August 2021 Moms

STM 12/19

Second time moms!

How far along are you and how many kids do you have? What ages?
Have you told your LO yet?
Are you feeling differently this go round?
How are you balancing pregnancy and your other kiddos?
Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 

Re: STM 12/19

    • I am 7w and have a 4 y/o.
    • She knows because we did IVF, so she has seen the shots and known what it was for. She is excited, but also nervous to lose my attention. She'll be 5 in a few weeks so she has really luxuriated in being an only child with 5 cousins to play with. I think it will be a big adjustment for her. I feel like she's emotionally regressed a little this year and become more clingy. TBH she is up my @$$ all the time these days. She was more independent when she was in school, but this year we have her with a nanny to keep her safe and the nanny is really not a great fit for her.
    • I feel like so far this has been easier? Maybe some of it is knowing what to do, but I feel like I'm feeling way less sick. Also knew to start Colace early this time.  :D I'm tired but just don't have time to wallow in it much with all of my responsibilities, including DD. 
    • Basically by ignoring pregnancy and trying to keep up with DD. It's definitely easier since she's almost 5 and not super little. I don't have to carry her much and all that. More just she wants attention. Roughest part is my need for sleep and her unfailing ability to wake up before the sun does.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
  • edited December 2020
    @claireloSC I think the clinginess comes with all the other emotional baggage of the year. Is your DD in school or doing virtual? My DS was never a clingy kid and regressed a lot when we went back to a more normal work and school schedule. It was rough. Solidarity mama. 

    How far along are you and how many kids do you have? What ages?

    6w 4 days. DS, 3.5

    Have you told your LO yet?

    No, we are waiting until our scan to tell him (1/4). 

    Are you feeling differently this go round?

    I definitely feel it more this time around. I am so tired and more nauseous when I don’t have food in my stomach. 

    How are you balancing pregnancy and your other kiddos?

    So far so good. This last week was crazy with his last day of school and the holidays coming up. It is also the busy season for me at work so I’ve been firing on all cylinders. DH is a great partner and helps out a lot around the house and with our little guy. He does bedtime and bath and that allows me to crawl into bed early most nights. 
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  • How far along are you and how many kids do you have? What ages?

    5 weeks today. She is just about 6.5. 

    Have you told your LO yet?

    No we haven’t. We will tell her when we are planning on telling everyone else, for a couple of reasons. 1) she can’t keep a secret 2) I had a mmc in May and I don’t want to have to untell her and 3) I had a kindergarten student years ago excitedly tell me his mom was going to have a baby and then a week or two later he told me the baby had stopped growing. To see a 5/6 year old try and understand a mc was too much for me. 

    Are you feeling differently this go round? 

    I’m more nauseous earlier this time. Last time it didn’t hit until around 6 weeks and this time it’s been happening daily since just after 4 weeks.  

    How are you balancing pregnancy and your other kiddos?

    It seems to be fine for the most part, other than the pure exhaustion that will hit randomly not much has changed with her. It is taking me longer to get my house cleaning/maintaining/daily stuff done. I am so glad that she’s safely back in school and that in the mornings I just have to get her to school then I can home and nap if I need to. 
  • @surrenderdorothy she's not old enough for public kindergarten so she's not in any kind do school this year. Previously she was in preschool for her entire life. Her school wasn't requiring masks so we didn't feel comfortable and unenrolled her. So she shares a nanny with one other kid/family. She def misses her friends and is lonely and that's causing more clingy behavior but she has always been pretty attached to me.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
  • How far along are you and how many kids do you have? What ages?
    I'm 4+3
    I have 2 girls. One will be 7 in January and the other will be 18 months next week.

    Have you told your LO yet?
    Not yet. I have had 3 losses and I'm 41 so I'm waiting until we see a heartbeat and get the NIPT results back.

    Are you feeling differently this go round?
    I'm feeling really good! I stopped working out with my last pregnancy for fear of another loss and really regretted stopping, so I'm continuing my workouts this time around and I'm feeling really good. I'm also so early still that the nausea and vomiting hasn't started yet...with me once it starts it lasts until delivery. I think with my last I felt great until about 8 weeks...

    How are you balancing pregnancy and your other kiddos?
    Fine so far. Ask me once the morning sickness kicks in:/ My 7 year old is in remote school and I'll be teaching high school full time remotely as well starting January 4th once my mat leave ends (3 grade 12 courses) so I may feel differently in a few weeks time:)

  • @claireloSC and @baby_yoda1986 DD1 was 5.5 years old when DD2 was born. She very adamantly did NOT want a sibling and LOVED being an only. She was super mad when she figured out I was pregnant and kept saying  "that better just be too much soup in your belly". Well, DD2 is her favourite thing EVER now. They adore eachother and play together all the time.  DD1 has even started asking for another baby because she "loves this one so so so much!"
  • @pickle-chips Thanks! :relaxed:

    How far along are you and how many kids do you have?
    5+2  I have 2 kiddos!
    What ages?
    DS turned 2 in Oct and DD is 10 mo. 
    Have you told your LO yet?
    Yep! Not that they get it lol but my oldest is excited about the “baby in tummy”. 
    Are you feeling differently this go round?
    I am more tired but I’m taking care of (and breastfeeding) a toddler and a baby so that’s to be expected. I was sick until about 20 wks with both kids so I’m expecting that again. Fun times!  With DS I was super angry and aggressive but with DD I got allllll butt hurt and cried over everything. I’m definitely angry and aggressive this time so if I had to guess, this baby is a boy! 
    How are you balancing pregnancy and your other kiddos?
    I’m trying my best to take care of myself and rest but it’s virtually impossible! It actually seems easier than when I was pregnant with my oldest because I have to keep going and it helps keep my mind off the misery a bit. 
  • @jynjer3 Did you lose your milk at all while pregnant with your second? I'm still breastfeeding my almost 18 month old and do not plan on stopping (DD1 nursed until she was almost 4 and only stopped because my milk dried up during a hospital stay). I'm worried I'm going to dry up:(
  • How far along are you and how many kids do you have? What ages? 1 DD who is 7yo

    Have you told your LO yet? No. We hadn’t really talked about telling her, but I want to wait a bit for the beta results and to make sure everything sticks before we tell her. She’s been begging for a baby sister for 3-4 years! 

    Are you feeling differently this go round? Having a supportive partner has been amazing. DD’s dad was.... less than thrilled...   This is me and MHs first baby and he is over the moon. 

    How are you balancing pregnancy and your other kiddos? I’m only like 5 seconds pregnant (or so it feels) so no issues yet! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @Panaceia my supply definitely dropped but I never dried up completely. He didn’t seem to mind but he sure enjoyed it when my milk came in after DD was born lol. I’m a little worried I’m going to have to wean him because tandem nursing while pregnant really is asking a lot of my poor body. I really really wanted him to be able to decide when he was done. :disappointed: I’ll probably end up only letting him nurse at bedtime but even that makes me sad. 
  • @Panaceia I infrequently nurse my 3 year old and surprisingly, my milk hasn't dried up, despite long stretches sometimes in between. Will be curious to see what happens while pregnant though. 
  • How far along are you and how many kids do you have? What ages?
    4+6 - DS is 14 months old

    Have you told your LO yet?
    Oh yeah but he has no idea what it means.  We also got him the Daniel Tiger Big Brother book.

    Are you feeling differently this go round?
    Everything feels different mentality and physically.  The lower back pain and the cramps are probably the worst.

    How are you balancing pregnancy and your other kiddos?
    Made it through the first week of being pregnant with a 14 month old!  Asking DH for a lot of help and getting to bed super early. 
  • Sorry to AW this thread. I love to hear how your LOs take the news! Mine is def excited, has been wanting a sibling, but nervous for the change. I think she will be super happy once LO is here. She has been bringing up nursing so I'm a little worried about that causing jealously but we've told her she's too old and that time is over and milk is for babies. But I think she will adjust. Probably it will be hard when I'm stuck in nap jail or nursing and she wants attention but we'll figure it out. Hoping as life returns to normal she will maybe be a little less clingy plus the extra development she'll have over the next 9 months. Also happy to see others with bigger age differences. We wanted ours closer together but it didn't work out that way, but I'm looking forward to the silver lining of DD being able to help a little and speak up about her feelings.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
  • Thanks @jynjer3 and @bmo88 ! I really want to let her continue until she chooses to be done. It's so nice to hear that maybe she won't mind too much if my supply drops at some point.

    @claireloSC When we brought DD2 home DD1 asked if she couod nurse again. I let her try but she had forgotten how and never asked again.
  • How far along are you and how many kids do you have? What ages?

    4+1. I have a 17 month old daughter. 

    Have you told your LO yet?

    We have, but she definitely doesn’t understand what that means yet haha. She has been having good practice with her three month old cousin though, and she is super sweet with her. 

    Are you feeling differently this go round?

    I do. I don’t remember cramping last time, and I guess we’ll have to see how bad the morning sickness is! Last time it started strong at 6 weeks and lasted until the second trimester. Praying it won’t be as bad as last time! 

    How are you balancing pregnancy and your other kiddos?

    I just found out, so I feel like I am balancing fine for now! I am sure that will change as the baby gets bigger and I am trying to chase my toddler around! 
  • How far along are you and how many kids do you have? What ages? 4w+3, we have 1 DS turns 2 in feb.
    Have you told your LO yet? Yes, but he doesn't understand.
    Are you feeling differently this go round? Morning sickness usually kicks in around 6 weeks and went through delivery with DS, so ask me in a couple weeks...starting to feel exhausted and I could tell I was pregnant since I'm still nursing and I was so sore. 
    How are you balancing pregnancy and your other kiddos? Just trying to not carry DS too much listen to my body. DW have been super helpful and supportive. We also have been working on DS's independence since we starting planning on getting pregnant.

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