Health & Exercise

How to calm your anxiety while pregnant

We all know that having anxiety while pregnant is bad and I remind you that these are made for those people who are having anxiety during their pregnancy. Well-meaning friends may have told you that you need to stop worrying because it isn’t good for the baby. While their sentiment comes from a good place, you may feel like stopping the cycle is easier said than done. Still, research shows that there is good reason to get your anxiety under control. High levels of anxiety during pregnancy are associated with a risk of developing conditions like preeclampsia, premature birth, and low birth weight. But you can able to cope with the anxiety by following these tips.
1. Talk about it If you’re feeling very anxious during your pregnancy, it’s important to tell someone. Your partner, a close friend, or family member may be able to offer support. Simply sharing your thoughts and feelings may be enough to keep them from taking over your everyday life. You may also ask your doctor to refer you to a therapist who is trained to help with anxiety. Some therapists specialize in helping pregnant women.

2. Find a release

Engaging in activities that help to lower stress and anxiety may be a good option for you. Physical activity helps your body release endorphins. These act like natural painkillers in your brain. Moving your body is one of the most recommended ways to manage stress.

Effective activities include:

  • walking
  • running
  • yoga

Don’t like to stroll, jog, or strike a pose? Do what you love! Anything that gets your body moving can help. Aerobic activity for as short as five minutes has been shown to have positive benefits. Always speak with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine during pregnancy.

3. Move your mind

You can try activities that help your body release endorphins without working up a sweat, including:

  • meditation
  • acupuncture
  • massage therapy
  • deep breathing exercises

The American Institute of Stress recommends deep abdominal breathing for 20 to 30 minutes per day to help with anxiety. Doing so will help provide more oxygen to your brain and stimulate your nervous system.

To try it, get in a comfortable seated position and close your eyes. Imagine yourself smiling inwardly and release tension in your muscles. Then visualize that there are holes in your feet. Breathe in and imagine the air circulating through your body. Exhale and repeat.

4. Rest up

It’s important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Though sleep may seem elusive during pregnancy, making it a priority may help significantly with your anxiety symptoms. Do you wake up often at night? Try sneaking in a nap whenever you feel the urge.

5. Write about it

Sometimes you may not feel like talking. All those thoughts need someplace to go. Try starting a journal where you can let out your feelings without fear of judgment.

You may find that writing down your thoughts and feelings helps you organize or prioritize your worries. You can track different triggers to share with your doctor, too.

6. Empower yourself

Tokophobia is the fear of childbirth. If your anxiety is tied to childbirth itself, consider signing up for a birth class. Learning about the different stages of labor, what your body does, and what to expect at each turn may help demystify the process.

These classes often offer suggestions for dealing with pain. They’ll also give you an opportunity to chat with other mothers who may be worried about similar things.

7. Ask your doctor

If your anxiety is affecting your daily life or you’re having frequent panic attacks, call your doctor. The sooner you get help, the better. Beyond referral to a therapist, there may be medications you can take to ease your most severe symptoms. You should never feel embarrassed about sharing your thoughts and feelings, especially if they concern you.

I hope this helps you because It is really common to have anxiety especially during these uncertain times. God bless!

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