April 2021 Moms

GD Mamas

theblondebumptheblondebump member
edited January 2021 in April 2021 Moms
Figured I would start a dedicated thread to discuss GD - open to any suggestions on questions/topic starters, but here's a few to get us started:

Weeks + Days:

Blood sugar numbers:

History of GD diagnosis or first time:

Current treatment/management (counseling, diet, meds, insulin, exercise, etc.):

Helpful food suggestions:

Re: GD Mamas

  • Weeks + Days: 26w5d

    Blood sugar numbers: N/A at present. It's just fairly safe to assume I'll be joining this

    History of GD diagnosis or first time: I was GD with my last pregnancy, and there are signs I maybe with this one 

    Current treatment/management (counseling, diet, meds, insulin, exercise, etc.): I've been able to control it with diet only. 

    Helpful food suggestions: Find a midnight snack. Seriously. Set an alarm for 1130pm and have a midnight snack. For me, it was a Premier Protein Shake. It kept my blood sugar in check over night, and I was good all day. I've heard crazy stories, so it takes a few tries to find the right snack for you. My dietician said hers was a bowl of WATERMELON every night. GD is not like normal diabetes. It is WEIRD. 
  • While I don’t have GD this time, I did with DD2 and thought I might be able to help with some snack ideas! I snacked on hard boiled eggs, cheese sticks, nature valley granola bars that I found that were low carb-ish, and every night I ate a bowl of Rice Krispy cereal with just a little milk. So weird, but it tasted good and didn’t mess with my sugar haha. Meat and vegetables will be your friends for meals! I ate scrambled eggs for breakfast every morning. 

    The goal is to avoid carbs! They’ll explain all of that to you I’m sure. But I remember eating French fries thinking it would be no big deal and that was my worst blood sugar level of my entire pregnancy. 😬 I just explained to my OB that I didn’t realize starchy vegetables would be a big deal and she understood, haha!
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  • edited January 2021
    You don't want to completely avoid carbs. Diabetics NEED sugar, too. Also, avoiding carbs in pregnancy cna make your already sluggish bowel even worse. You want to make sure your carbs are WORTH it: high in fiber, lower in sugar. And, it's OK to have that piece of chocolate every now and then. I allowed myself one Special Dark a meal. 

    And, they also said NOT to avoid special meals like birthdays, showers, Christmas (We were due in Jan/Feb), Thanksgiving, etc. Just make sure you stay honest, track your food and blood sugar, and go back on track the next day. 

    Also, you'll probably lose weight the first few weeks. I lost 10lbs in 2w, and didn't gain for the remainder of my pregnancy. My netgain was 12lbs!!! I left the hospital lower than my pre pregnant weight! 
  • @aisukurimsarang you're right! I should have clarified, not all carbs are bad. You have to have some, just limited. Isn't it the complex carbohydrates that are bad?

    I had a December baby and was also given the go ahead to enjoy thanksgiving dinner to the fullest, which I was thankful for. My levels still really weren't all that bad that day, which made me feel better about indulging!
  • @bbrahmbhatt, Right? I was surprised how low they were after all that junk! And yes, complex carbohydrates, refined sugars, etc. 
  • I had GD with my first son, I did nothing but a little diet modification to deal with it.

    For this pregnancy I did my one hour glucose test a week ago and it was 164, I’m at the lab right now doing the three hour test 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    If I’m positive with this one I’ll be back for meal and snack discussions!
  • edited January 2021
    30+3 I think 😂 
    failed the one hour test with a glucose level of 147 did the 3 hour test and discussing the #s with my dr today :) 
    i forgot to add this is my first pregnancy 
  • good luck @grilledcheeezin - keep us posted!

    @slord33 how did your 3 hour go?
  • @theblondebump I actually passed the three hour.  I was so certain I was going to fail since I did last time.

    I’m relieved because checking my BG last time was a pain in the butt and it would have been worse this time with my current job.  I probably should still eat like I have it though and be careful with the carbs.  Thanks for asking!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • That's great! Congrats @slord33

  • @theblondebump Some of us due later in the month (like me) haven't had our tests yet, so you may have some company yet!  My one hour test is next Tuesday. 

    I'm sorry it's proving to be more annoying to follow the diet and track sugars than you hoped.  Maybe it'll get a little easier as you get more used to it and as you approach the finish line.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @kadeephd hopefully everyone passes, but if not at least I’ll have some company! 

    I’m nervous that I’m going to have to take insulin because I’m still having some high numbers, even following the diet rules, especially when I wake up in the morning. My body is just not cooperating. My dad and my grandma were both type II diabetics so I’m starting to think it might just be out of my control. I’m trying SO hard to eat the right things and do this right, and it’s not helping. Also, the nutritionist expects me to eat 2400 calories a day which is just ridiculous, in my opinion. It is impossible to follow their diet plan and also eat that many calories. 
  • @theblondebump The fasting numbers in the morning are usually much more out of your control than your post meal numbers.  Try not to beat yourself up about it.  Also, my friend who just got dianogosed with GD said her nutritionist told her they would consider insulin if half or more of her readings are over her goal.  Having a few high readings (I think) will not send you straight to insulin.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @kadeephd My nutritionist told me if I have 4 readings in a week that are over the goal, they will start me on insulin, which seems pretty impossible to avoid! 
  • Ughh I haven’t heard anything from my doctor but my 1 hour reading today was 135 and the high end cut off says 135...hoping beyond hope they let it ride!
  • Damn it, have to do the 3 hour test. That sucks.
  • Shucks @juliebird6 but hopefully with a relatively low 1 hour test you’ll be fine - good luck! Let us know how it goes. 
  • kadeephdkadeephd member
    edited January 2021
    @theblondebump Do they mean any four readings in a week could be high?  So lunch one day, fasting the next, dinner the next, breakfast the next?  How would they even know how much insulin to prescribe, or when, in that situation?

    @juliebird6 ugh sorry.  Hope the three hour doesn't suck too much.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I don’t know if there are any other first time mamas going to do the three hour test and dreading or terrified of it like I was! I just wanted to say as long as you bring something or are just good at entertaining yourself it really wasn’t as horrible as I was expecting! I got the fruit punch flavor again and it reminds me of hi-c fruit punch so I didn’t mind it! Remember it will be over in just about one long movie and you got this!!! All worth it in the end 🥰 Don't work yourself up about it, it’s out of your control and will be over and in the rear view mirror before you know it! 
  • @kadeephd that’s a good question, I’m not sure if it was any 4, or 4 in the same time period. 
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