July 2021 Moms

Healthy Habits 1/29

How far along are you? 

What are your health/wellness goals throughout your pregnancy?

What wins (big or small) have you accomplished this week?

What challenges are you facing this week?

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Re: Healthy Habits 1/29

  • What are your health/wellness goals throughout your pregnancy? Add more strength-based training to my exercise.

    What wins (big or small) have you accomplished this week?  Honestly, no wins this week - it was a rough week!

    What challenges are you facing this week?  It was FREEZING out and so busy at work, so not only did I not do any strength exercises, I also did not walk at all, and barely stretched. Definitely need to get motivated this weekend - going to ask DH to move our exercise bike from the basement (which is currently a construction zone) into our bedroom so I can use it (DS would climb all over it if it was in any shared living space that he had access to LOL).

    Questions/Rants/Raves: None, just eager to hear how the rest of you ladies are doing and if you have any motivating tips!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • How far along are you? 16 weeks! 

    What are your health/wellness goals throughout your pregnancy? On the physical front: a bit stronger, prepare for labour. 
    On the mental front: do more of the stuff that makes me feel good like more reading, less phone scrolling, more outdoor time, more conscious self care. I know all these things will only get harder with 2 so I want to establish some healthy habits before this baby arrives. 

    What wins (big or small) have you accomplished this week? I did yoga 3 times! Huge win for me after weeks of inactivity. 

    What challenges are you facing this week? Motivation and energy is lacking. The house constantly feels like it needs work and I struggle to prioritize myself over the house. 

    Questions/Rants/Raves: I did so well at cutting back my screen time for 2 weeks but this last week was a huge fail and I’m trying not to dwell on, just learn from my mistakes but I feel like crap. My phone doesn’t/shouldn’t control me. 

    @canucklehead123 the cold has been killer. Being stuck inside all weekend has frayed my nerves and killed my patience. I’m dreaming of March, tbh. 
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