Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Anyone have mediation or "Labor" Support (aka pain management) Resources they can share?

Quick background for context. So I have had three miscarriages', at different stages of pregnancy, and also had three live  natural births (this is going somewhere, I promise). My first miscarriage was a late term loss, I was told it would be like "a bad period"....it was not... after my two sons were born I realized what I had experience was, in fact, labor, but no one prepared me for it.

Fast forward to miscarriage number two. I knew what was coming and I had a couple days to prepare. I felt this desire to approach it in a similar way to how I approached the birth of my two sons. I wanted guided mediations helping me breath through the pain and the emotional trauma. I wanted a soothing voice telling me I can do this. The same way I had soothing voices walking me through my sons births..... But I couldn't find anything that fit the bill, at least I couldn't find anything that wasn't geared for actual labor...and that felt like a slap in the face. In the end, I felt like I was on my own, again. I used some of the breathes tricks I had learned previously, and that helped immensely with pain management...but....I still felt alone.

Long story short...Here is what I am looking for...Am I the only one thinking about this?

In all the wide internet world. Is there anyone who has put together guided meditations specifically for woman going through a miscarriage? If not, can someone please PLEASE PLEASE make some?!?!?!

I have a website where I make memorial pendants for families who have suffered losses (LONG LONG story). So much about the world of pregnancy loss memorials revolves around comforting woman in the aftermath of a loss. When I was preparing the loss my pregnancies' I desperately wanted resources that walk with me through that moment. I desperately want to add a page to my website (baileyslight.com if your curious) where woman and can download free audio or video mediations to carry them through the moment, or any other resources you can think of! Hit me up with any and all resources/ideas you have to share! I will also take any memorial resources you have too. THANKS!!!

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