June 2021 Moms

All Due Date Check-In w/o 12/1

Sorry this is a day late! Others should feel free to post if I miss it, especially because GTKY is hard!

Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: 
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: 
Upcoming appointments: 
How are you feeling?: 
GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live?

Our Favorite Storm Nemo Memes So Far  Winter humor Weather memes Snow  meme
Me: 36, DH: 38, Together since: 2006, Married: 9/2011 
**TW Living Child**

BFP 9/19/20 - EDD - 6/1/21

BFP 2/2014 - DS - 10/2014


Re: All Due Date Check-In w/o 12/1

  • First time posting in SO SO LONG! Struggling to even look at a screen right now...

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 13+2
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out! We have a private US on 12/12 (partly to hopefully find out the sex, and partly so DH can be there in person to see an US... damn COVID)
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Brownie!
    Upcoming appointments: 12/4 Genetic screening, 12/12 US + hopefully sex determination
    How are you feeling?: Annoyed that I still have all day sickness. Having a hard time sleeping. Taking those two things away though, I'm all good!
    Rants/Raves: Rant: Nausea... Rave: A cup of coffee actually helps settle the nausea for HOURS which is amazing, so on days when I can get a cup of coffee down, I'm loving life!
    Questions: Anyone have a sex determination around 15 weeks at a private US? Any luck? 
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I'm in the PNW, so it snows occasionally. Usually just a light dusting, which shuts the whole world down. I spent 13 years in the Midwest, so I know what real snow is like LOL!

    Me: 32 years old
    DH: 33 years old
    Married in May 16, 2015
         TTC #1 (on and off) since September 2015
    DS1 Due 6.7.2021
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  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: June 23rd / 11 weeks
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Brussel sprout
    Upcoming appointments: Next Thursday
    How are you feeling?: Still feeling nauseated in the evenings, but the rest of the day I'm feeling much better!
    Rants/Raves: Big rant: I got a call from my OB's office yesterday saying they were having issues with my insurance. They were in network with one of our networks that we are apparently not using any more, and aren't in the other network. The benefits coordinator at my work swears that not only are we still using the first network, they are also in the 2nd network as well. Insurance hasn't responded to my calls. So my provider is saying one thing, my benefits coordinator is saying another, and I can't even find out who really is in network because their website is full of misinformation. I don't think I would mind moving doctors because I've moved once before and it's not a huge deal to me who delivers my baby, I just need to know what to do and no one is giving me straight answers.
    Questions: Has anyone no done any Christmas shopping yet? I'm starting to stress.
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I love the snow, on vacation. It doesn't really snow here, but when it does it's novel and fun. I didn't like living in Michigan with snow 5+ months of the year. 
  • @Maggie1202 every ultrasound I’ve had it’s been at least 18 weeks + before they could give a somewhat accurate prediction on sex 

    @marebear15 I started for the kids in August as we saw things so luckily we’re good there but I still have a few people left to buy for including myself and Christmas is 3 weeks away somehow?! 

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: June 2. 14 weeks today. Woohoo trimester 2!!!! 
    FTM/STM/STM+: stm+ 
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: team green this time 
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a beet
    Upcoming appointments: next week with my pcp
    How are you feeling?: I think I’m coming around a little bit. 
    Rants/Raves: so much going on lately I can’t think straight. Between pregnancy and listing the house last week and trying to decorate for Christmas and DD birthday party this weekend and Christmas coming up I’m just emotionally drained. 
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I HATE snow. I live on the east coast of Canada and we get SO MUCH SNOW!! Like breaking records amount. Last year we had a snow storm that shut half the province down for a week. Like we couldn’t leave our house.
    I could do without a white Christmas and trade it for palm trees any day. But alas, Canada is a snow globe so there’s no winning. 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: June 29th, so 10+1
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out, probably with NIPT
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a prune
    Upcoming appointments: Friday for check-up and blood draw, then NT scan and genetic results on Dec 15th
    How are you feeling?: Mostly ok, yesterday was a bit rough with a lot of fatigue and some nausea, but overall doing fine
    Rants/Raves: Busy at work, but manageable. Weather cooled down, which I'm actually happy about since it hopefully means fewer people outside if I get out for a walk
    Questions: None
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I love snow, but probably because we don't get it very often. Usually it's the perfect amount: enough to see (maybe even play with), often shuts down schools/work, but then it's gone in a few days. I've never lived anywhere that consistently gets a lot of snow, so maybe I'd change my mind (I also don't drive often and live in a condo community, so don't have to deal with shoveling or clearing off a car). The harder thing is that, since it's so sporadic, no one here is prepared when it does get super cold or snows, which makes it more of a hassle than it needs to be.
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: June 13, so 12+3
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out, very jealous of those who already know! we didn't get NIPT so we have to wait a bit longer
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: lemon
    Upcoming appointments: 12/22 doctor's appointment
    How are you feeling?: Just very tired lately. I've started getting ready for bed at 9pm and that is SO EARLY for me.
    Rants/Raves: Rave - my first choice OB was available to take me in, so that's a win! First appointment with her is in Jan.
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I love how everyone who lives with snow hates it, and vice versa. I like the first snowfall and how pretty it looks, but shovelling 5 times a day can be a b*tch. Being from Ontario, it's just one of the things we've gotten used to haha
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 11+3
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:   Finding out!  Just had my blood draw for NIPT yesterday.  I have always had to wait until the 20 week US, so I'm excited to be finding out early this time!  
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Lime
    Upcoming appointments: Check up on 12/28
    How are you feeling?: I still feel really awful.  I am nauseas all day/everyday.  I feel flu-like and weak.  This week has been especially bad which is disappointing because I was hoping to be turning the corner by now.  
    Rants/Raves: Sick and tired of being sick and tired.  Rave is that I have lots of vacation time coming up in the next few weeks.
    Questions: natm
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live?  I love snow.  I live in the Midwest so we get a lot of it.  I'm usually not tired of it until March/April.  We have snow on the ground right now and it looks so pretty with all of the Christmas lights!
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:  13+3
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out 
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: jalapeno 
    Upcoming appointments: Dec 4 NT scan
    How are you feeling?: doing better. Stressed about random things that will happen post-baby. Probably a little early but that's where my mind is. 
    Rants/Raves: rant: we put our dog down this weekend as his cancer was too aggressive. We discovered it less than 60 days ago, which is typical for this type of cancer to run its course. He was 7 years old. Rave is that we were able to have a vet come to the house to let him go which was peaceful. And our almost 4 year old has not said anything about our dog's lack of presence. It's weird. DS was not present for the passing but no mention that the dog is not in the house. 
    Questions: natm
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? That would be a big, fat NO to snow. Grew up in the northeast and I hate it. Moved to the southeast and we receive minimal snow each year. That's enough for me. 
  • @tilournextadventure im so sorry for your loss of your dog. Thats so hard. Cancer sucks!! Thats weird that your DS hasnt noticed no dog in the house. 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 13+3, 6/6
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Green
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a jalapeno
    Upcoming appointments: tomorrow for US and check-up
    How are you feeling?: fat and disgusting, but other than that okay.  I'm pretty dang constipated so that's certainly not helping anything either.
    Rants/Raves: Rave - I reached out to my HR rep today to find out details about our maternity leave, I want to have all my info before I talk to my boss, and she immediately sent me back all kinds of info that answered all the questions I currently have.  It was just really nice to have something be fast and easy.  Rant - I'm getting worried that I'm gaining weight too quickly.  I'll talk to my doc about it tomorrow, but I just can't tell right now how much is bloat and how much is real weight gain and I don't know to approach it since I'm moving into the "you should be gaining about a pound a week" phase (according to my pregnancy book).  Its just frustrating.
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live?  I'm in Colorado so we definitely have snow, but I live in the city and it never sticks around long since our weather is so up and down.  I'm in between on liking it.  I hate driving in the snow, but certainly enjoy a cold snowy day around the house!  I also tend to get sick of the cold quickly, though, so snow or not I'm usually over winter by the end of January.  

  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 11&6 
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: finding out! Out scan is 1/28
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a lime I think. 
    Upcoming appointments: my next appointment will be 1/28. 
    How are you feeling?: sometimes sick, sometimes not. Always fuzzy headed.
    Rants/Raves: just ready to feel better completely 
    Questions: nah
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I love snow! I grew up where it snowed a lot and where I am now it just gets reallllly cold with occasional snow. So annoying!
    Married <3 August 2010
    DD1  <3 August 2011
    DD2 <3 August 2013
    DD3 <3 February 2017
  • angelz429angelz429 member
    edited December 2020
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:  June 20
    FTM/STM/STM+: 3rd
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: finding out
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: lime
    Upcoming appointments: 12/8
    How are you feeling?: nausea is hit or Miss by the hour. Tired all the time. 
    Rants/Raves: I’m super excited as all my Black Friday gear comes in. But then my husband brought up what if question if our NIPT is not good 😭 we test next week. So it’s like 2 weeks before I’ll get results and now I’m kinda freaking out
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? Snow hater. I moved so far away from the snow that it does not snow. 🙌🏼
  • @Maggie1202 - I had a gender sono at 14w 1d with my first son - this was 9.5 years ago and we were easily able to see that he was very clearly a boy. 🤣 I’m going for an elective u/s at 15 weeks just because I won’t see baby until the anatomy scan and I want to take a peek - I already know the sex of my baby, but I booked the “gender sono” and they start them at 15 weeks where we are going - so if baby cooperates, you should be able to get a good guess!
    Trying to Conceive TickerMe: 41 DH: 42
    💙 DS1- 12/2011
    CP - March 2014
    MMC - Sept 2014
    💙DS2 - 10/2015
    💙DS3 - 5/2017
    💖DD due June 6, 2021
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 10+5? I think...
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: team green
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: strawberry
    Upcoming appointments: December 16
    How are you feeling?: nauseous and tired all of the time. Today I had the joy of having a headache on top of it all
    Rants/Raves: rant:  I’m so over the nausea. I have taken others advice in the group and I’ve taken medicine at night which helps to an extent but it’s still there 😭
    rave:  I got an hour of a workout in today. I was proud of myself to push thru the nausea and lack of energy 
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I like the first few snowfalls.  It then gets old and I am ready for spring 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: June 11, 12w5d
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: hoping for pink
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a tennis ball
    Upcoming appointments: not until the 28th!
    How are you feeling?:  I'm still so violently ill but I have way more energy this past week than I've had in a while.
    Rants/Raves: telling my son about the baby was so amazing. He wants to read to my belly and sing songs and it's all so cute
    Lightning crotch for anyone else??? Woof I'm dying
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? 
    I LOVE THE SNOW!!! I hate ice! Give me all the fluffy powder 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @ruemcclanahan lightening crotch already?! Oh god don’t tell me that. I’m hoping to wait at least a couple more months before that. 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 6/23 (for RCS); 10+5
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:  finding out - NIPT was Tuesday
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:  bump says it could fit on a tea candle
    Upcoming appointments: NT scan and OB visit on 12/23
    How are you feeling?:  not great today.  I developed a headache yesterday that I can't kick and I have diarrhea so not a great day. I think the headache is because I stopped meds on Saturday and my body is adjusting.  My hormonal headaches usually last 3 days so I'm just going to sleep until tomorrow. 
    Rants/Raves: Rave - My Christmas Cards are arriving today and I'm excited to get them out.
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I don't love the snow because I really don't like being cold but I don't mind enjoying it from inside my warm house. 
    History and blog link in spoiler
    2016 - dx with super low ovarian reserve; failed cycle with clomid, failed IUI, 
    2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
    moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
    Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP!  baby boy born 8/22/18

    May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
    Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
    May 2020 FET; BFN
    July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
    Oct 2020 BFP! 

    Take a look at my blog

  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: June 30th/10+1
    FTM/STM/STM+: This is baby #3
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out 
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a strawberry
    Upcoming appointments: I have an ultrasound today and a checkup on December 15th
    How are you feeling?: Super crampy. I know it’s probably just stretching and stuff like that but I think this is the worst I’ve ever had it.
    Rants/Raves: Excited to see how much baby has grown today on the ultrasound! And then I have an appointment to get my hair done tonight. Excited for some self-care!
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? It’s snows a lot where I am. I like the snow and think it’s pretty, but by February/March I am so over it. 
    TTC #1 Since April 2014
    Me: 27 | DH: 31
    08/2006 - Laparoscopy/Stage 1 Endo
    10/2014 - Bloodwork normal, HSG all clear
    10/2014 - DH's SA 15mil/mL, 35% motility, 6% morphology
    BFP #1: 12/29/14 | EDD: 9/9/15


  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 10+6 today
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Team Blue
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Baby Sea Turtle Shell, per TB, lol
    Upcoming appointments: First OB appointment next Wednesday (just graduated from the fertility clinic last week), I think they will also draw blood for the NIPT next week
    How are you feeling?: Better today so far, anti nausea wristbands have been a life saver for me. My nose is so so stuffy though and I don't think there's anything that can be done for that, but it's better than the nausea at least.
    Rants/Raves: Rant: we have DirectTV and they are beefing with ABC right now so I am missing all my ABC shows this week (first world problem, but during a pandemic TV is a big deal lol); Rave: I had a super productive work day yesterday and felt kind of like myself for the first time in a long time.
    Questions: NATM
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? It doesn't snow where we live now, but I have lived in snowy places before and am admittedly not a fan. I think snow is beautiful, I just don't want to have to go outside in it ever!
    *TTC History*

    Me: 37, MH: 38; Married August 2017

    TTC #1 October 2017: BFP on 12/1/2017, DD born 7/24/2018 @ 37+1 after induction due to preeclampsia

    TTC #2 January 2020: AMA, dx with DOR in May 2020

    IVF July 2020: 16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 12 fertilized, 3 blasts, 2 PGT-A normal

    FET 10/7/20: BFP on 10/12/20!!! (EDD 6/25/21); First beta 10/16/20 (9dpt): 148; Second beta 10/19/20 (12dpt): 621; Third beta 10/26/20 (19dpt): 4732; Fourth (and final!) beta 11/2/20 (26 dpt): 22,000+

  • @tilournextadventure aww I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Cancer sucks. I bet your son has taken it in and is just processing- it will probably come out at the time you least expect it. Have you told him your dog is not coming home?
    @Maggie1202 I had a late NT with ds2 (14 weeks) and the sonographer correctly predicted sex. Good luck!!

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 6/29 so 10+2
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: finding out... Did team Green once and found out once and much preferred knowing. 
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: strawberry... My favorite food right now!
    Upcoming appointments: hopefully 12/10 for us and NIPT. Waiting to hear from MFM for NT date.
    How are you feeling?: Been having headaches and back aches this week. Still need my naps. Honestly I forget what "normal" feels like and it seems like naseua is normal now.
    Rants/Raves: rant: ds2 (3.5 yo) was exposed to covid at his daycare last week so his classroom is closed for 2 weeks. Today is day 8 since the last time he was there. He's had a runny nose since Saturday and has been sleeping a bit more than usual, so I took him for a test yesterday. Obviously hoping he doesn't have it, but other than missing my Dr appointments we'd be ok quarantining the rest of December if need be. The only thing I'd really be bummed about is no blood draw for nipt! Rave: thanks to online shopping I'm about 90% done. Cards went out on Friday. My birthday is next week and I like to be done with my cards and shopping by then so that I can enjoy my birthday and the rest of December. 
    Questions: is there a point where it's too late to get the NIPT drawn?
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I'm in NJ so it varies every year. I like getting one or two big snows a year, but I'm generally over it after a few days.
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 6/4, 13+6
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Green! 
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: lemon
    Upcoming appointments: 12/17 for a general check
    How are you feeling?: feeling on the upswing. Still nauseous in the am for a bit, and needing a midnight snack since dinners are still or miss, but that’s an improvement, lol
    Rants/Raves: Christmas shopping is about half done and I have 2 weeks left of work until winter break! 
    Questions: you’d think I’d know this by now, but 2nd tri starts at 14 weeks, right? 
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? Love snow, but we don’t get a ton. When we do it’s pretty much an automatic snow day 

    @legallykate omg, I’m with you on the stuffy nose. It’s so gross! 

    @_orchid_ hope tests come back negative for your DS! 
  • @_orchid_ no, we haven't said anything and are letting him lead the conversation. When DS asks for him, we let him know that our dog's heart stopped working. He understands that much and we are choosing not to give too much information since he's only 3 (well 3 for at least for another week). It's just weird as DS is usually all about hugging the dog every day and he hasn't asked where he is. 

    I hope the covid test is negative for your son. 

    Thanks @mindyb2019. It is so weird DS hasn't mentioned it. 
  • akorosakoros member
    edited December 2020
    @_orchid_ I don't think there's a point where it's too late for the NIPT. Ideally you want to do it after 10 weeks so there's enough cells in your blood to test, but I've heard of women getting it later. I think usually it's more that once you get closer to 20 weeks the ultrasounds get more detailed, so they may skip over the NIPT and go straight for a diagnostic test like CVS/amnio if they detect an abnormality. There is a sweet spot for the NT scan, I think, usually 11-14 weeks. Another reason if doing it all in this time frame is in the spoiler, though it's honestly something that no one ever wants to think about so please be wary if you read it. 

    *TW* Loss, sensitive/scary/upsetting topic
    I just want to note that in the vast majority of cases none of this is a problem. Most pregnancies go on without a hitch, and most never even have to think about this sort of thing. I don't want to scare anyone, but that said...

    Another reason the NIPT/NT tests are ideally done earlier is because it presents you with more time and options, should they unfortunately find something wrong. The earlier you are in your pregnancy that they can identify a problem, the more time there is for diagnostic testing and follow-up discussions. In the extreme event that a problem would lead to termination, there are state-level restrictions on how late this could take place. This is a problem some women run into when something severe is flagged after 20 weeks and they quickly run up against these deadlines. A miscarriage or termination is also more involved, costly, and potentially more risky the later you are. Even if termination is not a consideration, there are other tests or scans that can be performed so that the medical team is better prepared for the rest of the pregnancy and when you do deliver (i.e. a fetal echocardiogram if they believe there may be heart issues). 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 6/2 14+1
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: finding out 
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: duckling
    Upcoming appointments: 12/9 routine check up
    How are you feeling?: still so much nausea and decent bit of vomiting. I do have more of an appetite lately though and I have been wanting salad which tells me things must be looking up.
    Rants/Raves: I am so tired of covid and tired of the strain it is putting on our healthcare systems. While hospitals are filling up with patients they are oftentimes understaffed so people are working so so much and then not getting to even relax with others in off hours because it’s not safe: 
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I enjoy snow, but would never want to live somewhere that it snows a lot. I like having everything shut down for a day or two and getting to play with my family and then everything melts and life goes on. I don’t think I would like having to shovel my driveway and still being expected to go to work. 
  • @akoros thank you, I forgot that the NT does have an end point and didn't think about that reason. ♥️ I'm hoping that even if ds2 is positive I'll be able to get into the MFM before 14 weeks.
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: I’m in week 11 or 12 
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Haven’t decided if we are finding out or not 
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: fig to key lime
    Upcoming appointments: nope
    How are you feeling?: I’m feeling better during the day but I still get sick every night. I also get worn out pretty easily. 
    Rants/Raves: DH makes dinner most nights and he can’t seem to understand how important it is that I eat at 5. He routinely serves dinner at like 6, when I’m sick. Besides me, the kids need to eat at 5. 
    Rave: DH let’s me walk away from dinner every night because I’m too sick to stay at the table. I really appreciate him being on kid duty solo in the evenings. 
    Questions: nope 
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live?
    @marebear15 hit it on the head when she said she likes snow on vacations. I live in the south so we rarely get snow and hardly ever anything substantial. I grew up somewhere with more snow and I kind of hated it because my parents’ house isn’t very warm. However, I’ve taken snowy vacations and absolutely loved every second of it. It’s so pretty! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @_orchid_ I don’t think so. With my son we had the NIPT done when I was around 24 weeks because they saw something concerning on his anatomy scan and we wanted to rule some things out (everything ended up being totally fine).
    TTC #1 Since April 2014
    Me: 27 | DH: 31
    08/2006 - Laparoscopy/Stage 1 Endo
    10/2014 - Bloodwork normal, HSG all clear
    10/2014 - DH's SA 15mil/mL, 35% motility, 6% morphology
    BFP #1: 12/29/14 | EDD: 9/9/15


  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 6/21 11+3


    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Team Pink

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Large strawberry 

    Upcoming appointments: I had an appointment with my OB yesterday. 

    How are you feeling?: Still nauseous and tired

    Rants- DH was potential been exposed to covid twice on Monday.
    Raves- I got my NIPT results yesterday at my appointment and it was low-risk/negative 

    Questions: NATM

    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I live in New England so lots of snow. I’m not really a fan. I don’t really do any winter sports/activities.
    Me: 38, DH: 37
    Married: 8/10/13
    BFP- 12/18/15, D&E- 4/8/16 @ 21w5d- confirmed Thanatophoric Dysplasia
    BFP- 11/7/17, M/C- 11/18/17 @ 4w6d
    BFP- 8/25/18 ~ EDD- 5/9/19 ~ DD born 5/2/20 *Lillian Hazel*
    BFP- 10/9/20 ~ EDD- 6/21/21

  • @tilournextadventure Sorry about your dog. Losing pets is so hard!

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: June 5. 13+6
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Pink
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Macaroon
    Upcoming appointments: Dec 8
    How are you feeling?: Pretty good right now
    Rants: Insomnia is terrible right now
    Raves: Got our Christmas Tree today and had an otherwise awesome family day
    Questions:  NATM
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I love looking at the snow but I don’t live shoveling or the cold.  It snows pretty frequently where I live but it melts pretty fast.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 6/11, 13 weeks
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Blue! 
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Large Macaron
    Upcoming appointments: supposed to have one 12/31, but will probably reschedule for a week or two later. 
    How are you feeling?: still really nauseous/vomiting. I upped my zofran because I need to feel better. 
    Rants/Raves: DD is having a hard time with DS being a boy. We have been using his name and talking through it, but it is interesting to me that she was so excited for a sister but so upset about a brother. She is 2, so trying to understand what the difference is for her in her mind. But it is nice to refer to him by name! 
    Questions: The response the receptionist at my OB gave when I asked if we could move the appointment a week was really weird to me. She was saying the appointment had to be the week between Christmas and New Years. I explained we may travel so to be safe could we just make it the first week of Jan, and she said no that is not okay. It is just the 16 week appointment, am I missing something here? I go to MFM for anatomy scan at 18 weeks, so that would be the next big thing. 
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I do love snow! But I know it is because we live where we never get any. I enjoy it for vacation where I don’t have to defrost a car or scrap a windshield or shovel a driveway before/after work. 
  • @ramzlau that should not be a big deal to move that appointment one week back. The 16 week appointment should be a quick check unless you have any high risk issues that need to be monitored. But even then, a week should be fine. 
    The receptionist this morning for me was concerned as I was trying to schedule an appointment 5 weeks out after the NP told me to so I could do the anatomy scan and a checkup at the same time. And to limit the multiple times in the office so close together. She got over it when I told her covid and flu season in January and I prefer to be in the office less times. 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: June 14th, 12+5
    FTM/STM/STM+: FTM- 3rd pregnancy
    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Found out from the NIPT thurs  that its team Blue 😭 I really wanted a girl so badly 💔
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Tall as a Kit Kat.
    Upcoming appointments: Dec 7th is my appt with my OB and on Dec 21st I have another ultrasound for 15 weeks to check my cervical length. 
    How are you feeling?: Physically pretty good most days but been having alot of growing aches and pains and backaches, some headaches and really bad leg pain in my thigh. Mentally and emotionally I’m not well at all. I’m really struggling these days with depression and sadness and have been crying everyday all the time due to gender disappointment. 
    Rants/Raves: Rave - My constipation has cleared up and I haven’t had to take anything to help me for 2 weeks now. Yay. Hope that continues. Going to cut down our live tree tomorrow for Christmas and decorate the house. So excited! 
    Questions: Nope! 
    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? Eww yuck. I hate the snow. I think it looks pretty outside when I don’t have to drive in it or go anywhere lol. I prefer the summer. I’m a beach bunny. Where I lived growing up, we got a crap load of snow and I loved it as a kid. As an adult, I hate it. Where I live in Canada we don’t get much snow every year. Just a lot of rain, which I don’t mind cause you don’t have to shovel that lol. 
  • @mindyb2019 I’m so sorry you’re struggling emotionally. I know you have a therapist - are you open to medications? I struggled a lot last pregnancy emotionally and then had bad PPD. This time around, I’ve been on Prozac for almost a year and it is a night and day difference. Even though I still get mood swings and feel down, it’s manageable. Hope you get some relief one way or another. It’s awful when you feel like that ❤️ 
  • @mc0303 thanks. it is awful when you feel like that. I hate it! Honestly, im not open to medications. I refuse to take them and don't want to. That's just me but I totally respect that other people choose to take them. Im really glad they work and help you ❤ I'm sorry you struggled last pregnancy. 
  • @mindyb2019 I’m sorry you’re struggling right now. I hope that the depression eases up sooner rather then later. I also hope you are surrounded by all the best supports. 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 14+3 


    Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:  Team Blue. 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:  a mango? Idk all these websites say diff things lol 

    Upcoming appointments:  12/15 just regular 16 week appt and blood work. 

    How are you feeling?:  Tired.  Dragging.  

    Rants/Raves: no rants at the moment.  But y’all I I drank a cup of coffee this morning! And didn’t want to throw it up!  I actually WANTED the coffee 😍.  Huge win!! 

    Questions:  my sisters OB office didn’t do a a NT ultrasound OR NIPT.  My OB (in the same city but not the same practice) she offered one or the other which is standard at their practice.  Is that normal?  She’s super upset that they didn’t even explain that to her they just said they don’t do that there.  

    GTKY: Are you a snow lover/does it snow where you live? I love the snow but we’ve literally gotten snow 2 times in the past 8 years so when it happens I LOVE it! 
  • @sgrn18 that’s super weird that they didn’t offer either! I’ve never heard of it. 
  • @mc0303 yeah I thought it was weird too.  I’m just not super familiar with current standards of care in OB to know if it’s a normal thing or not.  
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