June 2021 Moms

Weekly Symptoms - week of 12/13

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Re: Weekly Symptoms - week of 12/13

  • 12 weeks tomorrow

    Is it too early for lightening crotch?! My abdomen has been so uncomfortable especially when I move a lot 😣
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  • Its weird. The farther along I get the worse I feel now. That doesn't make sense 😆 2nd tri you usually feel better. The past few days I have been feeling like crap. My tiredness is back, my back hurts constantly, belly pain, and I feel nauseous now. 🤷‍♀️ I dont get it! 
  • Biggest issue has been being stopped up. Of course, today things have swung to the opposite issue. I was swinging like this during the first tri, but I thought it had passed. Ugh!
    Me: 36, DH: 38, Together since: 2006, Married: 9/2011 
    **TW Living Child**

    BFP 9/19/20 - EDD - 6/1/21

    BFP 2/2014 - DS - 10/2014

  • @DoubleUp8 I'm having the same problem- either nothing or diarrhea. So annoying. 

    @ramzlau yay for a bump baby! Can't wait till this one is higher up! With Ds2 I injured my back at 5 weeks and it didn't heal until about 6 mo pp. I wore a support belt/girdle thing that was immensely helpful. I was on my feet all day every day and that made it possible. Back pain sucks!!
  • I've been having RLP and some of the same upper growing pain people were talking about last week. I feel pretty good in the morning and can function well, but like by 2 I feel like crap. Naseous, tired, cranky. And still hungry all the time. I'm going to gain 70 lbs lol. 
  • Omg and pregnancy brain. I can't find our Christmas tree skirt anywhere. I have wanted to replace it for years bc I don't like it, so I can't tell if pregnancy brain is blocking me so I'll buy a new one or if 2019 me hid it so that 2020 me would buy a new one. 
  • mindyb2019mindyb2019 member
    edited December 2020
    @_orchid_ I feel the same as you do. I feel really good in the mornings and then as soon as early afternoon hits 1-2pm, I feel like crap and am tired, my back hurts and I get kinda nauseous. 

    Edited to add: girl!!! Go buy a damn new tree skirt 😆 indulge and enjoy lol I didn't like my other one either and bought a new one last year lol 
  • I’m still on the nausea train over here. I literally can puke at any minute if I smell something and it doesn’t agree with me.  Especially soaps.  I can’t do the dishes or laundry without gagging and it’s hard to take a shower. 
  • @dogmom5 That nausea train will not let up over here either 🤢🤮 I want it to stop so badly 
  • Insomnia is killing me. I pass out at 9 or 10 because I'm so tired. Then up at 2, 3, 4 for hours before falling back asleep at 6. To have my alarm wake me up minutes later. 

    I've noticed my junk afternoon feelings happen during the week when I'm less active. So weekends I'm fine but then during the week, blah. 

    @_orchid_ go get yourself a tree skirt!! And yes to the pregnancy brain. That is kicking in to high gear too. 
  • mamakate2011mamakate2011 member
    edited December 2020
    15 weeks here! Still very, very tired and was hoping to be over that by now. My uterus is starting to feel “heavy”, like my groin and uterus feel full and heavy after a workout. It’s so weird! I keep forgetting it’s been four years since I was pregnant last (got pregnant with my last baby in august 2016), so this is the longest break I’ve had between all my pregnancies and I’ve forgotten some of these things!

    My evening bloated/nauseous feeling has seemed to subside. I never had morning sickness but always felt like poop at night. Like I was needing to eat by 4pm because anytime after 5 I was a bloated, gross mess!

    starting to feel some baby movements and that is the BEST. Can’t wait to feel them more frequently and stronger. 🥰
    Trying to Conceive TickerMe: 41 DH: 42
    💙 DS1- 12/2011
    CP - March 2014
    MMC - Sept 2014
    💙DS2 - 10/2015
    💙DS3 - 5/2017
    💖DD due June 6, 2021
  • @_orchid_ go buy a new tree skirt! No matter which brain it is that won’t allow you to find the old one it is obviously a sign to just go buy what you want! 
    Pregnancy brain is awful over here. And I am exhausted. I’ll be 16 weeks Wednesday and I am more tired now than I was the whole first trimester. 
    I was also feeling great for several days and then last night got a few bites into dinner and had to run to the bathroom to vomit. Woke up this morning and vomited again. I was sick forever with my first, but was hopeful the last few days that it would be different this time around. 
  • I feel like a fog lifted, definitely feeling the pickup in energy which is great. Though now I'm having nightmares, which is making it hard to properly rest.

    @_orchid_ I accidentally stole Santa hats from Amazon. They weren't delivered, so I waited a couple of days and went to customer service, who gave me a refund. A few days later I opened up a box that came earlier that week (that I swore had something else in it...no clue what, though) and it was the hats. I'm not really sure what to do about it. 
  • @akoros 🤣 lmao! I have no idea what I would do. Lol, were you cracking up once you realized what it was? 
    @mindyb2019 @tilournextadventure @klj0228 ok you convinced me!! Now I'm hoping I can find one I like this late! 
  • @tilournextadventure I have been having the same sleep issue. Today my doctor suggested melatonin to help fall back to sleep in the middle of the night. I'm going to get some for the nights I am up more than a half an hour to get back to sleep.

    Me: 36, DH: 38, Together since: 2006, Married: 9/2011 
    **TW Living Child**

    BFP 9/19/20 - EDD - 6/1/21

    BFP 2/2014 - DS - 10/2014

  • @_orchid_ I actually felt badly, but oh well. I don't think they really have a good process for cancelling a refund, and it's probably not worth it since it's only $12. 

    Btw, if you can't find a tree skirt, just look for a bunch of fabric. Years ago my parents just draped some pretty iridescent red fabric around the bottom of the tree and it looked great.
  • Insomnia has kicked in as well as headaches. 

    On the other hand, I want alllll the sex again! Hubby is a willing participant. He said he’s going to enjoy it until the baby is born and the no sex drought of 2021 begins 😆
  • @tilournextadventure - SAME sleep (or lack thereof) schedule. I used to be such a stellar sleeper - easy to fall asleep and easy to stay asleep. I was a morning person, and would wake up at 4:40 to go the gym every day.  5am was my "game time" and I felt great and was super productive.  Now, same as you, when I finally fall asleep around 5, I sleep so hard until 7:30. Thank goodness that I am working from home so I don't have to get ready for work like I used to. But I'm sadly no longer going to the gym. Trying not to be so hard on myself, but pretty depressed about it. 
  • @akoros I would feel bad too, but would laugh at myself bc it would be out of the ordinary. Great suggestion on the fabric!! I love that bc one of my problems with the old one was that it's small. 

    @ramfam2507 I'm hoping my sex drive kicks in again! Haha after 1.5 years of TI around ovulation it feels like it's been ages since it's been fun. 
  • @akoros don't worry that's a write off for Amazon. The mail person one time delivered a package to a neighbor with the same first name as me. I filed a claim that I never received and received my money back. The neighbor came over a few days later with the package and I was like. Oops, should have checked with her.  

    Thanks for the melatonin suggestion, @DoubleUp8. I'm curious if it would make me groggy after sleeping for a few hours. Did the Dr say how long it is in your system? 

    @kfc1983 I will admit I have never been a morning person but I do usually sleep well. Once I'm asleep that is. Glad I'm not alone in the suffering. 
  • Newest one for me.. my lower abdomen (like between my csection and my belly button) hurts. Like it’s bruised almost. Even pants hurt it’s so tender. 
  • @kristah2 my incision scar feels like that- hurts to touch. I had an appointment on Thursday and that spot was exactly where she found the heartbeat. Could it possibly be that the baby is hanging out by your internal incision scar?
  • @tilournextadventure That's what I figured, but thank you! Makes me feel a bit better
  • I felt better for a few days, but am back to constant nausea and frequent vomiting again. I will be so happy to forget what stomach acid tastes like.

    The headaches are kicking in, so hoping that means the nausea will subside a little!
  • I'm 13 weeks and am starting to have some good mornings.  My nausea is now limited to afternoons and evenings and I am grateful to have a time of day that I don't feel awful!  Headaches in the morning have started for me too.  I'll gladly take them over what was!  Really hoping that I am feeling better by Christmas.  
  • @_orchid_ it’s not actually on my scar it’s actually more around mid way between there and my belly button in probably 3 sports it feels bruised and is so tender if I touch or lean on something. It’s so strange. 

    Though the numbness of the skin around that area is back and I hate that. 
  • 15+3 here.  Exhausted and nauseous when I don’t eat in time.  Otherwise, feel pretty good.

    @_orchid_ Get the tree skirt!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @sugarcoateddonut Headaches have replaced nausea for me but man are they rough, I don't remember having headaches like this with my daughter. And stupid Tylenol does nothing for me.  :(
    *TTC History*

    Me: 37, MH: 38; Married August 2017

    TTC #1 October 2017: BFP on 12/1/2017, DD born 7/24/2018 @ 37+1 after induction due to preeclampsia

    TTC #2 January 2020: AMA, dx with DOR in May 2020

    IVF July 2020: 16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 12 fertilized, 3 blasts, 2 PGT-A normal

    FET 10/7/20: BFP on 10/12/20!!! (EDD 6/25/21); First beta 10/16/20 (9dpt): 148; Second beta 10/19/20 (12dpt): 621; Third beta 10/26/20 (19dpt): 4732; Fourth (and final!) beta 11/2/20 (26 dpt): 22,000+

  • DoubleUp8DoubleUp8 member
    edited December 2020
    @tilournextadventure she recommended it to me when I explained I could fall asleep fine, but would wake up in the middle of the night and be up for hours not able to get back to sleep. She said taking it wouldn't make me groggy in the middle of the night wouldn't make me groggy like taking the Unisom before bed at 9 p.m. was making me groggy in the mornings.

    Edit to clarify
    Me: 36, DH: 38, Together since: 2006, Married: 9/2011 
    **TW Living Child**

    BFP 9/19/20 - EDD - 6/1/21

    BFP 2/2014 - DS - 10/2014

  • @DoubleUp8 oh that's good to hear there shouldn't be grogginess. Might pick some up later to try. Thanks!! 
  • DoubleUp8DoubleUp8 member
    edited December 2020
    @tilournextadventure I've been looking at the very low dose 3 mg tablets to start and see if they help.

    Edit: words are hard
    Me: 36, DH: 38, Together since: 2006, Married: 9/2011 
    **TW Living Child**

    BFP 9/19/20 - EDD - 6/1/21

    BFP 2/2014 - DS - 10/2014

  • @marebear15 so exciting! The baby kicks make it feel so much more real!
  • @marebear15 I've never made it that far where you feel the baby move or kick. What does it feel like and how will I know its the baby moving and not something else? I just dont know what to look for. 
  • 12 weeks 4 days. Still feeling nauseated and certain smells make me puke. Especially laundry and doing the dishes. I’m looking forward to hopefully more energy in the next few weeks 
  • And mom brain or pregnancy brain. I realized I posted in this thread earlier! 😂
  • Anyone starving all the time?? im 14+1 and the past 2-3 days I legit cant get enough food and i eat and am starving an hour later. Also, my pregnancy brain is the worst today. I couldn't do anything right at work and forgot so many things all day 😆🤦‍♀️ 
  • @mindyb2019 the first time I felt it with my first was 18ish weeks. I felt her flip around one time and then didn’t feel her again for a couple of weeks. Usually the first movements feel like butterflies. They tend to be pretty sporadic, but one day you just know. You are going to make it far enough to feel hard annoying kicks this time! 

    It’s still pretty early and many women don’t feel them until they are further along - saying this so you don’t get discouraged if it takes more time before you feel baby. 
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