'll see if that helps.

    Questions: any nausea suggestions, throw them my way

    GTKY: what was your favourite food when you were a child? Mac n cheese and still is! Any time we go to a restaurant and my husband sees it on the menu, he makes a comment that he knows what I'll be ordering haha

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