@nopegoat two up sounds amazing!! I’ve been craving ice cream and sweets but have been snacking on hummus, apple sauce, granola bars, string cheese and apples with peanut butter.
I do a lot of hummus with pretzel thins, fruits and veggies, but have been regularly making pb&js as well lol. DD wanted to make muffins the other day so we did banana chocolate chip ones and I probably ate half a dozen to myself over the course of a few days
I haven't had any sickness or aversions so I've been eating mostly like normal, just more often and bigger quantities! Lately my go-tos are an apple, yogurt, or eggs. And I still want Greek salads all day every day.
Hi all - sorry I've been quiet for the last little while - I've had some time off work and just took a really good break from my computer in general.
I've been struggling with some heart burn and have found my appetite has really decreased.
I've been trying to stick to nutrient dense foods consequently because I just don't really want to eat much or frequently. I've found that oatmeal with flax and hemp seeds has been helping me get through the morning, I have some banana muffins in my freezer that I've been putting peanut butter on if I need a pick-me-up, and then I honestly find that if I eat a filling lunch I'm almost forcing dinner in and then after dinner, I'm done. Maybe I'll have an herbal tea or a little yogurt cup. Idk, I might talk to the doctor about it because with my last pregnancy I was a bottomless pit and couldn't stop eating and this time is so different. Anybody else experiencing this?
@canucklehead123 I have dealt with heartburn and indigestion through all three of my pregnancies. I take Pepcid twice a day (once in the morning and once mid/late afternoon) as it is the only thing that helps me able to eat. For both this pregnancy and my last pregnancy, I was constantly told I needed to gain more weight. I try to go heavy on protein. Eggs are an easy way for me to do so, and they tend to not trigger my indigestion.
I’ve been eating vast amounts of everything under the sun but particularly sweets. I gave in to my sugar cravings a while back and then you know thing that happens when you eat a lot of sugar where you just crave it non-stop? That happened. So I’m finally trying to break that cycle.
Otherwise my snacks have involved a lot of bread products: toast, crumpets, muffins. I made some challah at the beginning of the week and it was soooo good.
My other true love is pizza, namely homemade then frozen and reheated for lunch. But it gives me heartburn. 🙄
For snacking my go to right now is hummus and veggies or pita chips. I'm really craving ice cream all the time. Our local ice cream stand opens up on Saturday and I'm READY ha ha/
I still get some bouts of nausea but it's WAY better and I just decreased my dosage this week so we shall see.
BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16). "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18). "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21). "Round 3 FIGHT!"
I like to snack on everything that I shouldn’t be eating🙄. White chocolate, Chips, ice cream, 3 or more slices of pizza( used to only have 2). I can’t help it and I’m trying really hard to stop eating things that are not healthy. This pregnancy has been a lot harder. I was really good last pregnancy. This time since I’ve been stuck at home or my parents house all day & working from home has been tougher to keep my diet in check. Also not having access to a gym has really been a bummer.
A few nights ago this baby wanted a burger so bad that I loaded up all 5 kids at 7:30 at night to make the 30min drive to Whataburger for a mushroom and swiss burger. My H needs to get home so he can do the craving runs because its not near as fun when I have to do it 😂😂
Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader. , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
@nopegoat I’ve definitely done that (although I only have one kid). Although a few weeks ago husband said he was going to get a drive through burger for dinner since child and I had had dinner at my parents after I picked him up from work and asked me if I wanted anything. I told him that the place he was going to had really yummy fried zucchini. He left, got his food and ate in the parking lot. When he came home I asked about my zucchini and he said he thought I was suggesting he get it. He doesn’t like zucchini!!! I was so sad and he offered to go back and get it but I made him do bedtime instead
I just bought starburst jelly beans with Easter in mind, but they probably won’t make it to Easter lol. I’m looking forward to a Big Mac tonight, DD got her fillings finished up today and did great (the first trip was a disaster), so I let her pick a “treat dinner”. She wants a happy meal and a chocolate shake so I’m just keeping promises over here... though I am starting to worry about weight gain. I gained 65 with DD (I’m 5’2 and smallish framed) and I don’t even know how. This time I can’t stop snacking so I can only imagine what’s about to happen to my body
I try to keep it healthy most of the time but pregnancy cravings are 200x harder to avoid than regular non-pregnant cravings
@nopegoat I love mushroom and Swiss burgers! Yay for a fellow mushroom lover! @marikkita12 that’s so sad!!
Ive been on a Caesar salad kick lately. There’s one salad bag kit at target in particular that comes with a packet of cracked pepper has been hitting the spot! We did make homemade shamrock shakes last night though for St Patrick’s day using thin mint Girl Scout cookies - they were pretty good!
We went to Culver’s (fast food, mostly burgers, but good lol) and DH got 2 walleye/cod meals by mistake. It was the best thing I didn’t know I needed. I’m not usually a fish person, but it was SO good I ate way more than I planned on eating.
@kime783 those shakes look so cute/good! I’ve been dreaming of a shamrock shake but so nervous that I’ll hate it lol. Every time I get excited about something, I buy it and then am disappointed.
Re: Let's talk about snacks!
I've also been craving broccoli and cheese soup. Going to make some later this week and I'm so excited!
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
I’ve been craving ice cream and sweets but have been snacking on hummus, apple sauce, granola bars, string cheese and apples with peanut butter.
I've been struggling with some heart burn and have found my appetite has really decreased.
I've been trying to stick to nutrient dense foods consequently because I just don't really want to eat much or frequently. I've found that oatmeal with flax and hemp seeds has been helping me get through the morning, I have some banana muffins in my freezer that I've been putting peanut butter on if I need a pick-me-up, and then I honestly find that if I eat a filling lunch I'm almost forcing dinner in and then after dinner, I'm done. Maybe I'll have an herbal tea or a little yogurt cup. Idk, I might talk to the doctor about it because with my last pregnancy I was a bottomless pit and couldn't stop eating and this time is so different. Anybody else experiencing this?
DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16). "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18). "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21). "Round 3 FIGHT!"
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
I try to keep it healthy most of the time but pregnancy cravings are 200x harder to avoid than regular non-pregnant cravings
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
@marikkita12 that’s so sad!!
Ive been on a Caesar salad kick lately. There’s one salad bag kit at target in particular that comes with a packet of cracked pepper has been hitting the spot! We did make homemade shamrock shakes last night though for St Patrick’s day using thin mint Girl Scout cookies - they were pretty good!
Last night I made short ribs, fried okra, and homemade coleslaw. All the belly baby wanted was the slaw.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙