I know I always start these but please everyone feel free to do so - I'm not in charge, just usually have time to chat on Sunday nights.
- more morning sickness these last few days. Not constant and not that bad but have those moments of sour stomach or not being able to stomach certain foods. Unfortunately usually healthy ones! - first ultrasound tomorrow! - had my birthday on Friday and ate my way through the weekend, which was delicious. This week will be chill, probably finishing up holiday shopping and trying to survive work this week. One of my employees is on paternity leave so I've been covering and he's finally back next week which will be great. My siblings and mom have Covid. Everyone is ok but my mom is not doing that hot, but so far managing. Definitely worrying because she's elderly and not in good health. I haven't seen them in ages except to drop groceries so no exposure concerns but definitely stressing that she will get more serious. - Watched The Prom on Netflix which I thought was super cute. - I have three! One bro, 2 sisters, I'm #3.
Married DW 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 ; Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020
I’m overall feeling good. I am having hot/cold flashes at the strangest times and the nausea hits randomly too.
Any appointments coming up?
I should hear back from my MFM office tomorrow and get something set up for around 6 weeks.
What do you have going on this week?
It’s my DDs last week of school before the winter break so I have to get everything done. I got all the gifts for our secret Santa family wrapped today and I drop them off Tuesday. I need to get all her teachers gifts/thank you cards written for Tuesday, and I have PT 2xs, and my DD has OT Tuesday afternoon. Plus the usual daily living stuff.
The random headaches can go away and I’d be very happy.
How ya feeling? Still good, I don't really have any symptoms yet except for maybe being a bit more tired...but also my neighbors have been loud lately so it could just be that. I'm 5w3d so maybe it's still too early to be feeling symptoms.
Any appointments coming up? Nope, not until mid-January. I wish it was sooner! I am not a patient person and I feel like this whole pregnancy is really going to test my patience!!
What do you have going on this week? It's finals week so my students are turning in end-of-semester projects and one class has an actual final to take. So I'll be slowly grading those as they come in so I don't have too much on my plate all at once. Grades have to be in by Dec 23 so I won't have a ton of time to get papers graded!
Rants/Raves: I recently found out that 2 of my 3 classes for next semester were cut due to low enrollment. That's a huge cut in my paycheck every month and now I'm worried that there won't be any summer classes available at all which will really suck. Plus all the local colleges and universities are having the same issue with enrollment so it's not like I can pick up an extra couple classes somewhere else, no where is hiring right now. I can file for unemployment over the summer but I'm completely unfamiliar with that process so not really sure how helpful that will be. We have a good amount in savings and my husband's job is very secure so it's not the end of the world but it does mean things will be a little tight basically through this entire pregnancy.
GTKY: Do you have siblings? Yup, I have one younger brother.
@claireloSC I have a u/s tomorrow too! Bright and early.
I’ve felt different this past week than the week before—not as strongly nauseated or weak, but still averse to foods and not a big appetite. Still don’t crave Starbucks which happened my other pregnancies.
As far as a rant/rave, this is a first world problem but we like to travel over the holidays and not doing so this year has me pretty down. We also had my MIL stay home rather than coming to visit and it’s just a bummer.
How ya feeling? Physically really good. I had HG with both of my girls but it usually doesn't start until between 6 and 8 weeks...of course then it lasts until delivery so I'm enjoying feeling good while I can! Mentally...well...ask me again after my first US.
Any appointments coming up? I'm going to call tomorrow so I'll likely get bloods done sometime this week
What do you have going on this week? Not much. It's DD1's last week of remote school before the holidays. My mat leave ends December 23rd so I go back to work after the holidays. Luckily I am teaching remotely from home but I need to start putting some things together.
Rants/Raves: My loss history has me stressed but I'm choosing to be hopeful and believe that I'll get to bring this baby home in August! It doesn't stop me from incessantly over analyzing the darkness of mt frer lines though...
GTKY: Do you have siblings? Yep. 2. An older brother and a younger sister.
How ya feeling? Pretty awful. Constant waves of nausea, fatigue, and I've started sneezing a lot more. I'm 7 weeks today.
Any appointments coming up? Well my midwife called me at the end of last week to let me know she is not going to be able to deliver my baby due to some personal things happening for her next summer. She referred me to another hospital-based midwife group, and we've played phone tag so far, so I will be calling them again tomorrow morning.
What do you have going on this week? I'm in an "in-person" (virtual a lot of the time for covid) IF support group, and our holiday party is this week. (The group includes support during pregnancy, and for secondary IF, so it's not awkward for me to be pregnant and still attend group.)
Rant: see above midwife issue.
Rave: I spoke to a prospective birth photographer and really liked her. She's also a certified doula, and offers those services as well. MH and I just need to sit down and finalize it, but I think we're going to use her, so that's exciting.
GTKY: Do you have siblings? I have 1 younger sister. She has 2 little ones, which has been hard for me during IF treatment, though I have certainly enjoyed being an aunt.
@shoogapoff My brother has 3 kids and my BFF has 4...so when we were struggling through our losses I kept wondering what I was doing wrong. I love being an aunt but it was so hard at times when my BFF was having her 4th and we were still working on our first.
@claireloSC happy belated birthday! I’m sorry to hear about your family, wishing them a quick recovery.
I’m feeling mostly okay. Some slight heartburn, and an occasional hot flash... also some very mild cramping. Oh and SO tired. I can’t make it past 9 without falling asleep on the couch.
I went in this morning for blood work, anxiously awaiting those results.
This week is DS1 and DS2’s last week before break. DH’s birthday is also this week, still deciding exactly how to celebrate.
Rants/Raves.... DH has a few days off this week so that will be really nice. His company has been extremely busy, grateful for that with everything going on, but we haven’t had much time together.
I have two older brothers. Grew up with all boys and now I’m raising them! We’ll see about this next one!
@claireloSC sorry to hear about your family's covid diagnosis. I hope they are on the road to recovery soon.
@dancingnarwhal we have extremely loud neighbors as well and it is maddening. The last year or so hasn't been so bad, but we've had episodes where outdoor parties were so loud our house shook. It is unbearable. Also, sorry about the cut in enrollment and classes. I have a bunch of friends that work in various areas of Higher Ed and they are really feeling the covid effects. I hope things pick up soon with the vaccine becoming available, and enrollment goes back up.
How ya feeling?- Feeling pretty good! Which is a double edged sword. I'm glad I'm not really hurting but worried that I'm not feeling much different than I did pre-BFP. My boobs still hurt and I have small bouts of feeling tired, but other than that nothing too exciting to report.
Any appointments coming up?- I have an appt with my midwife on 12/29. They'll do the bloodwork and official confirmation during that appt. First ultrasound is scheduled for 1/4. I'm going to try to get it bumped up before the end of the year because our health insurance is changing and it will cost more out of pocket under the new plan.
What do you have going on this week?- I have a huge work deadline on Tuesday. It has consumed me for the last month and a half and I'll be so happy once everything is submitted. In addition to that, we have the last week of school rat race for my little guy. I ordered gift cards for teachers and staff and had them mailed and of course they haven't arrived yet.
Rants/Raves: See above about work deadline, health insurance, and missing gift cards. Ha.
GTKY: Do you have siblings? Yes, I'm the middle of three girls. We are really close.
@claireloSC happy birthday! I hope your family feels better soon.
How ya feeling? I’m pretty much fine except I feel like I’m hit by a tranquilizer around 5pm every day. I have 2 kids so that’s when I need to be doing dinner and bedtime so it’s a struggle. Im kind of struggling with my husband feeling stressed about having a third. I’m not telling anyone else, so I kind of wish he could be a little more excited with me, even though his stress is completely justified. This is definitely going to be the last time so I want to enjoy it even though I know 3 is a lot and we’re in a pandemic and all stuck at home driving each other crazy. Any appointments coming up? Not until mid january. I kind of want to wait as long as possible because even though it’s a birth center I’m a little nervous about going on person because of covid. What do you have going on this week? Mostly just managing my 5 year old in virtual kindergarten and my 2 year old. We might get a huge snow stores so my 5yo is super excited. I guess I should do Christmas shopping too.Rants/Raves: my MIL wants to visit us for Christmas and it’s awkward because we let my dad visit for thanksgiving but he lives alone and we all quarantine. MIL still sees SIL all the time who sees FIL who has a teenager who sees friends and in person classes. We basically have to make her choose between us or her daughter who she’s closer to, but I’d rather just not deal with it at all. GTKY: Do you have siblings? Nope, only child.
Hi everyone- I am really enjoying what everyone has shared so far!
@claireloSC I am sorry to hear about your mom's Covid. It must be hard to be apart from them right now.
@thereisalight I hope you are in Feed/Breed and Rest is Best mode. Being a mom of 2 boys during 1st trimester must be tiring!
@dancingnarwhal Sorry to hear about enrollment. Everything is so hard to predict these days.
@Panaceia I just a few days ahead of you. Due date 8/21. I just got my bloodwork yesterday- it is so stressful waiting. I will be thinking of you tomorrow
@shoogapoff Have fun at the holiday party! I am in a Secondary IF group that I love, too! It is nice to have support and similar things in common.
How ya feeling? B/W came back yesterday positive. HCG is 350, so I am feeling good! I spent yesterday napping and eating - it was aMAAAzing.
Any appointments coming up? B/W tomorrow to see if things double. FX
What do you have going on this week? We are keeping my 4 year old home as a precaution for the 3rd week. Both my partner and I work from home, so I will be lucky if I get a few presents wrapped and packed to ship to my family. I still need to finish gifts for my friends and their kids.
Rants/Raves: Last night I checked betas for 10 dpo and started to read on multifetal selective reduction, just in case. My RE already told me this would be my path if I got preg with multiples due to being high risk. It is really sad bc if I would love to blessed with 2 babies and get to keep them and it also brings with it lots of questions and risks. I will be relieved if there is one sac and no complications.
Me: 35 Husband: 40 TTC #2: Jan 2019 DS: 2.5 yo EDD: 12/2/16 DOB: 10/22/16 (Previously MBS2016 Dec 2016 board
Still feeling pretty good. I expect things to hit next week since I always get the first trimester yuckies right at six weeks. But, I also have COVID, so I’m dealing with those symptoms. I’m at the tail end, so it’s mainly just the lack of taste/smell that are driving me nuts. And I have crazy headaches/dizziness.
Any appointments coming up?
Not until January 4th.
What do you have going on this week?
I get out of quarantine on Wednesday, so I have to finish up a few last minute Christmas gifts. It’s also the last week of school before break, so I’ll have a lot of grading to do. Grading (in my opinion) is the worst part about being a teacher...
Rant: COVID. It sucks and it’s scary since both my parents have it too.
Rave: It HAS been nice to have my husband home through this. He’s an essential worker, so he’s never worked from home, and it has just been nice to have him here all week.
GTKY: Do you have siblings?
Yep! I have three older sisters and a little brother. All of my sisters (and my parents) live within five minutes of each other. We are all VERY close, and I feel incredibly blessed to have them all around. And that our kids get to grow up so close together too.
Any appointments coming up? I have a virtual appt in 20 mins to request betas
What do you have going on this week? Last work week before holidays!
Rants/Raves: I am just super anxious that the positives I am getting are from my MMC in November. I had been getting negatives for about a week and my temps have stayed high so fingers crossed!
GTKY: Do you have siblings? I have an older brother and younger sister.
*One note - in my last BMB (May 2021) we did weekly check ins for each week of the month eg Aug 1-7, Aug 8-14, Aug 15-21, Aug 22-30 I liked this because my appointments & symptoms were similar to the ones in my group. Any interest in this?
How ya feeling? OK, physically! Sore nipples are my only symptom so far.
Any appointments coming up? I had my hCG levels checked on Friday and the clinic said they were in normal range and that I don't need a second test. Next appointment will be in 3 weeks.
What do you have going on this week? I have to get allllllll the projects done at work that need finishing by the end of the year. That I procrastinated. But we're having friends over for a small holiday celebration which will be nice.
Rants/Raves: It's been an emotional rollercoaster of a week. I've gone from feeling very positive to very negative to mostly positive again. I'm suddenly really aware of my age (almost 35, no kids yet, want more than one) and that I have so little "room for error" in having only about a 5 year window to create all the family I'll ever be able to have. This is a new feeling for me and I don't know why it didn't hit me until I got a positive pregnancy test. On the plus side: getting pregnant is the first step, and I did do that, so, uh, I have no idea why I am worrying?
GTKY: Do you have siblings? Yes, one younger brother.
@bobbyflies2020 thank you! It’s actually 3 boys altogether, so yes verrrry tiring, but they do keep each other pretty well entertained. I hope you get good news tomorrow on numbers!
@cyanope SO sorry you are dealing with covid, but glad to hear it’s been manageable. DH is the youngest of 5. They are all very close and live within 15 mins. It’s been really fun to be apart of, especially with all of our kids being good friends. My family is not like that at all!
@baby_yoda1986 I hope they’ll get you in for betas soon. Also, the weekly check in is not a bad idea... at this stage it is hard to keep track of how far along everyone is
@hedgehoggin yay for good numbers! That’s a great first step
Yah I just have made a question of 'how far along are you' in this thread, but I forgot - next time! We can def do the week by week, but the board might not be big enough just yet since it's been pretty slow most of the time... Maybe in another couple weeks?
I'm 6w 3d. @dancingnarwhal- Are you TT? My wife is also having her classes cut for under enrollment most likely and will probably end up taking adjunct classes - the whole system is so shitty. I'm sorry you're dealing with that. Anyone working in a college that's not like, Harvard, is rough right now. Woof. It's gonna be a bloodbath out there if we can't fully enroll kids next year.
My scan was perfect! Waiting to hear back about bloodwork. Saw and heard the heartbeat, sac looking good, one more appointment and then I graduate from the RE.
Edited to add: Bloodwork all good too!
Married DW 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 ; Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020
@hedgehoggin I had my first 1 month before I turned 35...then I had my second at 40...now I'll pregnant with my 3rd at 41:) Don't let your age stress you out!
@baby_yoda1986 We did this with my J19 board too and it worked out well. I felt I got to know the people who had due dates closer to me really well and it was nice to have support. I'm happy either way but if we end up with a lot of people then splitting up the check ins might be good:)
Any appointments coming up? No. Won't be until January.
What do you have going on this week? Not much. Homeschooling my kindergartener and preschooler and FINALLY decorating for Christmas. I've been waiting for my husband to organize his office and get the tree pulled out for weeks.
Rants/Raves: I told one of my best friends last night, she and her husband are expecting their second IVF baby in late February and she's so excited! Our last babies are basically exactly 8 months apart and these babies will be even closer! So fun!
GTKY: Do you have siblings? Yes, I have a brother who is 8.5 years older than me and a sister who is 6 years older than me. They both live about 30 minutes from me and we all have kids really close in age, but we're not close unfortunately. Saturday was the first time I had seen them in... idk, 11 months? And not because of COVID.
@dancingnarwhal it's awesome! Unfortunately we haven't been able to get the kids together since February for the obvious reason. We're determined to make our boys be best friends though! Lol
@dancingnarwhal yeah that’s what I meant, hoping schools can enroll normally next year. DW is TT and she still might get furloughed and it’s definitely worse for adjuncts. It’s crazy people are treated this way after all their education. I really hate how the system takes advantage of all but tenured faculty.
Married DW 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 ; Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020
Good morning everyone! I'm happy to see people are doing well. It doesn't seem like anyones been hit too hard by pregnancy symptoms yet!
How ya feeling? Pretty good, some nausea started bang on when I hit 6 weeks. So far I've been able to keep it at bay.
Any appointments coming up? I see my doctor tomorrow, had my blood taken Thursday so hopefully everything looks good there. I hope to get a better idea of what my NIPT/Ultrasound schedule will be like. Last time I had my ultrasound at 13 weeks, so hopefully a little earlier than that.
What do you have going on this week? I'm finishing up school this week! I have a couple presentations and assignments left to do, so I'm here procrastinating.
Rants/Raves: Not much going on. I'm anxious about future work after school is done. I don't have a job lined up, and I'm due at basically the busiest time in my industry (grape growing/wine making), so I just don't feel right about applying for any jobs right now. They're all temporary/seasonal jobs so it would really screw a small producer if they hired me without knowing that I'll be leaving them half way through the contract.
GTKY: Do you have siblings? I have an older brother I'm not very close with. But DH has a brother that he is quite close to, and all the cousins are very close as well. We usually get together every summer for a big weekend which is great!
Feeling pretty relieved that there aren't a ton of symptoms around here!
How ya feeling? Just tired. I get a little nauseous every once in a while, but if I didn't know I was pregnant I wouldn't have any suspicions. Which is of course making me so anxious. I just hope this one is a sticky little bean!
Any appointments coming up? Not until 1/5. If this anxiety continues I may request a blood draw before then
What do you have going on this week? I make and sell custom sugar cookies on the side - I have 30 dozen cookies to decorate this week after my kids go to bed. It's an exhausting time of year to make cookies?
Rants/Raves: My boss just left to WFH for the rest of the afternoon! So I have a pretty low key afternoon around here.
GTKY: Do you have siblings? I do - an older brother and a younger sister. My sister has autism, so it's a unique relationship. My kids are so obsessed with her though which is darling.
@claireloSC - Agreed, the system is the worst! It's all just a mess really. Even our tenured faculty ended up having some classes cut. My university faculty did put in a ton of work over the summer to make online teaching easier for everyone which I really appreciate. It just sucks that all the effort we've been putting in this semester to make it a good learning experience for students apparently wasn't enough. I don't blame the students, the whole situation sucks and it just feels like all the effort is never enough.
@dancingnarwhal totally, it's completely unfair to the profs who are working so hard. Students don't want to pay a full price and not get the full experience so I get that too. Admin, at least for DW, haven't been super forthcoming either. Definitely adds to the stress. I hope you are able to pick up at least a couple classes.
Married DW 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 ; Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020
Late to the game here but loved seeing everyone else checking in and pushing myself to not be a lurker!
How ya feeling? Feeling okay, no strong symptoms but you all are making me feel better about that - I was near tears last night to my husband because my boobs do not hurt and everything says they should. First time pregnancy so I'm struggling with not know what I should be feeling. The last few days I've started to have an unsettled stomach at times throughout the day. Fatigue and a sore lower back seem to be the most prevalant right now.
Any appointments coming up? Nurse phone intake on Dec 28. Official first visit and US on 01/06. I wish I was a bit earlier so I wasn't so uncertain during the holidays but alas it is what it is.
What do you have going on this week? My husbands birthday is the 20th and I'm looking forward to celebrating, he chose my favorite cake flavor - cherry chip, and I really have been thinking too much about how excited I am to eat it lol also looking forward to some time off during the holidays.
Rants/Raves: Sigh, my family is....complicated. Going through some challenges with my dad right now, and feeling 1000 different ways about the holidays. We'll be seeing the husbands family, they are good about quarantining, but I carry a lot of guilt about "splitting time" fairly as the daughter of divorced parents who do not get along.
GTKY: Do you have siblings? 2 biological siblings, both younger, and an older step sister. I'm very close to my younger sister, who lives with us currently. I was close to my older sister when I was younger, but we've grown apart as we've aged.
How ya feeling? In the words of @baby_yoda1986 "Anxious AF". I am overanalyzing every twinge, cramp and backache. Going to the bathroom stresses me out. I'm also hitting a wall of fatigue around 2 p.m. I can barely keep my eyes open. Any appointments coming up? I have a phone call with my doctor tomorrow, but it's just the pre-prenatal appointment. What do you have going on this week? It's my last full week of work before the break and I am both panicking about everything that needs to get done, but also not at all motivated. Rants/Raves: We ordered a new mattress at the beginning of December and it has been "shipping soon" since Dec 4. I think we have passed the point of what one might consider soon. GTKY: I have two older sisters.
@claireloSC haha it's the opposite problem right now, the twinges, cramps and aches are concerning me. PGAL brain has me on edge. But I also know as soon as they go away, I'll then be anxious that they've gone.
Re: Weekly Check-In 12/13
- more morning sickness these last few days. Not constant and not that bad but have those moments of sour stomach or not being able to stomach certain foods. Unfortunately usually healthy ones!
- first ultrasound tomorrow!
- had my birthday on Friday and ate my way through the weekend, which was delicious. This week will be chill, probably finishing up holiday shopping and trying to survive work this week. One of my employees is on paternity leave so I've been covering and he's finally back next week which will be great.
My siblings and mom have Covid. Everyone is ok but my mom is not doing that hot, but so far managing. Definitely worrying because she's elderly and not in good health. I haven't seen them in ages except to drop groceries so no exposure concerns but definitely stressing that she will get more serious.
- Watched The Prom on Netflix which I thought was super cute.
- I have three! One bro, 2 sisters, I'm #3.
Any appointments coming up? Nope, not until mid-January. I wish it was sooner! I am not a patient person and I feel like this whole pregnancy is really going to test my patience!!
What do you have going on this week? It's finals week so my students are turning in end-of-semester projects and one class has an actual final to take. So I'll be slowly grading those as they come in so I don't have too much on my plate all at once. Grades have to be in by Dec 23 so I won't have a ton of time to get papers graded!
Rants/Raves: I recently found out that 2 of my 3 classes for next semester were cut due to low enrollment. That's a huge cut in my paycheck every month and now I'm worried that there won't be any summer classes available at all which will really suck. Plus all the local colleges and universities are having the same issue with enrollment so it's not like I can pick up an extra couple classes somewhere else, no where is hiring right now. I can file for unemployment over the summer but I'm completely unfamiliar with that process so not really sure how helpful that will be. We have a good amount in savings and my husband's job is very secure so it's not the end of the world but it does mean things will be a little tight basically through this entire pregnancy.
GTKY: Do you have siblings? Yup, I have one younger brother.
@dancingnarwhal I'm so sorry about your job situation. I'm sure that's really stressful.
@claireloSC I'm sorry about your family having covid, but glad they're doing alright.
I’m feeling mostly okay. Some slight heartburn, and an occasional hot flash... also some very mild cramping. Oh and SO tired. I can’t make it past 9 without falling asleep on the couch.
I went in this morning for blood work, anxiously awaiting those results.
This week is DS1 and DS2’s last week before break. DH’s birthday is also this week, still deciding exactly how to celebrate.
I have two older brothers. Grew up with all boys and now I’m raising them! We’ll see about this next one!
@dancingnarwhal we have extremely loud neighbors as well and it is maddening. The last year or so hasn't been so bad, but we've had episodes where outdoor parties were so loud our house shook. It is unbearable. Also, sorry about the cut in enrollment and classes. I have a bunch of friends that work in various areas of Higher Ed and they are really feeling the covid effects. I hope things pick up soon with the vaccine becoming available, and enrollment goes back up.
GTKY: Do you have siblings? Nope, only child.
@claireloSC I am sorry to hear about your mom's Covid. It must be hard to be apart from them right now.
@thereisalight I hope you are in Feed/Breed and Rest is Best mode. Being a mom of 2 boys during 1st trimester must be tiring!
@dancingnarwhal Sorry to hear about enrollment. Everything is so hard to predict these days.
@Panaceia I just a few days ahead of you. Due date 8/21. I just got my bloodwork yesterday- it is so stressful waiting. I will be thinking of you tomorrow
@shoogapoff Have fun at the holiday party! I am in a Secondary IF group that I love, too! It is nice to have support and similar things in common.
Good luck @claireloSC and @lrynwnab on your scans tomorrow!
TTC #2: Jan 2019
DS: 2.5 yo
EDD: 12/2/16 DOB: 10/22/16
(Previously MBS2016 Dec 2016 board
TTC #2: Jan 2019
DS: 2.5 yo
EDD: 12/2/16 DOB: 10/22/16
(Previously MBS2016 Dec 2016 board
Any appointments coming up? I have a virtual appt in 20 mins to request betas
What do you have going on this week? Last work week before holidays!
Rants/Raves: I am just super anxious that the positives I am getting are from my MMC in November. I had been getting negatives for about a week and my temps have stayed high so fingers crossed!
GTKY: Do you have siblings? I have an older brother and younger sister.
*One note - in my last BMB (May 2021) we did weekly check ins for each week of the month eg Aug 1-7, Aug 8-14, Aug 15-21, Aug 22-30
I liked this because my appointments & symptoms were similar to the ones in my group.
Any interest in this?
@cyanope SO sorry you are dealing with covid, but glad to hear it’s been manageable. DH is the youngest of 5. They are all very close and live within 15 mins. It’s been really fun to be apart of, especially with all of our kids being good friends. My family is not like that at all!
@baby_yoda1986 I hope they’ll get you in for betas soon. Also, the weekly check in is not a bad idea... at this stage it is hard to keep track of how far along everyone is
@hedgehoggin yay for good numbers! That’s a great first step
I'm 6w 3d.
@dancingnarwhal- Are you TT? My wife is also having her classes cut for under enrollment most likely and will probably end up taking adjunct classes - the whole system is so shitty. I'm sorry you're dealing with that. Anyone working in a college that's not like, Harvard, is rough right now. Woof. It's gonna be a bloodbath out there if we can't fully enroll kids next year.
My scan was perfect! Waiting to hear back about bloodwork. Saw and heard the heartbeat, sac looking good, one more appointment and then I graduate from the RE.
Edited to add: Bloodwork all good too!
Crappy. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
No. Won't be until January.
Not much. Homeschooling my kindergartener and preschooler and FINALLY decorating for Christmas. I've been waiting for my husband to organize his office and get the tree pulled out for weeks.
Yes, I have a brother who is 8.5 years older than me and a sister who is 6 years older than me. They both live about 30 minutes from me and we all have kids really close in age, but we're not close unfortunately. Saturday was the first time I had seen them in... idk, 11 months? And not because of COVID.
How ya feeling?
Pretty good, some nausea started bang on when I hit 6 weeks. So far I've been able to keep it at bay.
Any appointments coming up?
I see my doctor tomorrow, had my blood taken Thursday so hopefully everything looks good there. I hope to get a better idea of what my NIPT/Ultrasound schedule will be like. Last time I had my ultrasound at 13 weeks, so hopefully a little earlier than that.
What do you have going on this week?
I'm finishing up school this week! I have a couple presentations and assignments left to do, so I'm here procrastinating.
Not much going on. I'm anxious about future work after school is done. I don't have a job lined up, and I'm due at basically the busiest time in my industry (grape growing/wine making), so I just don't feel right about applying for any jobs right now. They're all temporary/seasonal jobs so it would really screw a small producer if they hired me without knowing that I'll be leaving them half way through the contract.
GTKY: Do you have siblings?
I have an older brother I'm not very close with. But DH has a brother that he is quite close to, and all the cousins are very close as well. We usually get together every summer for a big weekend which is great!
How ya feeling?
Feeling okay, no strong symptoms but you all are making me feel better about that - I was near tears last night to my husband because my boobs do not hurt and everything says they should. First time pregnancy so I'm struggling with not know what I should be feeling. The last few days I've started to have an unsettled stomach at times throughout the day. Fatigue and a sore lower back seem to be the most prevalant right now.
Any appointments coming up?
Nurse phone intake on Dec 28. Official first visit and US on 01/06. I wish I was a bit earlier so I wasn't so uncertain during the holidays but alas it is what it is.
What do you have going on this week?
My husbands birthday is the 20th and I'm looking forward to celebrating, he chose my favorite cake flavor - cherry chip, and I really have been thinking too much about how excited I am to eat it lol also looking forward to some time off during the holidays.
Sigh, my family is....complicated. Going through some challenges with my dad right now, and feeling 1000 different ways about the holidays. We'll be seeing the husbands family, they are good about quarantining, but I carry a lot of guilt about "splitting time" fairly as the daughter of divorced parents who do not get along.
GTKY: Do you have siblings?
2 biological siblings, both younger, and an older step sister. I'm very close to my younger sister, who lives with us currently. I was close to my older sister when I was younger, but we've grown apart as we've aged.
Any appointments coming up? I have a phone call with my doctor tomorrow, but it's just the pre-prenatal appointment.
What do you have going on this week? It's my last full week of work before the break and I am both panicking about everything that needs to get done, but also not at all motivated.
Rants/Raves: We ordered a new mattress at the beginning of December and it has been "shipping soon" since Dec 4. I think we have passed the point of what one might consider soon.
GTKY: I have two older sisters.
Happy 7 weeks today!