How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 boys, 4, 3 and 1
Rants/Raves: I brought my phone to get fixed, and I no longer have to hold the charger in to get it to charge! But I made a stupid mistake and accidentally locked myself out of my phone, and had to reset it to factory. All the important things like photos were backed up, so I'm trying not to be too annoyed at myself, but it's going to be weeks of tweaking everything to get it back to the way I like it.
GTKY: Favorite seasonal food/treat? Latkes! DH & I fry our own every year, and it's so fun.
Rants/Raves: we are hosting my mom and sister today and I asked my sister what time she wanted to come on Sunday and she said for supper so I figured I had most of the day to get stuff together. Well last night she calls saying she’s crazy and can’t do supper because she has to put out gifts tonight. All that after I reminded her that they’d have to leave by 8 if we did supper because we go to bed early. True, but also hinting at playing Santa. So now I need to get all my crap together this morning to have food ready for noon instead of 5
How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 kids: 14DD, 9DD, 4DS
Rants/Raves: I had a regular ob check today, they feel so pointless right now. I have a Doppler at home, I feel like I normally feel while pregnant, I can feel the baby move. Though the dr was reassuring about Mia’s tilted heart, that ultrasounds are a blessing and a curse. They can show things that aren’t actually a big deal but a little out of the ordinary.
On the plus side, I was the first patient of the day and was in and out within 10 minutes!
How many kids do you already have? Ages? DS who is 2
Rants/Raves: Christmas was so much fun yesterday. We have spent the past week at my sister's house and she has a 2 year old as well so it's been really fun watching the kids together. They haven't been together for over a year! But now I'm exhausted and honestly just ready to go home. We are celebrating my second niece's baptism today, then Family pictures, and after that we will leave for the 12 hour drive home. I love spending time with my sister and her family but my mom arrived Wednesday and Dad came in on Thursday so it's been stressful since then. My sister doesn't get along well with them so it's always weird.
GTKY: Favorite seasonal food/treat? Christmas cookies of all kinds!
Re: STM+ Check In 12/23
How far along are you? 20+4
How many kids do you already have? Ages? One daughter who is just over 2 weeks away from turning 3.
Rants/Raves: Just 8 more hours of work (4 today, 4 tomorrow) before a long weekend!
GTKY: Favorite seasonal food/treat? Little Debbie's Christmas Tree cakes, no contest!How far along are you? 18+4
How many kids do you already have? Ages? 4 y/o dd
Rants/Raves: we are hosting my mom and sister today and I asked my sister what time she wanted to come on Sunday and she said for supper so I figured I had most of the day to get stuff together. Well last night she calls saying she’s crazy and can’t do supper because she has to put out gifts tonight. All that after I reminded her that they’d have to leave by 8 if we did supper because we go to bed early. True, but also hinting at playing Santa. So now I need to get all my crap together this morning to have food ready for noon instead of 5
GTKY: Favorite seasonal food/treat? Cherry cardinalsBFP #1 January 28, 2016
Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016
My Chart
BFP #2 September 11, 2020
EDD May 23, 2021
How far along are you? 21+5
How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 kids: 14DD, 9DD, 4DS
Rants/Raves: I had a regular ob check today, they feel so pointless right now. I have a Doppler at home, I feel like I normally feel while pregnant, I can feel the baby move. Though the dr was reassuring about Mia’s tilted heart, that ultrasounds are a blessing and a curse. They can show things that aren’t actually a big deal but a little out of the ordinary.
On the plus side, I was the first patient of the day and was in and out within 10 minutes!
GTKY: Favorite seasonal food/treat? Danish Kringle 🤤How far along are you? 19+4
How many kids do you already have? Ages? DS who is 2
Rants/Raves: Christmas was so much fun yesterday. We have spent the past week at my sister's house and she has a 2 year old as well so it's been really fun watching the kids together. They haven't been together for over a year! But now I'm exhausted and honestly just ready to go home. We are celebrating my second niece's baptism today, then Family pictures, and after that we will leave for the 12 hour drive home. I love spending time with my sister and her family but my mom arrived Wednesday and Dad came in on Thursday so it's been stressful since then. My sister doesn't get along well with them so it's always weird.
GTKY: Favorite seasonal food/treat? Christmas cookies of all kinds!