August 2021 Moms

Monday Randoms- 12/14

Re: Monday Randoms- 12/14

  • Having some .gif issues so imagine a Home Alone gif above. Lol
  • Although it is super early, I told my business partners (both childless men) about my pregnancy on Friday. I was physically shaking before I broke the news. They were excited and so supportive. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my back. I own a business, so my maternity leave (if we will even be able to call it that) will be nontraditional and will require a lot more planning and reassignment of rolls. We won't talk logistics for a while, but I'm glad it is out in the open- especially before they know something's up when I'm not drinking at our Christmas luncheon or ordering coffee on our normal coffee walks. I'm having lunch with a career mentor of mine later in the month and plan to ask her what the typical maternity leave looks like for business owner's in our industry so I have a frame of reference when we finally need to make plans.

    Has anyone else told their employer? How did it go?
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  • @ashleyhj29 aww, that was so sweet of your husband! What a gem. Also so glad that your manager was supportive. <3 
  • @claireloSC I really like that there are some same-sex couples and so many teachers here. Those are my people! I am so happy to hear about your US update. Awesome news!
    Me: 35 Husband: 40
    TTC #2: Jan 2019
     DS: 2.5 yo 
     EDD: 12/2/16 DOB: 10/22/16
    (Previously MBS2016 Dec 2016 board
    <3         <3 
  • Thank you so much @bobbyflies2020! Hope we hear the same news from you shortly. :smile:
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
  • @surrenderdorothy I'm considering telling my head of school and associate head of school this week. They're my direct supervisors but also were there through my loss this summer. We're starting to gather lists of our faculty who want to be vaccinated, so it feels like an appropriate time to say "um hi I'm not on that list and won't be until August ..." I'm so glad it went well for you!!
  • Ladies...I had a miscarriage this morning. Started spotting red last night, no cramps, but when I woke up this morning I felt a gush and I passed some tissue. My US showed a completely empty uterus...just days after seeing a heartbeat. Such a bummer. We found out it was a girl and my doctor confirmed that what I passed was the sac. I didn't have any pain or cramping. Such a bummer....
    Me: 36     DH: 37
    TTC #1 since 2017
    Dx: MFI + Mild PCOS (AMH 6.9)

    IVF Journey:
    ER #1: 6/18/19; 15R/11M/9F/6 FROZEN 👶🏼 un-tested
    FET 1: 8/01/19, Beta 8/14 = 9...Chemical pregnancy (transferred 2)
    FET 2: 12/19/19...Negative Beta 12/30 (transferred 1)

    Changed Clinics
    FET 3: 3/9/20, Beta #1, 37, Beta #2, 26, Beta #3 51 - Chemical pregnancy (transferred 2)

    ER #2: 6/2/2020; 31R/26M/18F/13 sent for PGS Testing
    6 PGS Normal Embryos - 3 girls👶🏼 + 3 boys👶🏼
    FET 4: 7/30/20, Beta 1:66    Beta 2: 110...Ectopic pregnancy @ 6 weeks with Male (transferred 1)
    FET 5: 11/18/20, Beta 1: 97 Beta 2: 384 Beta 3: 1010....Miscarriage @ 7 weeks with Female (transferred 1)
    FET 6: 3/9/21 - Canceled due to poor lining response
    FET 6.5: 7/28/21 - Beta 1: 21.5  Beta 2: 31.4   Beta 3:  28 - Chemical pregnancy, Female (transferred 1)
    FET 7: 12/8/21 - Beta 1: 9   Beta 2:        - Chemical pregnancy, Male+? (transferred 2)
  • @ashleyhj29, I’m so sorry to hear this. You are in my thoughts. Please be kind to yourself.
  • @ashleyhj29 I am so sorry for your loss. 
  • I finally caved and bought a pair of Vouri joggers and hoodie that people rave about in another group I’m in. It is heaven. I don’t think I’ll ever take this set off. 
  • @surrenderdorothy those are all the rage in one of my fb groups too. I haven’t pulled the trigger on getting them yet. I’m thinking I really might need to. All my lounge pants are falling apart because they are so old. 
  • DO IT. You won’t regret it!
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