July 2021 Moms

Product Spotlight 02/02: Breastfeeding, Breast Pumps & Accessories

Hello! Now that we know what our babies will wear, let's figure out what they're going to eat! Today we are kicking off a three-week sequence of Baby Feeding Products. Today: Breast Pumps and Accessories (coming up next week: Formula, and then Bottles the following week).

Breast Pumps! An object sometimes of a great love-hate relationship. STM: what breast pump did you use? How do you feel about it? Would you get the same one again? 

Aspects to consider about breast pumps:
  • Breast Pump functions: how do you like the power, the rhythm, the options for speed and suction during pumping? And how has it held up with long-term use? 
  • Portability: does it have a portable charger? Car charger? Batteries? Does it come with a bag to carry around? If not, what bag do you use?
  • Accessories: does the basic pump purchase order come with options for flange size? Storage bottles to pump into? If you got extra accessories, what were they and where did you get them? Do you recommend a particular pumping bra as an accessory?
  • (Accessory hacks: if you get your hands on a different brand of accessories, do they fit across different pumps? Do you recommend an adaptor (third party or otherwise) to smoosh different brands' accessories together?)
  • Cleaning: how? What do you use? Basic soap+water or did you have a special sterilizing set-up?
  • Affordability and access: where and how did you get your breast pump? Did insurance cover it? For those US-based, ACA guidelines had all (most?) insurance programs cover a breast pump for free--does anyone have experience post-ACA-reducing measures under the current administration? Are secondhand markets a good option?
Please share!

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*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

Re: Product Spotlight 02/02: Breastfeeding, Breast Pumps & Accessories

  • I breastfed my son for 16 months (he self-weaned a few weeks back because of the pregnancy). 

    Breastfeeding essentials: 

    - Nipple butter - I used the Earth's Mama one and that thing was a present from angels. Get it, stock up on it, and keep 1 in each place that you will frequent the most. 
    - Personally I preferred using couch pillows and I did not like the my brest friend for feeding. The boppy pillow was better but I still preferred just a normal pillow under my arm. 
    - Nursing tanks from H&M - super well priced as it's like $19.99 for 2 and I layered it under everything. I could feed anywhere without issue. I didn't like using a nursing cover so this was great. 

    I used a S9+ if I needed to pump and it was great but I didn't pump often as my son did not take bottles/I was home and didn't really need to pump. 

    Water - you will be thirstier than you can even imagine. Keep water bottles full and ready nearby. There is nothing worse than getting into position, latching baby, and realizing you have NO water around you. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

  • With my first I EP'd from three weeks to 11 months... so I was damn near glued to that thing. This was almost 7 years ago so I had the Medela. Tips I learned - you can cut down on washing by storing your flanges in the fridge in a ziplock and wash every 24 hours. Hands free pumping bra is your best friend.

    This time around (and I should have done it with my second, I want to try the Spectra. I believe it is covered under my insurance (it wasn;t the first time around). With my second she latched great and I only had to pump for a stash and once I went back to work.

    I loved the my breast friend pillow for the first couple months when she was little enough. I would strap that baby on and walk around the house with it lol.

    I'd love to hear opinions on Spectra v. Medela. I feel like learning how to properly use the Spectra will be a lot of work since I am already so familiar with the Medela lol. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • marikkita12marikkita12 member
    edited February 2021
    I nursed my first until his 4th birthday. I pumped until he was 14 months old. I used a spectra s2 and loved it. I ended up acquiring a second pump which was great because I had a home pump and a work pump. This time around I got a brand new s1 from a friend who decided she didn’t want to nurse her twins so I’ll use that one for travel and my old one for home. 

    My spectra came with two size flanges but I switched with a friend since she used the smaller ones and I used the bigger ones so we each had 2 sets. As far as replacement parts: the spectra is nice because there aren’t too many parts that need replacing. I used nenebaby and maymom parts on Amazon and they worked perfectly and for half the price. The flanges will attach to any wide mouth bottle but there is an adaptor to be used with narrow bottles. 

    ETA: I always had better output by keeping it in letdown mode. I know this doesn’t work for everyone but it did for me

    I did not wash everything every day but I did have a specific sponge and brush that was only used for my bottles and pump parts. I kept the parts in the fridge in a bowl for 24-48 hours. 

    Check out http://aeroflowbreastpumps.com/ for the easiest way to get a pump through insurance 
  • @karacc18 the spectra is super easy to use. It has a timer on it so you can keep track of how long you’ve been pumping and once you figure out the speed/power it will always save it for you. You also manually push the letdown button until you actually have letdown. I remember my friend complaining that her medela would always switch to regular mode before her body was ready. Plus I always had better output by keeping it in letdown mode 
  • I definitely had a love hate relationship with pumping and breastfeeding. My son struggle with a weak suck when he was little so nipple or bottle was a struggle. So I had to pump right from the start and lasted until 7.5 months. 

    @karacc18 also kept my pump parts in a freezer ziplock bag in the refrigerator for the day during work and then cleaned them at night. When I went back to work I used the freemie cups that sit inside your normal bra attached to long cords that ran under my shirt to my medela pump. This was a huge lifesaver on a busy patient and OR schedule to be able to pump between patients or between OR cases at a computer or in the lunchroom or even in the car with a car charger while driving to and from work. 

    I am looking at getting either a willow or elvie this time around. If this babe is like my other, I will have to pump every time I nurse and give a bottle to him as well (hopefully not). I can’t imagine doing that with a toddler and a pump that has cords. So for work and home, I want to have the ability to be mobile. Anyone have a preference between these two?

    I second the idea of water all the time! I also always wore either a nursing bra or nursing tank for quick pumping ability. Latched mama also makes great tips that are also work appropriate - anything I could do to cut down on set up and take down time during work was a plus. 

    I liked my boppy for nursing. 
  • This is probably repeat info, sorry!

    Earth Mama nipple butter is the best I've tried, lanolin is disgusting. I have Spectra S1, I got it with my first bc I was working and wanted the rechargeable battery option. I got another Spectra with my second bc it was free, but got an S2. Exactly the same but always needs to be plugged in. I also had an Elvie with #2 bc I was mostly pumping - I chose it over the Willow because you have to buy bags for Willow. It was fine for during the day when I was alone with toddler and baby, but I preferred Spectra if H was home because it was more powerful. Maymom and Nenebaby on Amazon sell cheap Spectra compatible parts, and we use the Avent bottles with it. My kids just preferred Avent anyway so it worked out. I used the Simple Wishes hands free bra for both kids and will again.

  • one other thing on nipple cream... My lactation consultant prescribed APNO (All purpose nipple ointment) and it was amazing. The Earth Mama and Lanolin didn't do much for me but the APNO was a game changer. I highly recommend asking for a prescription for it. I had to fill it a compounding/apothecary pharmacy, which was right around the corner from my hospital (easy peasy). Not sure if a regular pharmacy (CVS/Walgreens) would have it.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I have the Philips Avent single pump and it was fine - I wouldn't say it was the best pump in the world but it did the trick - I didn't pump much after the early days and had rented the hospital grade Medela pump for a few weeks after we came home from the hospital which was awesome!!  I used it while we were in the hospital almost exclusively as DS had jaundice and wouldn't feed.

    One product that I absolutely recommend is the Hakka silicone pump - I used it to catch letdown when DS was feeding or I was pumping on on side (and it gives a bit of suction too) - it's super handy!  Before I started using it, so much milk from my letdown would go to waste (and end up all over everything too I might add - those early days were a hard learning curve lol).

    DS was very picky with bottles and we tried quite a few before we found ones that he liked - when he was very small he was fine with the Avent bottles but we didn't use them after a while because he was basically attached to my breast all the time, and then when we reintroduced a bottle when he was a bit older (around 4 or 5 months) he refused to drink from them. So we tried a few brands, and he finally settled on the Tommy Tippee brand.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • With DS, I nursed/pumped for about 2.5 months and it was a challenge the whole time. I gave up and switched to formula, which was much easier for him. 

    With DD, I nursed her for a year. Completely different experience with her. I used the Medela PIS with the Freemie cups. The pump was fine, not the best but fine. I love the Freemie cups - so much easier than a pumping bra. I also loved the hydrogel nipple pads at the beginning. I struggled with constantly leaking with DD. I used the Lansinoh Ultimate Protection Nursing Pads, TL Care Organic Reusable Nursing Pads, and Bamboobies Overnight Nursing Pads (all available on Amazon). 

    This time around, I want to get the Spectra pump and an Elvie for when I get back to work (Elvie over the Willow so I don’t have to buy bags). I also want to get a Haaka this time around! 
  • I nursed my daughter until a few weeks ago - 23 months. We were lucky and had a really easy time with it and then wfh thanks to covid made continuing past the end of my mat leave easy. I can’t comment on pumps, only ever used a cheap manual one that didn’t do much. 

    - I liked lanolin but I didn’t get bad cracking. 
    - H&M nursing tanks are great for their price. I lived in them until very recently lol.  
    - I used an assortment of pillows but really I don’t think a nursing specific pillow is the be all, end all. And pretty soon they become obsolete. 
    - I liked having a little nursing station in the nursery for most of day time nursing sessions early on but I imagine that might be different with a toddler running around. I kept water, cream, small snacks and a book there. 
    - the haakaa milk catcher/pump is phenomenal. I was able to accumulate a significant stash early on, even with inconsistent use, but never ended up using more than maybe a couple dozen ounces of it. It’s still taking up room in my freezer. 

    When it’s easy, BFing is truly the greatest. 
  • Any advice for someone who has tried breastfeeding the first 2 kids and milk never came in? I tried everything pumping, lactation consultants, even had my hormones tested and no reason was found. Not that there is anything wrong with formula and both my other babies turned out just fine, but would really like to breastfeed if possible. Just frustrating and wonder if anyone else has experienced similar issues. Every article I read is discouraging. I tried for several months with the 1st and never got more than a teaspoon and with the second, nothing. It’s crazy to me.
  • Has anyone used the Medela pump and save bags? I will be a first time mom and am hearing mixed reviews
  • @hannahcampbell2017 I have used the Medela bags for all my milk since my son 7 years ago. I plan to do the same with this one. I have NEVER had a bag leak. Very happy with them. I know some people have mixed reviews and only use the Lansinoh, but I liked the Medela.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @hannahcampbell2017 I’m a fan of the target brand bags. Whichever brand you choose, I always recommend thawing the bags inside a bowl/cup/container just in case the bag broke for whatever reason. This way you don’t end up losing milk 
  • @hannahcampbell2017 I've used a variety, Target brand is good quality and cheap!  I've pumped probably a hundred or better bags in my breastfeeding time and have only had maybe a hand full leak.
    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
  • Has anyone ever heard of the Motif pump? I don’t think it was around with my other kids

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