August 2021 Moms

STM+ Check In

How far along are you? 

How is pregnancy and motherhood? 

Rants or raves: 
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Re: STM+ Check In

  • How far along are you? 

    How is pregnancy and motherhood? 
    It really depends on the day.  Today is good except for the crippling nausea.  My 2 year old just walked up, licked my butt then laughed and said "licked you mommy".  I just pulled my 3 year old off the trash can for the third time... in five minutes.  And my 5 year old is cuddled by himself on the couch in a rare moment of chill behavior.

    Rants or raves:
    My husband's grandma went effing nuts with Christmas presents this year and I'm a tad saucy because we gave her a boundary and she crossed it so far I don't think she can see the boundary anymore.  I went off a bit and told my husband next year the kids have a limit of how many things they can open from her and the rest gets donated.  My husband said in advance for next year to get the kids an experience like a zoo membership or something and her exact words were "good luck getting me to do that".  I told him he should've said "well then good luck getting us to let you see the kids for Christmas" and he didn't like that idea as much as I did. 😂
  • @MrsPyrowiz ugh! That’s so frustrating about your husband’s grandma. That kind of willful disregard for people’s boundaries grinds my gears. 

    How far along are you? 6w1d

    How is pregnancy and motherhood? Ugh. I am not my best right now. I have zero patience. Our oldest doesn’t nap, so I can’t always rest during BB2s nap. I just feel like I wake up for day already at the end of my tether. And this morning I woke up to both boys in BB2s crib (they do not share a room).

    Rants or raves: TV turns our oldest into an absolute wild animal. I’ve been relying on it a lot over the holidays and yesterday we really paid the price, his behaviour was awful. So we had a TV detox day today and went on a big trail walk. And then bless MH for taking the boys for another 2 hour walk so I could just sleep this afternoon. Kiddo is already so much more himself.

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  • How far along are you? 6 weeks ish

    @pickle-chips I am relying on tv too much during the day but, thankfully my mother in law actually listened to me and bought her craft kits etc for Christmas. 
    Rants or raves:  the weather sucks and I'm nauseous so we haven't been outside today. It's supposed to be as bad if not worse tomorrow but I really want to try to get out for a hike.
  • @pickle-chips she drives me nuts!  
    We also need a TV detox, my 5 year old is having a hard time.  I've been so sick it's hard to not have a distraction for them while I dry heave in the bathroom half the day.
  • @grogu I’m sorry the weather sucks! I hope you get some sunshine and relatively warm days soon. You’re in BC, right?? 

    @MrsPyrowiz oh it was totally a survival tactic here too! You do what you gotta do when nausea has you knocked out.
  • @pickle-chips yep. We have at least a week of rain 🙄 we will get out until the forest today at some point. 

  • How far along are you? 9 + 4

    How is pregnancy and motherhood? Up until the beginning of this week, I was throwing up every AM & PM. I recently lost all taste and smell (waiting on COVID) test results and no long am throwing up. However, I may have COVID and feel even more exhausted. 

    Motherhood is hard. My 4 older kids (aged from 6-1) all have colds and have been sleeping terribly. It’s been the longest week ever. Thank goodness for Netflix & Disney+. 

    Rants or raves: my sister in law tested positive on Tuesday and despite being around her last weekend they just decided to not let anyone know. Im so ticked! 
  • @thekymack oh I'm so sorry about loss of smell/taste. Hope you and your kids feel better soon!
  • @thekymack Hope it's a negative and you all feel better soon!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
  • 6 weeks today

    It's going. Most days I'm fine, but I was super absent this last week as or niece was staying with us. She took so much more energy than my almost 2 year old 😂. I was exhausted and had limited patience with no chance of reprieve until my wife wasn't working. 

    My rant is above....

    @thekymack hope you get better soon!

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