May 2021 Moms

Week 3 (05/15/21-05/21/21) check-in w/o 12/7

mrosek91mrosek91 member
edited December 2020 in May 2021 Moms
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:  
Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of:  
Upcoming appointments:  
How are you feeling?  
GTKY: What is your proudest accomplishment to date?

Re: Week 3 (05/15/21-05/21/21) check-in w/o 12/7

  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: 5/20, 16+4
    FTM/STM/STM+:  4TM
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out
    Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of:  Avocado
    Upcoming appointments:  Who knows. I'm supposed to call and schedule it when I finally stop coughing. They want me to come in ASAP since the spina bifida test is supposed to be done before 20 weeks, but part of me kind of just wants to wait and go in at the anatomy scan. I guess we'll see when it really is that I stop coughing, I usually get a bad cough at least once a winter, and it lasts for several weeks.
    How are you feeling? Tired and cranky, but that could just be this cough.
    Rants/Raves: see upcoming appointments. Also, work is crazy busy right now, a couple projects are running behind, so I'm trying to juggle a lot at once.
    Questions:  NATM
    GTKY: What is your proudest accomplishment to date? This is hard, I've always prided myself on my academic accomplishments. (I was valedictorian of my master's class, and am a CPA.) But as life continues those things are becoming less important, and I'm just really proud of my boys, and love watching them grow up.
  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
    May 17th/17weeks
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Team Blue
    Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: He is as big as a pomegranate. 
    Upcoming appointments: No appointments until January 4th. I’m nuts and rescheduled my anatomy scan until the first of the year for insurance purposes. I technically won’t get it done until 21 weeks now.  
    How are you feeling?  I’m feeling pretty low in the mental health department to be honest. Even though everything seems good I’m letting my anxiety get the best of me. My dreams the last few nights have been awful with scary things with baby and I know that isn’t helping me sleep at night which is making my mood during the day down. Hopefully I can get this under control soon. If not, I do plan to talk to my doctor about something to help. 
    Rants/Raves: Bad dreams are the worst!
    Questions: I can’t think of any at the moment. 
    GTKY: What is your proudest accomplishment to date? I can agree with you @mrosek91. I was always proud of my academic accomplishments in school but watching my boys grow up, learn, and do things tops it. I try my best to teach them to think of others and be kind and it is the best when they exhibit that without prompting from me. 
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  • mimsermimser member
    edited December 2020
    Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: May 17 / 17 weeks 

    FTM/STM/STM+:  FTM with my 20 week boy in my heart 💙

    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:  Blue

    Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of: a pomegranate/ as tall as a tissue box

    Upcoming appointments:  Tomorrow - cervical lenght ultrasound / Friday - Flu shot / December 29 - Anatomy scan / January 8 - high risk OB / January 29 - Diabetes test

    How are you feeling?  Good! I feel like I'm always on the edge of constipation though... 

    Rants/Raves:  My fiancé just stopped smoking again, he had been hiding his smoking from me for a few weeks or months, but I eventually confronted him. Smoking is a no no for me when TTC, pregnant and obviously with baby around and I believe third hand smoke is harmful. So now his moods is just...ugh 🤦‍♀️ And I'm really not the most supportive person for this because I think smoking is stupid and he just shouldn't have started again.

    GTKY: What is your proudest accomplishment to date? I don't know... I was also very good in school, but it was also easy for me so it doesn't really make me feel that proud. I joined a volleyball club 4 years ago in their beginners program and I guess I was somehow gifted as my 3rd season I was playing in our high performance team with college level players. I even had some game time. I guess I'm pretty proud of that.
  • Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: May 18; 17+2
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:  Team Pink!
    Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is the size of:  not even honestly sure... pomegranate maybe? But baby's foot is the size of a gummy bear apparently!
    Upcoming appointments:  nothing until my 20 week scan in January (I'll actually almost be 21 weeks)
    How are you feeling?  pretty good overall. Tired because I don't sleep well, then I get headaches. Also, my sex drive is through the roof so that doesn't help with the sleeping some nights either 🤣
    Rants/Raves:  Work has been crazy and I feel like I just work a million hours a week. But DH's work finally approved him working remotely the week of Christmas so we can go to my sister's house! So now 🤞 we can all stay healthy and exposure free until then!
    Questions:  nothing today 
    GTKY: What is your proudest accomplishment to date? My proudest accomplishment is definitely watching our son grow. But I'm also really proud of where I have made it in my career in just 10 years. I was also really proud that I finished my Master's degree about 7 months after having our son! It was a really long, tiring first few months but totally worth it. And I think it makes me look forward to this baby's first few months even more knowing I will be able to enjoy it without the studying and homework.
    Me:29 DH:30
    TTC #1: 12/2017
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