What’s your experience and opinion on best breast pumps?
My first son was a premie and not a great nurser. I struggled with supply issues so I had to pump and bottle feed a LOT. I used the spectra S2 and still have it but I’m not sure how well it will still work after being in storage for 3 years. I can get a new pump through insurance and I’m debating if I should get another Spectra to have as backup (or maybe my primary if the old one doesn’t still work) or if I should get the more portable Medela Pump in Style Max Flow. In pre-covid times I traveled a lot for work and my spectra was not great for that but now that work travel has pretty much come to a halt I’m not sure if I need the portability of the Medela but it might still be nice to have two different options even if we continue lockdown life in 2021.
I’m rambling, lol. Thoughts? Opinions?
Re: Breast pumps
I thankfully didn’t have supply problems, but I most definitely have a preference in terms of ease of use, comfort/pain, and supply in general.
I have a strong, strong preference for the Spectra. It gave me the best supply (like 70 oz a day, it was nuts), and it was quiet and comfortable. Plus, it’s a closed system so you don’t run into the issue of getting fluid in the tubes, which is huge. The duck-bill valves were also much more efficient for me than the ones with the little flaps. I will give you that it wasn’t the best to travel with, but I bought an external battery that I could use with it so I didn’t have to be plugged into the wall and I pumped literally wherever. I have two, one for work, one for home, and plan on checking how many hours each has been used and either using one of them again, or getting a new one because it was just such a great pump. They also have a more portable S9 (I think?) meant for travel that I might try if one of my S2 still has relatively low hours. I’ll just get new tubes, valves, etc.
The Medela was just OK in terms of what I produced and I had to supplement with formula, and it was loud and it just hurt. I also didn’t care for their flanges, and how they would disconnect.
One thing, LUBE THE BOOB! Get a good nipple cream and apply liberally before pumping, especially in those early days when your nipples are tender.
Based on your review I’ll probably just get another Spectra!
If my insurance will cover the willow or elvie, I'll go with that. If not, the freemie this time. But if you can be home and don't need an in-bra one like those three, I'd go with the S1/S2 or S9. Don't bother with the PISA.
Caveat that I had an oversupply with my first and had to very minimally pump to get what I needed and then only pumped for about 2.5 months aside from building a small stash before covid SIP hit for DD2 and she was home full time. My milk just dried up and she's 19 months but I haven't pumped since March.
@theblondebump like mentioned above, you might be able to find it online but not necessarily. With my first I called, with my second it was online but I had to call them to get help. The two biggest suppliers I recall are aeroflow and edgepark. I used aeroflow the first time and it was super simple. Edgepark was also good but I didn't have the upgrade option like I did the first time (paid $99 for the battery spectra). I will say the first time it was so easy to find the suppliers but the second time the website just had a list that was insanely long and I had to call and ask for help and eventually was like "can you just look these two up?" The website gave me medical suppliers but places that only made wheelchairs or heart monitors, etc. You actually can just go onto either/both of those suppliers websites (aeroflow and edgepark) and enter in your insurance info and they'll tell you if you can use them. They bill your insurance. That was what I did first before DD2 and aeroflow kicked it back immediately when I entered my insurance info as not included. And both websites will just show you which ones your insurance will cover. What I loved about aeroflow is that they let me add on extra pump parts and bottles and pay myself but it was wayyy cheaper than anything I could find from Amazon, buy buy baby, etc. Highly recommend them if they are a covered supplier. Edgepark was good too, but not as many little perks like that.
So now...I can pay $275 for the Elvie. I already have an S1 (battery) and S9 (also battery, portable, not as powerful). I can't decide if it's worth it for that price considering that I will be working from home 🤔
Also, why is insurance so darn hard to navigate?? I've heard the prescription thing but never had to deal with it. Are you on different insurance from that time @kadeephd?
Anyone heard of the Elvie Curve? I'ts not a breast pump but it's a milk collecting device so still probably applicable for this thread. I think I'm going to get it (it's $50 and will catch your leaks + a bit of stimulation while baby nurses on the other side - similar to but a potentially a big upgrade from the haaka which I have and LOVE).
P.S. for FTMs or moms who haven't had a baby recently - the Haaka is also amazing. Definitely look into it or something similar like the Elvie Curve. Happy to answer questions. I know ppl who have said they don't leak ever so it wasn't super effective for them but even mom friends with low supply said they could get a bottle by the end of the day using it at every feeding. I actually only really used it at the first feeding or two a day and could get a bottle. I'm hoping the Elvie Curve is a bit more user friendly b/c I definitely spilled the haaka and had to adjust it a good amount sometimes.
My insurance website was NOT that helpful, other than to say a breastpump is considered durable medical equipment and is therefore covered by insurance. *eyeroll* I submitted my information to aeroflow, and I pretty much immediately got a screen saying "you are officially covered" and directed me to pick out a pump with reduced prices indicating what I would pay out of pocket. I chose the battery Spectra pump kit, which was an "insurance upgrade". I placed the order, and I then got an email with my timeline showing "youre approved" and that insurance required a prescription, which Aeroflow was working on getting from my provider (I was able to look my OB up on their system, and they surprisingly had her contact info already). I waited for ~2 days, then I got a message from my OB's nurse saying they faxed the order over to aeroflow. I logged on to aeroflow today, and it shows a FedEx tracking number for my pump. Overall, incredibly easy! I was a little like "is anything happening" in those few days, but I tend to be a little impatient so that's probably just me. I hope this will be helpful to someone! For reference, I have Blue Cross Blue Shield, which seems to be a national partner with aeroflow. I had quite a few different options to choose from, including Medela, Spectra and Elvie. I also checked out Edgepark, which only had a couple of options for me that were covered, but I imagine the process would be fairly similar.
@kvh22 thanks for the advice RE the Haaka! I just added the collection Haaka to my registry!
Now when baby gets older and nurses on both sides, how do you use the haakaa? Guessing on the side the were on second (so after baby is done) since they usually take more milk when they first start nursing.
Hope this makes sense.
FYI - I got a notice from Edgepark the S9 is on back order. I’ve noticed this a lot with appliances and stuff since manufacturing and distribution has been effected by the pandemic so be sure to order early as you may not receive for a while!!!
A mom in my moms group with my second told me about 1naturalway.com which will give you a 15% discount on upgrades so I just submitted my info there. Worth saving $50 on the Elvie pump if I can so we shall see. They apparently let you order accessories, too (obviously not covered by insurance but for a discount).