
If you flew with your DC, what did you do with the carseat?

Sydney, my little peanut is still in an infant carrier so we'll strap that into the seat.  I don't know what to do with Riley's seat though.  Do we check it?  Is there a cover we should use, or just tape the straps down?  I can't see her sitting in that on the plane, although that may be an option. 

Re: If you flew with your DC, what did you do with the carseat?

  • We bought a cover for about $20 at BRU and checked it.?
  • My daughter rode on my lap the two times we have flown places since she was born.  Both times we gate checked the carseat and stroller so they would be waiting at us upon arrival.  I was way too paranoid to regular check them, especially the most recent trip when there was a layover, because I was afraid they would be lost and we'd be stuck at the airport until they were found!  Many people do use carseats on the plane, though, and I think that's what we'll do once we start buying DD a seat. 
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  • I put it in a big black garbage bag and checked it.
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  • I bought a bag for it (Target) and checked it.  I gate checked it on the way back, though, since they managed to put it on the wrong flight the first time. 
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • DD flew the last time at 25 months. I had the seat w/ me on the airplane. IMHO, it helped tremendously. She's strapped in and can't move around as much, which is very helpful when trying to get her to relax. Also, it's familiar so she's very comfortable in it. We've flown a few times w/ her seat and have always had her sit in it.

    In the terminal, I put it upside down over my rolling bag. Worked great.

    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • imageDesignerMama:
    We bought a cover for about $20 at BRU and checked it.


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  • I usually gate check.

  • we have bought a seat for her and used it in the seat - mixed reviews of that experience. the flight out was good, flight back was awful and a waste of space.


    we've also checked it a bunch and most major airports have heavy duty plastic bags for them. some don't though so now we bring a garbage bag or extra airline bag just in case.

  • I bring it on the plane with me,  She has to sit in a car seat in a car why should a plane be any differant.  I would never trust the people that handle bags to handle my car seat.
  • Depending on the flight, I do different things. When we took a 1 hr plane ride, I put the convertible carseat in a travel bag then taped it up in the original Britax marathon box and checked it in. We didn't buy a seat for DS since it was such a short flight.

    When we flew to Maui (one layover in Honolulu), we used the carseat travel bag and lugged it through the airport so we'd have the option of bringing it on the plane to use or checking it at the gate (DS had has own seat reserved). Our travel bag allows you to use it as a backpack so my DH just lugged it around the airport that way (it was pretty easy, considering how big the marathon is).

    Personally I don't trust checking in a carseat with luggage if it's not packaged well (i.e., just putting it in a plain plastic bag). They throw those things around and big luggage gets thrown on top of them, etc. Even though you can't *see* any damage to the carseat when you pick it up from baggage claim, it doesn't mean there isn't any! Just think, if a carseat is in a major car accident, you may not see any damage on the surface but it is highly suggested that you purchase another one to use. It's also recommended that you don't buy used carseats since you don't know the history of them.

  • imageDesignerMama:
    We bought a cover for about $20 at BRU and checked it.


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