July 2021 Moms

STM+ Check In (12/27)

How far along are you? 
How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 
How are your other kids doing this week? 
GTKY: any New Years resolutions for 2021?!

Re: STM+ Check In (12/27)

  • How far along are you? 13w

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 
    3 children, DD is 7, DS will be 6 soon and DS is 2

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    Feeling good.  I just cant seem to escape the exhaustion.  I've been napping daily.  

    Rants/Raves: my kids have been fabulous since they have been home from school.  Playing nicely together, sharing.  It's been a nice break from the arguements 

    Concerns/Questions: none 

    GTKY: any New Years resolutions for 2021?!  Trying to stay in better contact with friends near and far. 
  • How far along are you? 11+2

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? One 2.5 yr old

    How are your other kids doing this week? He’s actually been a sweet angel - just being very polite and sharing and gentle, so sweet.  He is also currently sitting pantless on his potty in front of the tv while I try and coax a poop out of him LOL the things we do. 

    Rants/Raves: idk just enjoying the calmness of this holiday season while also simultaneously mourning not having family and friends around. Taking down our tree and decorations today and I am so ready!!! 

    Concerns/Questions: natm 

    GTKY: any New Years resolutions for 2021?! Ummmmmm i think just need to get more active, it’s been really easy to just slide into a very sedentary lifestyle with lockdown and pregnancy exhaustion... hoping in the next few weeks the energy will return a bit and I will feel a bit more motivated to do some exercise.  This isn’t really a resolution because I’d be saying it even if it wasn’t New Years. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • How far along are you? 13w 3d technically as it’s almost midnight here haha. 

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 1 - almost 16 months 

    How are your other kids doing this week? He’s so good! He’s been doing great and in a happy and lovely mood. I guess that’s what happens when your food doesn’t hurt you. All his grumpy days can be linked to eating a food that hurt his tummy. 

    Rants/Raves: We had such a wonderful Christmas. It was truly memorable and so peaceful. I loved every single minute of it. NIPT results came back and everything is perfect. And I emailed my midwife to ask if my u/s on January 5 was cancelled but they said no. I have no idea why but I’m not complaining! I can’t wait to see my little bean again. 

    I’m not looking forward to working tomorrow But at least it’ll only be me putting out fires/handling emergency stuff. 


    GTKY: any New Years resolutions for 2021?!

    Other than manifest positive thoughts and good vibes so 2021 allows travel and the ability to do things again, nope! 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

  • How far along are you? 11+2 

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? A daughter, 22 months old

    How are your other kids doing this week? good! We started potty training but I won’t say anymore because I don’t want to jinx it 😆

    Rants/Raves: she has been so happy these last few days, after a couple rough ones for Christmas and she’s just so much fun when she this happy! She makes us laugh so much. 

    Concerns/Questions: natm 

    GTKY: any New Years resolutions for 2021?!
    I’m still formulating it but basically I am going to get better at setting up and sticking to short term, measurable goals. 
  • How far along are you? 13w

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? One 4 year old

    How are your other kids doing this week? it’s been hard because I’m so miserable most of the time and he wants me to sit on the floor and play with him and roughhouse and I just want to lay down and sleep 

    To make you giggle, we went to the tide pools today and while we were waiting for our friends to arrive DS decided to make some friends so he straight up crashed someone’s date and proceeded to talk to these people for like 15 minutes about his favorite color and his favorite dinosaur and the tide pools and how to say hello in Japanese. It was hilarious

    Concerns/Questions: what can I take for indigestion? That on top of 24/7 nausea is slowly killing me

    GTKY: any New Years resolutions for 2021?! be more active 
  • How far along are you? 11w2d by LMP, but by my US and ovulation 11w5d (the farther the better lol)

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? Two - DS is 6 in February and DD is 4

    How are your other kids doing this week? DS and DD are on break right now. Today we are at the dentist for DD which she was not pleased about. 

    Rants/Raves: My rant is that I feel like I am on a zillion meds right now. I am on ABX for a UTI, which has now given me a yeast infection. Plus my normal PNV, DHA supplement, unisom and b6 at night, Pepcid twice a day, and culturelle. 

    Concerns/Questions: NATM 

    GTKY: any New Years resolutions for 2021?! Honestly, have a better year than 2020 lol. Going in with low expectations so it ends up being good!
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