2nd Trimester

Short long bones on ultrasound

I'm making myself crazy worrying and need to unload. At my 21 week can, everything looked normal except there was an echogenic focus in the stomach and the femur length was in the 3rd percentile. Notes say that short femur length *alone* is a weak indicator of a problem, but that with other factors it can indicate chromosomal abnormalities. Rationally, I know that it could be nothing (it could just mean a small baby - which I have had with my other 2 babies - it could be a mistake, it could be the position of the baby making it hard to measure, etc) but now they did another ultrasound yesterday (at 26 weeks), measuring all the long bones, and they are all short. Like off the chart short, below the 3rd percentile. I got the report online. Spoke to my doctor today on the phone and she hadn't received it even though I had (frustrating!) so now I have to wait until next week to speak to her. Hospital called to book 3 more ultrasounds (March, April, and May). Could just be a precautions but it doesn't reassure me at all. I'm really worried about what this all means and feeling really stressed. Has anyone gone through something similar?

Re: Short long bones on ultrasound

  • Did you get any genetic testing done early in your pregnancy? I think at like, 10-12 weeks you could get your blood drawn and get tested for the most common genetic abnormalities. If you're over 35 insurance pays for it. I'm guessing you didn't have that done if you're still concerned...
    Anyway, I'd look for a different doctor if you can (may be too late at this point). Why would you have the ultrasounds before your doctor?? It's their job to get the information and explain it to you. You shouldn't be sitting alone with scans that indicate something alarming like that without a professional available to interpret the results.
    I hope you find someone who can help you. That must be very stressful. Your OB's office should've never put you in that position in the first place.
  • Thank you. I've never had my results before my doctor did with my other 2 kids. Where I am, all my test results now get uploaded to an online platform where I can access the results right away. I could choose not to look at them before speaking with my doctor, but I don't have the willpower. I had blood work done around 12 weeks, and the risk of everything was very low. I just don't understand why the baby's limbs would appear so excessively short. 
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  • Yeah, I wish I had some answers or reassurance for you... but that stumps me :\ keep me posted on what your doctor says. Really hope it's nothing serious!
  • May I ask your age? If 35 or older nipt tests are more accurate.
  • Any updates OP?
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