Trying to Get Pregnant

TWW Wednesday 2/24

**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!** 




Typical LP length: 




Me: 29 | DH: 28
Due: 6 Nov 2021
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
PitaPata Dog tickers

Re: TWW Wednesday 2/24

  • Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD/DPO: 24/8

    Timing: -4, -2, O

    Typical LP length: 13-14

    Testing: I tested this morning, BFN but it was expected. Just want to feel like I’m doing something. The excitement will die down I’m sure lol

    R/R: feeling sooo out of it/disoriented today. Like, I can’t focus and keep making all these little mistakes and not exactly dizzy but, idk unfocused I guess? DH was feeling this way for the past few days so I wonder if it’s some strange bug 🧐

    CS/Q: got a temp spike but not sure if it means anything. Proud of myself for not looking into it too much 😂

    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • chgilmorechgilmore member
    edited February 2021
    EDIT: fixing dates that I messed up

    I've been doing this for the last two days but I'm obsessive so hey:
    (Potential TW: ranting about symptoms and tests a little, no pics of those though, obvs)

    Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD/DPO: CD28, 12 DPO (going with the apps)

    Timing: -5, -2

    Typical LP length: 14

    Testing: it is official, I am obsessive about POAS. can't tell if my eyes are playing tricks on me, can't get anything on camera, can't tell if I just need to wait. Getting a BT tomorrow morning.

    R/R: definitely need to rant. I feel like my body is gaslighting me. I'm feeling all these symptoms that feel VERY different from PMS but I also don't know if I just want this so badly that my body is conjuring symptoms that are different. I'm going to talk to my midwife about it, and I know I just need to wait, but has anyone had similar experiences of, frankly, feeling nuts like this in the TWW? Or feeling like your body is giving clear signals? 

    CS/Q: I think even my temps are gaslighting me at this point (pls tell me if I did the spoiler right?)

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  • @chgilmore I don’t think you need a TW for talking about symptoms and taking tests. That’s kind of expected I think lol I definitely know what you mean. I’m in a similar boat where I’m SS every twinge and every tiny bit of nausea, and every “wow that’s a strong smell”, but because it’s my first cycle trying, I’m kind of allowing myself to be excited about taking tests early and analyzing symptoms BUT I will say, the only reason I’m allowing myself to do this is because both DH and I are genuinely not expecting to get KU for a few months. In fact, we’ll be more surprised if we DO get a BFP this cycle than a BFN because we know the odds. So when I take these tests and they’re negative, I’m not at all bummed by it because it’s what I’m expecting to see, if that makes sense lol also I noticed when I just allowed myself to be excited without sounding like I was being crazy, it kind of stopped/slowed down lol as long as you’re not going to be super heartbroken if you get a BFN, allow yourself to be excited, this is all new to both of us! If you do think you’ll be really sad about a BFN (which is completely understandable and valid), just ignore me and listen to the advice of the ladies who’ve been on this ride longer than I have lol I hope this doesn’t come across as a long winded way of saying “just relax” because that’s not my intention but more what I’m trying to say is allow yourself to feel whatever it is you’re feeling 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • @jackie_dunny thank you so much for this, it was exactly what I needed :) I don't know anyone IRL in our position so having a fellow "newbie" totally getting it feels good. reminding myself of the odds does help, I don't think I'm genuinely expecting a BFP this cycle either because of that. I also really appreciate the reminder to let ourselves be excited for as long as it feels fitting

    ...also I know I need to "just relax" xD
  • @chgilmore me!! I SS'd so bad last cycle (#1) so this time I'm not logging symptoms. It's very freeing! Seems like a common issue when you're in cycle #1 of TTC. Also, I don't plan to POAS until I miss AF so I know if it's negative, it's negative, and there *shouldn't* be any squinters at 14DPO. Ask me again in 4 days if I'm still feeling that way 😂
  • Hi all! I did the newbie into last week or the week before and then went MIA bc of the weather and major work issues, so hiiii again!

    Month/Cycle: 3/3

    CD/DPO: 21/10

    Timing: 0/+2

    Typical LP length: 14

    Testing: not yet, maybe tomorrow? 

    R/R: I bought OPKs for this cycle, I did the digital... and of course dropped the damn reader in the toilet. So my timing is best guess based on a pretty routine cycle, knowing other signs. We’ve been casually trying for #2 since December. 

    CS/Q: nada 

  • @anniemarie887 Welcome!  I hope your stay with us is short!

    Re: SS, I totally feel ya.  Trying not to do it myself right now but it's hard not to.  Such is the TTC rollercoaster!  But @jackie_dunny you are wise!  Whatever you are feeling in this moment is okay, and it's okay if what you're feeling changes 5 times before lunch!  AFM, I find it better for my mental health not to track symptoms, and not to test too early.  

    Month/Cycle:  13/13

    CD/DPO:  26/8

    Timing:  IUI so perfect

    Typical LP length:  12-14?

    Testing: Trying to hold off still.  Ideally I'd like to wait until 14 dpo which would be Tuesday.  

    R/R:  It's been a much slower week at work so I'm very grateful for that!  Using other distractions this TWW rather than social media, and limiting the phone time has helped.  I finally went back to the library for the first time in a year pretty much, so I've been doing some more reading for fun.  Reading some interesting stuff about foods for fertility, I always love nutrition info and it feels helpful without adding stress!

    CS/Q: no questions

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