April 2021 Moms

All due date check in w.o. 1/25

Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:


Team Green/Pink/Blue:

Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester?

Re: All due date check in w.o. 1/25

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 27+ 6

    FTM/STM/STM+: 3rd timer

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: boy

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: idk, lettuce maybe?

    Upcoming appointments: Wednesday for 28 week/glucose tolerance

    How are you feeling?: nesting energy hits in spurts. I have these like manic bouts where I do all the things and then I can't move and need to nap for a day or two to recover. And then we start all over. Hips and low back are really starting to bother me. Getting lots of braxton hicks this time, which is new for me. Probably because I don't ever get a break or rest with this pregnancy.

    Rants/Raves: This isn't really a rant or a rave but I feel like this baby is not going to cooperate with my planned CS. For some reason I just have this feeling that this one will come on his own and mess up my nice, orderly plan for delivery. For this reason alone, I've been feeling a bit of a crunch to get stuff sort of ready in advance. I think it's because I am getting so many braxton hicks and feeling so uncomfortable all the time already. When I was hitting the 3rd tri with both DD and DS, I had zero anything going on and definitely not any braxton hicks - I didn't have any of the things I've been experiencing lately, even at 41-42 weeks! So maybe it's just the I'm older now and have 2 toddlers and it's harder on my body? IDK..guess we'll see!

    Questions: Any good book suggestions? Bonus if it's a thriller or a series.

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? LOL the finish line. Not being pregnant anymore. I am not enjoying being pregnant this time around. But also really NOT looking forward to the bone-splitting pain in my hips that I know is coming. It's kind of already starting and it was so horrible with my other two I could barely sleep. 12 more weeks. I can do this!

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: April 16, 28w3 days. 

    FTM/STM/STM+: 4TM...and last

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: PINK! 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: honestly, I'm a bad mom and quit caring. She's healthy. She's growing. She's moving. That's all I need. 

    Upcoming appointments: 1/27 28w OB. I lost my GTT paperwork, so I'm just going to ask if I can go straight to the 3 hour. 

    How are you feeling?: I'm alright. That's an improvement. I'm sad, but I'm alright. 

    Rants/Raves: somehow my NMIL managed to ruin yet another event important to SO and me, and it's my fault because she doesn't feel "at home" in our house. News flash, you shouldn't feel AT HOME in another woman's house. It's not YOURS... It's HERS (mine). 

    Questions: Does anyone else just want to leave everything behind and quit adulting? Grab the kids. Pack up some clothes. Get in the car and drive until you reach someone new and far away? 

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third Trimester? I really don't like the third Tri. So, I'm looking forward to a safe, easy delivery of an on time, healthy baby. 

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 27 weeks, April 22!

    FTM/STM/STM+: third

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: blue!

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a head of lettuce. DD1 asked what size the baby was this week and she was unimpressed by lettuce  :D

    Upcoming appointments: sometime in February

    How are you feeling?: Pretty rough. Sciatica is bad and I'm just trying to plug along with momming and all the things, but it's wearing on me. 

    Rants/Raves: the ILs kept the girls Saturday evening - last evening. It was so nice to have a quiet, lazy weekend! I really didn't do much of anything, just watched TV and crocheted. 

    Questions: What are you guys snacking on these days? I need to start making better choices with snacks.

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? I'm most excited about having the baby and not being pregnant anymore. Haha! I have never loved being pregnant and this time around has been even more unenjoyable. I am also excited about making progress on his room and getting clothes and stuff. Not overly excited about how uncomfortable third tri can be!

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 27 w 5 d / April 21


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Found out!

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Lettuce, almost an eggplant!

    Upcoming appointments: Wednesday - glucose test and checkup

    How are you feeling?: Meh, fine - constantly achy in the back area and now I'm starting with some restless leg syndrome, so that's not great. Also pretty tired in the afternoons like I'm back in the first tri. 

    Rants/Raves: Rave - we got the spare bed out of the nursery this weekend and my mom helped me reorganize the basement (again)! Def nesting and getting very anxious for baby furniture to arrive. 

    Questions: Week 28 is when most sites say to start kick counting...do y'all do this religiously? I'm getting worried again that baby is not moving as much as they should be, and I'm honestly afraid that kick counting will stress me out 100x more.

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester?: Definitely the end of pregnancy. I haven't had a bad pregnancy at all, but I'm really looking forward to having my body back (at least somewhat) and being to drink wine and exercise without worrying about hurting baby etc. etc. I know it's totally selfish and some women have a really really hard time, so I shouldn't be complaining, but I cannot wait for this baby to be here. 

    @bblair24 I can't counsel on "healthy" snacks, but I did just get dark chocolate peanut butter cups from TJs and it was def the right decision. Balanced it out with a salad so *shrug*.

    @juliebird6 I'm not a huge fan of thrillers, but my husband recommends the Whisperman which he quite liked! I'm reading the Invisible Life of Addie LaRue which is really good, and just finished Ready Player 2 which was a fun romp!

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    @juliebird6, I totally forgot about book suggestions. Have you read any of the Agent Pendergast books by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child? The first is Relic, but you can start with Cabinet of Curiosities and Still Life With Crows. 

    I also love Matthew Reilly, who writes action novels. And Pierce Brown's Red Rising is a kind of like Hunger Games meets Dune meets Game of Thrones with a little Roman Empire thrown in and set on Mars. 
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: April 26/ 27 weeks today


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: pink

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: lettuce or a bunch of bananas 

    Upcoming appointments: Ultrasound to check growth next week

    How are you feeling?: Ok. Feeling like I want to be productive, but by 2 or 3, sometimes earlier I am exhausted. Leg cramps, heartburn and constipation. My dreams are so vivid again! I feel like I have been up all night when I wake up. 

    Rants/Raves: I'm getting some of the deep cleaning done around the house. I did the basement last week and I scrubbed the cabinets and walls in the kitchen and bathroom today. 

    Questions: NATM

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? I'm excited to be in the home stretch, but also excited to spend these last few months with DH as a twosome. It still feels surreal that we are having a baby in a matter of a few months!

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 27weeks + 2 days


    Team Green/Pink/Blue:  Blue

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:  No idea!

    Upcoming appointments: Growth scan + 28 week check up next week 

    How are you feeling?:  Pretty good - tossing and turning at night which equates to being tired during the day is my biggest complaint.  

    Rants/Raves:  Rant is that i am 99% positive that i have a BV infection :/  I remember someone posting about this months back but can't find it when I search. Just annoying this doesn't fall on a week that i have a scheduled appt...so it'll be another $14 garage parking visit to go and get an antibiotic! 

    Questions:  Relating to my rant, anyone have experience with a BV infection during pregnancy?  I had it twice before, back to back, about 7 years ago (not pregnant) and read that your risk increases during pregnancy.  I read that leaving it untreated (which i won't obviously) can increase the risk of low birth weight babies but I can't find anything on why that is the case.  DD was low birth weight so of course now my wheels are spinning! 

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester?:   Similar to many of you - the finish line!  I miss wine and am just an anxious pregnant person in general. Can't wait to have a healthy baby in my arms. But also, trying to relish time with DD as an only child, and relish the quiet before the sleepless and chaotic newborn days.  DD and DH both slept in until past 9am on Sunday and I was antsy waiting for everyone to get up so I could get the day started. Needed to tell myself to ENJOY the peace and quiet while I could! 

    @anarmillay92918 yes, the kick counting is v stressful for me and I wish I had better advice for how to handle!  I remember with DD often getting nervous on quiet days.  They say if you are nervous, to drink some OJ or eat something and lay on your left side to wake the baby up. I already had one scare with this pregnancy one night last week when he is usually active but by the morning he was doing summersalts.  My plan moving forward is to mentally acknowledge each time I'm feeling the baby be active and make a note in your head (or down on paper) of what time it was. So that if i'm ever nervous, I should be able to remember the last super active period...

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    @juliebird6 Not a thriller or series, but I I recently finished Dear Girls by Ali Wong and laughed out loud many times while reading.

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 27 + 3


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: pink

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: bunch of bananas

    Upcoming appointments: 2/2 (glucose test and check up)

    How are you feeling?: eh.  I'm getting more uncomfortable and having a tough time sleeping again.

    Rants/Raves:  I had no idea how convenient and easy Whole Food pick up would be!  It's way more expensive than shopping at Aldi, which is what we usually do, but for now I think we'll stomach the extra expense to avoid in person shopping.

    Questions: For STM (+) moms, have you ever taken a vacation with a newborn (under 3 months old)?  What was it like?  We have a beach trip planned with my extended family and I'm curious about how it'll go.

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester?  I love that almost everyone is looking forward to not being pregnant.  Same.  I don't like being pregnant.  I am a little sentimental about it this time since I think we'll just stick with 2, so this is the last time my body will do this, but mostly I am cool with that!

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 30+1


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Team Green

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Zucchini 

    Upcoming appointments: 

    - OB appointment tomorrow. 

    - Been meeting with the nutritionist every Monday re: GD. 

    - 32 week growth ultrasound 2/8 and another OB appointment 2/8

    How are you feeling?: Well, the whole GD thing is really annoying. I feel like it basically takes over my life. I've talked to others who've had it in previous pregnancies but it feels like everyone I talk to hasn't taken it very seriously. I'm kind of obsessive about it, but ummm because I don't want my baby to be born fat and unhealthy! So with good reason, I think haha. Other than that, the sciatica thankfully is doing MUCH better this week! Apparently now though it seems that I have an umbilical hernia, but my doctor doesn't seem worried about it at all. It's uncomfortable though for sure. 

    Rants/Raves: Rant - just annoyed at cutting out desserts and delicious stuff for GD. Rave - DH is eating super healthy along with me so that I don't feel bad and I didn't even have to ask. He's really a good one! 

    Questions: What are all the things I need to think about along with my breast pump, if I plan on exclusively breastfeeding (and VERY rarely ever leaving my baby haha). I know that sounds psycho, but my husband takes care of basically everything around the house - cooking (for the most part), cleaning, taking care of the dog, etc. but he is really terrible without sleep. He always says "I have a big battery! It has to recharge." So our plan truly is that I will handle basically all night feedings and he will just help a little here and there if I'm majorly struggling. We both work for a business that we own together and are 100% remote and super flexible, so I don't ever have to worry about leaving the baby for work. I honestly just can't imagine any scenario where I'll be apart from the baby in the first 6 months or so, with the exception of a true emergency, or me just needing some me time of like running to the store alone or (in a non-covid world) getting my nails done or something like that, none of which would take more than like two hours at most. SO, sorry for that long winded explanation, but with that being said, do I really need a lot of bottles? I don't really see us bottle feeding baby breastmilk unless it's necessary because I have an infection and can't breastfeed or something like that. How many bottles do I realistically need? I guess that I need breast milk storage bags for any over production, to have an emergency back up stash of frozen milk, etc. So other than the breast pump, a small number of bottles, and storage bags - what else do I need? Thanks in advance and sorry I'm a rambler! 

    Healthy Snacks:

    Here are my go to snacks lately, they unfortunately are all healthy because of the GD - 

    - my favorite right now are Yasso bars, they are a great healthy substitute for ice cream and actually delicious (not gonna lie, Yasso bars are currently the highlight of my day)

    - Yogurt + handful of nuts + fruit

    - 6 whole wheat crackers + 1 oz of cheese (lately I'm obsessed with gouda!) + a few slices of some kind of chorizo or sopressata or something (I know, I know, sue me, don't care if it's not allowed 

    - beef jerky if I'm on the go

    - apple or banana with PB

    - kodiak frozen protein waffles (they are actually good!) with PB and sometimes a banana or a little fruit

    - protein shake (1 scoop vanilla or choc protein powder), 1/2 c almond milk, handful of ice and then I mix it up with various other ingredients but usually a banana and/or peanut butter, but other fruit is an option too. 

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester?

    Like so many others are saying, I'm really looking forward to the finish line. Before Week 28, pregnancy was a breeze and I was totally fine with it. But now with the GD, it's a pain. I want to go back to eating like a normal person. 

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    @theblondebump I wouldn’t stock up on bottles but I’d have a few (maybe three or so) of different brands on hand in case you need them.  I know you plan to exclusively breastfeed and that’s great, but you don’t know how breastfeeding is going to go yet.  Your baby could struggle with latching and you may end up pumping and feeding expressed milk more than you expect.  Or you may decide to supplement.  You could also change your mind about having your husband give bottles to give you a break. Hopefully those things won’t happen since that’s not your plan but IMO it’s a good idea to have a few different types of bottles on hand just in case.  Some babies are picky about bottles so it’s nice to have options.  If you wind up doing more bottle feeding than expected for whatever reason you can always order more of whatever type works.  

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    @theblondebump I agree with @kadeephd. Best to have a few sizes/brands on hand, just in case it doesn’t go how you hope. 

    For diapers, I think a few packages of different brands in size NB and 1 is great to start. You can always get more quickly from Amazon once you figure out what works for your baby. I’m always really surprised by babies who skip NB clothes and diapers. I had a 9lb baby and he wore NB diapers and clothes for at least a month!
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    @theblondebump washing bottles is going to be the bane of your existence haha, so while I agree on having some different brands, I'd start with one that has the LEAST # of parts.  We ended up loving the Como Tomo's (shaped like a boob!).  The Dr Browns and Avent ones that are supposed to be good with reflux are popular, but keep in mind there are insert things that also need to be washed. Make sure to also have some kind of drying rack that will live on your counter for months; we like the Boon lawn/grass which isn't an eye sore. And you can buy matching tree/branch things that stick in the grass as other drying racks to maximize space.  The bottle sterilizer machine is a waste IMO - especially if you don't plan on using bottles that often. It's takes up a ton of counter space and the cycle takes upward of an hour. 

    Aside from bottles, you must get the Haakaa silicone breast 'pump'.  (I put 'pump' in quotes because I was always confused as to why they call it a pump; its more of a suction cup thing that collects the let down on the opposite breast from which you are nursing off of, but collects a good amount of milk that would otherwise leak into your nursing pads!)  I loved it.  Weirdly we had to buy the lid separately...you don't NEED a lid but it's not $$$ so why not and I literally cried over spilt milk a few times after knocking it over..
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 30 weeks 3 days, due April 2


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Pink!

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: eek not sure, stopped checking! something that's getting much bigger quickly lol

    Upcoming appointments: virtual one on Feb 3

    How are you feeling?: Good! Super tired but that's just because I'm congested and up every 2 hours to go pee

    Rants/Raves: I guess a rave over how cute my son is-- he's 2 and just became a little boy all of a sudden. This is such a fun stage!

    Questions: Nothing right now! Just taking things day by day here

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? Not excited for labor to be honest, my first experience was 3 weeks early and REALLY fast.. I am really nervous about the timing being inconvenient with this one and it impacting my son (not a lot of family here and with the pandemic, he hasn't seen anyone so I'm worried if this baby comes quickly and in the middle of the night or when I'm with him he will be confused and scared since it's been mostly just him, me, and DH for the past 10 months when he's not in daycare!

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: April 29/26+5


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Green

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: kale, I think

    Upcoming appointments: Feb. 3

    How are you feeling?: Not too bad - trying to enjoy it before the third tri.

    Rants/Raves: I feel like I'm the only one on this board who hasn't really done anything for the baby. No nesting instinct whatsoever, no sense of urgency... and it feels so overwhelming that I can't get started! But in happy news, DD is finally going back to in-person preschool on Thursday so maybe that will help with me getting things done.


    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? Right now I'm a little apprehensive about labor again. Last time it was really fast and drug-free, but that's not to say it was easy. I remember how it felt, and I'm a little nervous that it's going to make it hard for me to relax, knowing what is actually coming down the pipeline. That being said, I'm looking forward to the point in pregnancy when I'm just so damn uncomfortable and done with stupid comments from people that I can't wait to go into labor and be done with it!

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 4/6; 30 weeks today


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Green

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A zucchini

    Upcoming appointments: Thursday 1/28

    How are you feeling?: Battling a cold, so crappy from that, but in terms of pregnancy: pretty good. Sore back/pelvis but it's manageable. Sleep isn't awful yet, but I know its coming..

    Rants/Raves: DH just left for two months of training in another state (he's active duty military), so I'm solo parenting our two year old for the last two months of pregnancy while also trying to manage my teaching/coaching schedule. He should be back one week before my due date. This should be interesting..

    Questions: none.

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? The lack of sleep. Third tri with my son I was literally up every 2hrs; you could seriously set a clock off my wake schedule. That and nervously awaiting every appt from now on to make sure baby is going to stay put until DH gets home at the end of March.

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    @juliebird6 did you watch Bridgerton? It sucked me in and now I ordered the book, I’ve heard it’s good too. 

    @kadeephd we took DS on a road trip when he was 7 weeks. It was about a 6 hour trip because of traffic not counting stops, but I was in a wedding I couldn’t miss. It was stressful, more so because of the blizzard two days prior where we were going, but it ended up being fine. We were sleep deprived, and didn’t really enjoy it, but we did it and survived (I’d say I’m still bitter though). My car was full to the brim with baby shit and we basically used everything so I can’t say I really over packed, although if DS hadn’t been such a hard baby I think we could’ve gotten away with way less (every burp cloth we owned, for example). 

    @theblondebump the good thing is bottles are easy to buy last minute. I’d have a few on hand to try, and if needed you can get more easily. I planned on breastfeeding exclusively for the first 4 months until I went back to work but ended up having to supplement, and that’s pretty common. I still ended up breastfeeding at least partially until 11 months. 

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 38+5


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: pink

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: I think yesterday it was a pringles can

    Upcoming appointments: tomorrow

    How are you feeling?: Yesterday it felt like my stomach was trying to explode, like just so stretched out it hurt everywhere. I skipped a day of lotion so lesson learned. 

    Rants/Raves: Our plumbing is finally mostly fixed! It’s been almost 2 weeks of super water conservation and it was a struggle. Minimal dishes, only a few loads of laundry, short showers, etc. Like living in an RV without a sewer connection. 

    Questions: Not that I can think of

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? Getting everything done. My to do list is a mile long and I just want to start checking everything off.

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    @kadeephd @juliebird6 @emeraldisle17 - thank you for the advice! I definitely want to be prepared in case breastfeeding doesn't go as planned! Any specific bottle or brand recommendations? I know absolutely nothing about buying bottles haha. (I saw that @emeraldisle17 mentioned Como Tomo's, Dr Browns and Avent)

    Also, if anyone has anything else they think I should add to the list for someone who plans to exclusively breastfeed, please let me know! So far its: a few bottles of different brands, breast pump, milk storage bags, drying rack, Haakaa. 

    @forevertired Totally binged Bridgerton - so good! 

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    @forevertired I haven’t watched yet but it’s on my list. And I did not know it was associated with a book so that’s definitely going on my list next!!!
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    aguamalaaguamala member
    edited January 2021
    @anarmillay92918  With my first I read about kick counting and tried to do it but realized that the more I tracked it, the more stressed I would get.  I felt way better just trusting my instincts and eventually would realize if the kicking was absent for a very long time.  This time around baby moves so much that I found no need to do kick counts.  

    @emeraldisle17  I had BV in the 3rd trimester of my first pregnancy.  I didn't even notice I had it, the doc did a routine pap smear and caught it then.  I took 1 pill and it went away, super easy.  Obviously it should be treated if discovered, but also not a big deal in terms of fetal safety.  

    @kadeephd When DD was 6 weeks we flew from Yucatan to Baja.  We stayed in Baja on a month vacation and it was amazing! DD just slept the who time and the weather was perfect.  We stayed at our family home in Baja so we didn't have to deal with hotels/transport/navigating an unfamiliar place. I couldn't imagine a better time to take your baby on vacation since it is so important to just relax and bond with babe.  I don't know how it will factor out with having another kid to look after as well.  It might also depend on what kind of traveler your are.  DH and I are nomads and have a more go with the flow parenting style so it worked for us.  If traveling stresses you out and you have to coordinate and plan everything, maybe vacationing with a newborn might not be so fun.  

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 4/26 27+3


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: PINK

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: romaine lettuce

    Upcoming appointments: One in 5 weeks.  Just had my 28 week apt (even though I'm technically 27.5 weeks) since DD was born a week early, my cycle is short, and we are both measuring 28 weeks.  Keeping due date to 4/26, we are just planning on me going into labor a week early. 

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good.  My belly is getting bigger and tighter and it feels super uncomfortable after eating/drinking as if I am overextending it.  

    Rants/Raves: Last night I was dropping papers my boss forgot at the office to her house (since she lives in my rural neighborhood).  It was dark and snowing heavily so I had trouble navigating and ended up running into a tree. Got out safe but didn't realize until this morning that my bumper is really messed up :(  

    Questions: I am having so much trouble finding the right outfit for our maternity/family photoshoot. I need something that isn't formal (since it will be outdoors) but is spring/earthy and has like a goddess/forest fairy vibe.  Anyone have suggestions? 

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester?  Not very excited about my belly getting bigger since it is only growing outward and feels more overextended every day.  We are planning on moving at least a month before my due date and I want to get the ball rolling now! 

    One last thing: DD (4) is really excited about the birth, she always wants to see birthing videos and always talks to me about "pushing" and "blood".  I would love to have her present if we were doing a homebirth, but since we are going to the hospital she won't be able to be there.  I haven't broken it to her yet and feel so bad about her missing out on such a special moment.  

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    @theblondebump comotomo have been our favorite for the last two babies. Easy to clean and goes over well with breast fed kids. Also, look into a milksavers thing. I never got the hang of the hakaa but milksavers was great. I built up a pretty good stash just from catching what was leaking off the other breast when nursing.

    @mamabee1113 thinking of you and hoping next two months are as easy as possible.

    @juliebird6 I feel the same with this one. Nothing has gone wrong and my pregnancy has been super normal, but being a bit older, I’m a hey and just tired. And of course resting isn’t an option with all the other kids around. I think it is a combo of being a little older and no breaks ever.

    @kadeephd we may be crazy but we are going on our annual trip this summer and he will be a little over 3 months. They sleep so much at that age that it is almost easier than going with toddlers.

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 28 weeks

    FTM/STM/STM+: 4tm

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: blue

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: lettuce

    Upcoming appointments: 28 week appt and glucose test on Friday

    How are you feeling?: achey and big. I think he had a growth spurt recently because I’m out of breath so much easier and just feel big.

    Rants/Raves: heartburn is back as are the hemorrhoids. So much discomfort. 


    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? I’m already struggling to do stuff with my three kids so I’m nervous about keeping my energy levels up. I am excited for all the anticipation of the last few weeks. 

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    @theblondebump we tried several with DS and the Lansinoh mama bottles were our favorite for not messing up his breastfeeding latch. As a bonus they’re just a bottle, nipple, and ring- 3 parts for the dishwasher and they are anti-gas/colic.
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    @theblondebump We mostly used Dr Brown's during the early months.  Dr Brown's does have more parts to clean than other bottles, but we found the filter helped reduce spitting up enough to be worth it early on.  We also had some Mam and Avent and those worked fine too.  Later on we switched almost exclusively to Tommee Tippee because they were easier for him to hold on his own than Dr Brown's and there were fewer parts to clean. 

    Thanks for the vacation ideas. This particular vacation we have planned is an annual trip that involves basically no planning on my part, and lots of family members around for helping, so I'm hoping it will work out well.  I'm just worried about being super grouchy if the baby isn't sleeping much.  Hopefully I can just hand her off to someone to take a nap if I need to though.  And it'll be nice to have others there to entertain our older kid too.

    @eahayes I am loving this age too!  He's just learning so much and is so adorable.  I am already sad about him growing more.

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    @theblondebump with DD1 we used Tommee Tippee! We also like that it was just three parts to wash: bottle, nipple, and ring. DD2 refused all bottles so she’s no help there. 😂
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    @theblondebump We used avent bottles with both babies. There are a couple different style avent bottles (natural, anti-colic) and each of my kids preferred a different one so we have a variety of both styles. Not too cumbersome to wash - just the bottle, nipple, ring (and a lid possibly, if you use it).
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    @theblondebump I tried every bottle under the sun with DS and the only one he would remotely take to was Comotomo. And even then, he wouldn't take more than 2oz from it before screaming for the boob. Fortunately it was my hope to exclusively breastfeed, so it wasn't stressful or upsetting for me that he wouldn't take a bottle.
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    @theblondebump I exclusively breastfed my son and had a few different bottles on hand just in case we ran into issues with latching, milk production, etc. He refused bottles when we tried later. It wasn’t a big deal since I’m a SAHM but my daughter and hubby were wanting to feed him once in a while too. He wasn’t having it at all! Lol. They got to feed him plenty though when he moved up to baby foods. Only other suggestions I have for your list is nipple butter, a good lactation cookie recipe, and the Lansinoh TheraPearl therapy packs (these are amazing for relieving soreness or in the event of mastitis and can be used warm or cold depending on what you need).

    @emeraldisle17 I had BV with my son in the 3rd trimester but I don’t recall my dr making a big deal of it. I don’t think I even noticed it either, they just caught it. It cleared up quickly with a prescription and it’s not been a thing this pregnancy so far.

    @mamabee1113 I hope you feel better soon! Colds suck, especially while pregnant. 

    @anarmillay92918 I kept an official kick count with my first since I was having to come in for weekly NSTs but with my second it was never mentioned and hasn’t been this pregnancy yet either. Usually just asked if baby has been regularly active and keep a mental log if anything is out of the ordinary to bring up.

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: April 17/ 28+4


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Blue

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: An eggplant  

    Upcoming appointments: Today for Rhogam shot and 28w appt with ob

    How are you feeling?: Feeling overall, pretty good! A bit achy and sore. The low back pain is here and I can definitely tell my hips are adjusting. I’m about ready to break out my yoga ball and have been conscious of not staying in the same position too long. Although, I sat and puzzled way too long with my son last night! Lol. Nights are becoming the most difficult to get comfortable.

    Rants/Raves: Rant to Rave-The engine in our only car blew up a little over a week ago. It’s been hell waiting for warranty to cover and in the meantime rely on others for a ride (feeling like a high schooler) BUT we finally got confirmation from the dealership that the repairs and replacement will be covered. That’s a huge $12,000 weight off my shoulders! Even with having to wait another month and only a 7 day rental, I’m not complaining! We’ve come to realize maybe a second vehicle isn’t such a bad idea though! Lol. 

    Questions: NATM

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? Having everything completely “ready” for the baby and like many of you, for him to be here. He will more than likely be our last so I’m really trying to soak everything. Having to limit my physical activity while having so much mental energy is a struggle. We have had two snow days in row here and not being able to sled or keep up with my kids and hubby in a snowball fight bummed me out!

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    @BuckeyeNut05, What is it with MILs thinking they have a say in what we name our children. Mine decided I wouldn't be okay with Isabel (Eesuhbel, she's from Ecuador and I'm from south Texas) for a middle name just because she chose it. Truth is, I love the name Isabel, have for 20 plus years, considered and discounted it before she even brought it up. Why? Because Zoe Isabel T is a horrible thing to do to a child. Her initials would be ZIT. 

    She also got mad that we chose SOs middle name for DS2s middle name, Hawkins. F Hawkins and W Hawkins. I'm like, why do you have any input????

    My family doesn't love our middle name choice for Zoe, but respect it's our choice. Although, I just recently fell in love with Aurelia. 😊
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    @aisukurimsarang my parents also dislike the name we chose, my mom went full-on silent after the text, and my dad brought up the fact that our kid will be teased because there is some strange saying I’ve never heard that is probably from the 50’s. Too bad, so sad?

    I’m all for sharing ahead of time and getting input when we ask for it, but probably only because I don’t really care if no one likes it. 
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 4/20, 28wks

    FTM/STM/STM+: 4tm

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: blue

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: lettuce?

    Upcoming appointments: had one yesterday & next one is in 2 weeks BEFORE valentine's day which is blowing my mind bc it's so close between appointments!

    How are you feeling?: good overall. kind of big? I feel like I wasn't this large at this point with the last 3. 

    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? pelorunningmama being older + no breaks ever!

    @emeraldisle17 I've been having issues with yeast infections this pregnancy, not BV but similar ovbi - maybe you were thinking of my sad rants haha. Can your doc just send in a prescription over the phone? It's different meds I think so I'm not sure. I'm at the point now where I don't even call them. They send in 3 refills at a time and I slowly use them and then once it's out I just request more through CVS and don't even have to deal with calling the doc.

    @juliebird6: love love love books haha :)

    Thrillers: The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley (Guest List was good too, probably better IMO), anything by Megan Miranda or Ruth Ware

    Series: American Royals was cute. Crazy Rich Asians, of course. Kristy Harvey has a few chick-list series that I liked reading through. 

    @kadeephd we've taken a vacation with a newborn! Twice actually with #3 that I can remember. She was 7/15 & 8/15 we went to a cabin for a weekend with friends. Most of the time she'd sleep but we definitely were still dealing with very tiny baby so I remember tons of feeding her and getting her back to sleep. Then at 2.5 months we drove from Texas to AZ for a week-long family vaca. My in-laws came & had a separate room and that definitely helped (and we had family there so we could for sure pass the baby off). It was better in that baby could go longer stretches between eating at that point so I wasn't crazy tied to her, but definitely hard because at that age she was starting to need a smidge of a schedule, which was hard on vaca. We did find tho that for the most part she'd stay inside with an adult unless we were ALL going out. So the hubs and I would take the big kids to the pool and leave her with them for an hour or so, or I'd go with MIL somewhere and leave baby with dad. Our biggest error (and how the heck we did this with #3 if beyond me): we didn't bring a stroller - what the hell was wrong with us I have no idea. We had to buy an umbrella stroller for the toddler (he was maybe 2 then?) and just had to carry the baby (or drive places haha). Nutso. Your trip sounds fun!

    @theblondebump we used regular ole medela bottles the first time but then we switched to Avent with #2-3 and I liked those better. Always wanted to try the Comotomo. Echoing others: you dont need a ton, esp if you'll be home. Probably 1 pack of 3? Our 1-3 were in daycare fulltime so I needed about 3x full sets of 3-4 bottles (1 set to send to school, one set to pump in all day, and then 1 clean set bc I didn't want the pressure of washing bottles at night). But way not necessary if you're mainly bf'ing. Everyone will have different opinions on this but: we put our bottles in the dishwasher (after a very minimal scrub inside the bottle with a bottle brush) and they were just fine. If I saw they were looking a little not-clear then I'd spend maybe a weekend hour very thoroughly washing and steaming them all in the microwave to reset, but day in and day out: dishwasher and done.

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    @BuckeyeNut05 @aguamala @bluey101321 @goldpolkadot thanks for sharing your experiences! Totally makes sense that some of you wouldn't have known; the only reason I was tipped off was after slightly uncomfortable sex and knowing that's exactly what it felt like 7 years ago when I had it. And then realizing that I was having increased wet (not even bad smelling) discharge - but that's so easily chalked up to pregnancy in general.  I read that 1 in 4 will get it during pregnancy but it mostly clears up on its own, many times without the woman even realizing.  So my update is that it was last friday night when i realized, so i had to wait til monday to make an appt anyway. I started taking a daily probiotic and eating greek yogurt and keifer each day (there's anecdotal evidence that these things help balance out your bodies natural bacteria) and i swear by monday the minor symptoms i noticed had subsided!  All that's to say that I will ask my OB to check at my appt early next week, but I didn't end up making a separate appt. (And i usually always err on the side of caution.)  So, I highly recco the probiotic (acidophilus) route should you ever suspect BV again!

    and goodpoint @goldpolkadot on the microwave sterilization for bottles -- last night i was organizing my pantry (nesting kicking in?!) and found reusable microwave bottle sterilization pouches that I used for DD.  These were HUGE for a quick sterilization job every now and then!  So i'd add these to your list @theblondebump.  You can find them on amazon!  I used these.  (also works for pump parts even if you don't think you'll be using bottles all that much) 

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 26+2/May 4 

    FTM/STM/STM+: 4tm

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: blue

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: kale

    Upcoming appointments: regular OB appt next week

    How are you feeling?: mostly good... but getting uncomfortable. Bras are no bueno right now. And heart burn.... 

    Rants/Raves: Its so cold today 🥶🥶 I'm ready for spring!! But not quite ready for baby yet haha.


    GTKY: What are you most looking forward to (or not excited about) in the third trimester? Excited to enjoy (as much as possible) my last time being pregnant 😭 

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    @kadeephd we went to the beach with a 1 month old when DS3 was born. It was perfectly fine! We stayed with my MIL who lives right on the ocean which was nice to be able to go in and outside as needed. If you'll be a drive away from the beach that might be a little more complicated but I nursed and changed diapers on the beach and he napped no problem. 
    @theblondebump I'm in the same boat... DH carries a lot of the load for the other kids when I have a newborn plus he gets up early for work so I do 95% of the middle of the night stuff. We have several bottles but I think you'd be fine with 2 honestly. We like Avent naturals and comotomo. If you hardly use them it's not a big deal to wash them. 
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    Sorry.. trying to read everything...
    @anarmillay92918 with the kick counts idk if you know but its typically only once or twice a day you should do it. I keep track of it due to having cholestasis but I don't think you need to be crazy. Pick a time you know baby is typically active and do it at that time daily. Just like us baby will have times of rest and times being active. I know it can be stressful but try not to worry too much! When in doubt you can always call your doctor. That's what they are there for!
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    thanks @emeraldisle17 and @runsoncoffee - gonna do my bottle and accessory ordering this week! 
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    Like @theblondebump I'm planning to exclusively breast feed too, at least until we get our latch down. I think I'm only taking 10 weeks off, so DH will have her once I go back to work and I know he will want to feed her to get that bonding time once she and I have worked out the kings with BF. So far I've been gifted 1-2 bottles of about 4 different brands, so I think that should do us to get started to see what she likes. I have been wondering though, does anyone have any good suggestions on how to store the bottles/nipples and stuff? My kitchen is woefully small in our current house, so I need to maximize every inch of storage space. 
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