July 2021 Moms

Product Spotlight 03/02: Blankets

Time to discuss Blankets!ย (Note: for at least the first year of baby's life, blankets should not loosely cover baby or be put loosely in the crib for sleeping (per the American Academy of Pediatrics safe sleep recommendations), but there are many uses for sweet baby blankets!)

What are some categories of blankets to think about? I think we've discussed swaddling elsewhere but it would be great to share again what our favorite swaddle blankets are (including NOT using blankets and choosing instead velcro or zip-up swaddles). Our babies will be born at the beginning of summer: what are some materials with different weights or warmth to consider? Favorite brands?

But there's more to blankets beyond swaddling: what are your favorite blankets for throwing on the floor for baby to roll around on? Which blankets do best to double as a stroller cover or nursing cover? Or a lovey blanket when they're a little older and need something to snuggle and drool on? Or a nice fuzzy thick blanket to wrap mom and baby in while nursing? Are there any extra special splurge-y blankets out there? Do you have any monogrammed blankets and if so where did those come from? Please share!

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*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

Re: Product Spotlight 03/02: Blankets

  • We had a ton of Aden & Anais Muslin swaddle blankets and they're amazing. But we had too many because I haven't used any in so long. I do love them though. I used it on my shoulder, as a towel, as a changing mat when we travelled, as a nursing cover since I would just casually cover if I was around family.ย 

    We had some really cute blankets - one my friend knitted for me and we still use it all the time and another one with my son's name that my sister got and that was used a lot as well.ย 

    I love the milestone blanket. It's such a nice memory to have. And this is sad/sweet but my H's grandma, the day before she died, she was like "Oh my great-grandson just had his 13 month birthday, I have to go on Facebook to see his 13 month picture!" because every month, I did his monthly picture on the milestone blanket and she looked forward to it so much. So we will always treasure that.ย 

    Swaddles - my favourite swaddle EVER is the Ollie swaddle. I literally had that swaddle sent from the US to Canada to the Netherlands and even though we only got to use it for 5 weeks, it was a life changer. It's been sold out for ages but she just did a preorder so I ordered a 2nd Ollie that will ship in a few weeks to my mom. She's doing another one soon if anyone's interested. It's moisture wicking which will be nice for the summer months.ย 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

  • We love love love Muslin blankets good for swaddling, putting down so you can lay baby down, tummy time, can clip to stroller (use chip clips).ย  All around a good versatile buy.

    We also have a beach blanket I bought from Target eons ago, and that thing has been everywhere, picnics, the beach, the back yard, front yard.ย  It's about double the size of a large beach towel and is machine washable which is so damn important!
    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).ย  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).ย  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).ย  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
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  • Muslin blankets for swaddling are the best. I also have got each kid an Aden and Anais Dream Blanket as their โ€œblankie.โ€ Both of my kids still love them, and they are warm but definitely breathable. We used them in the stroller when they were little, but now they go on their beds.
  • Also used and loved A&A muslin blankets for swaddling and everything else. Always had one with me.ย 

    We used halo swaddles at night but with it being summer this time around, I wonder if those will be too warm.

    DD has adopted 2-3 blankets out of her massive stack of them as โ€˜hersโ€™ and specifically has a lovely soft Petit Lem one that goes everywhere with her. I think Iโ€™ll try and find a similar one for #2 who will otherwise be inheriting all her rejects lol.ย 

    We were given so many blankets, both handmade and not, when DD was born so Iโ€™d urge any FTM to hold off getting any for now.ย 
  • @becks_726 totally agree for FTMs, hold off on buying - we got a ton gifted to us as well.

    I second the A&A muslin blankets - we have a ton and they are so versatile/really great for the warm weather.ย  I was glad we brought a warmer blanket to the hospital cause the air conditioning was blasting in my post partum room the whole time we were there (on the last day we learned that WE had control over it and could have turned it down at any point LOL fail) - but you never know what it will be like so I would suggest bringing something warmer to the hospital just in case.

    We never swaddled DS cause he was also a July baby and I was so worried about the heat.ย  Unsure what we'll do with this little girl, DS could have used the swaddle, he had a bad startle reflex... we have a little ergo pouch (I think that's what it is called) that you can snap up the arm holes to act as a swaddle - might just try that as it is pretty light weight.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Muslin swaddles and copper pearl swaddle blankets are my favorite. I use them for everything.ย 
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™
  • I personally didnโ€™t get the hype with A&A ๐Ÿ˜ถ we have swaddles but theyโ€™re just like any other muslin swaddle IMO and the dream blanket was not very soft. They are fine, no issues! I was just expecting something out of this world and was left like ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ Maybe this should be my UO or FFFC ๐Ÿ˜‚ DD has an Oilo (bought on baby list) jersey cuddle blanket that I think is so beautiful. I would definitely splurge on another. We got the matching crib sheet and changing pad cover too, thatโ€™s how much I loved it.ย 

    I have a specific car seat cover that is stretchy and doubles as a nursing cover that I like, it was a random one from Amazon

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