How many kids do you already have? Ages? One daughter who will be 3 in just over a month!
Rants/Raves: Rant: I started ordering Christmas presents and already I have multiple shipments that are delayed in transit. It's not a huge deal and I get it but every time something gets delayed I get nervous that it's going to end up lost because I've had that happen a couple of times. One of the things I just found out is delayed was way harder to get my hands on than I thought it would be and I'm going to be super annoyed if it gets lost in transit.
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? We started decorating slowly a couple of weeks ago. This past weekend we got our main tree and decorated that and got most of our exterior decorations up and I started wrapping presents yesterday! I'm not done shopping by a long shot but I think we're pretty much done shopping for our daughter (just going to get her some clothes to finish everything off). Still shopping to do for my husband's stocking and then both sides of our family (my side is easy since we usually just mail out gift cards but his side we get actual presents for).
How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 boys, 4, 3 and 1
Rants/Raves: My cold is starting to clear up, but I developed a cough, I know my body, I know that I rarely ever have a cold without a cough, but of course now I'm paranoid. I went out to get tested last night, so just waiting on the results now. I will probably have to reschedule my Friday OB appt. even if the results are negative, which will make the second appointment rescheduled due to COVID, and is so annoying. I know it's just a doppler check, but I'm past the first trimester nausea and before my bump is really showing, so I was looking forward to the reassurance of hearing that heartbeat.
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? We don't celebrate. We celebrate Chanukah which starts next week, and have done nothing. But we always keep it very simple. DH is in charge of the Menorah, and we buy books for the boys, and that's it. Their grandparents spoil them.
How many kids do you already have? Ages? I have a 4yo daughter
Rants/Raves: We are hoping to find out the sex of the baby Friday! yay!
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? We have the tree and advent calendar up. We have inflatables in the yard. Now we just need to put up the hooks to hang the stockings. I'm just about done with shopping. I have 2 more to buy for and just don't know what to get them. One is for my BIL who is a teenager, so I'm waiting to hear back what video game he wants. The other is my nephew who just had a birthday and I have no idea what else to get him.
Anyone know where to find some nice wrapping paper online. Our covid numbers are so high I stopped shopping in stores. Any leads?
TTC #1 since August 2015 BFP #1 January 28, 2016
EDD October 3, 2016 Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016 My Chart
TTC #2 Since August 2020 BFP #2 September 11, 2020 EDD May 23, 2021
How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 kids: 14DD, 9DD, almost 4DS
Rants/Raves: I feel like my daughters are starting to get excited about their new little sister. They seemed annoyed that we were having another baby at first, so this new level of caring is making me feel a little better. My son has been excited the whole time and comes up to kiss my belly. Yesterday he told me ‘mommy, I love Mia’. Yes, I cried a little.
GTKY: Normally we don’t get Christmas stuff up until a week or two into December, because we are so busy. It’s soccer season! Lol. Seriously though, both DDs are on competitive teams which means sometimes their games are an hour or more away. But this year is definitely different, no games means open weekends. So our tree and lights went up a few days ago! Our yard is so festive!
I haven’t really started shopping but plan to this week and weekend. I’ll do most of it online this year, except for stocking stuffers, I’ll go to World Market for that. I feel pretty bad about so many small and local businesses closing, so I’m going to make an effort to support them. I just need to escape my children....
How many kids do you already have? Ages? DS 14 months
Rants/Raves: My husband just booked an airline ticket for a two month medical trip to help his Dad. My toddler doesn't have his passport yet, and foreign passports take too long, so I can't visit my parents while he's gone. Plus, covid, its hard to say if they will close the airports again and then he'll be stranded on the other side of the world. Plus, even if I try I know I will be stressed and two months of stress isn't good for a pregnancy. I have help from my MIL but we have the worst time communicating important things. Her Spanish isn't great but its better than my Chinese, so we're stuck speaking in Spanish hoping that the message will go through.
Any great ideas for hiding surprises in his suitcase?
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? I celebrate, but I think it will just be music and church this year. No plans for a tree or shopping this year. Found a box of decorations, so I might decorated the windows. I like gift giving so I might change my mind.
How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 girls (6,5,1)
Rants/Raves: We told our girls today about the baby and they were over the moon! They are so excited to have another little sister. Its so great to see them so excited.
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? I havent started decorating but have already started shopping. I do most shopping on black friday, but still have a few gifts left to get.
How many kids do you already have? Ages? Caleb - 5 and Owen - 2
Rants/Raves: Rants: My car check engine light started flashing on Tuesday evening so we had to get it towed to the shop. Thankfully, it's nothing that big and I get to pick it up today (it took time to order a part). Consequently, we've only had one car so I've been getting to work super early. Raves: Our 9th anniversary was last night so we went to dinner and had a delicious steak and decided on a middle name for Eli! YAY!
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? We decorated the day after Thanksgiving. I use the word "we" loosely, because basically my husband did it all, lol! I've gotten about 50% of gifts done and we picked up the stocking stuffers for the kids last night.
How many kids do you already have? Ages? one son who just turned 2
Rants/Raves: another COVID exposure secretary tested positive so now we are all just monitoring symptoms. We won't get tested this time unless any of us have symptoms because we are all really good about masks in our office. She is also 27 weeks pregnant so hopefully it's mild for her. Also, I hate DH's boss. He has been applying for new jobs for over a year but still nothing so we decided that if he doesn't have something new by the end of January, he will quit and go work for his parents. He just works all the time and his boss is really degrading so it has been life difficult the past few years.
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? I love this time of year! We put up our decorations the day after Thanksgiving, but we still need to do the outside lights. We moved to a new house this year and we never really did anything outside at our last house so this is new for us! I'm excited! I have purchased a few gifts but not many. I really need to get on it but I'm a last minute shopper every year so this year is tough for me having to order everything online 😂
Re: STM+ Check in 12/2
How far along are you? 17+4
How many kids do you already have? Ages? One daughter who will be 3 in just over a month!
Rants/Raves: Rant: I started ordering Christmas presents and already I have multiple shipments that are delayed in transit. It's not a huge deal and I get it but every time something gets delayed I get nervous that it's going to end up lost because I've had that happen a couple of times. One of the things I just found out is delayed was way harder to get my hands on than I thought it would be and I'm going to be super annoyed if it gets lost in transit.
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? We started decorating slowly a couple of weeks ago. This past weekend we got our main tree and decorated that and got most of our exterior decorations up and I started wrapping presents yesterday! I'm not done shopping by a long shot but I think we're pretty much done shopping for our daughter (just going to get her some clothes to finish everything off). Still shopping to do for my husband's stocking and then both sides of our family (my side is easy since we usually just mail out gift cards but his side we get actual presents for).
How far along are you? 15+6
How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 boys, 4, 3 and 1
Rants/Raves: My cold is starting to clear up, but I developed a cough, I know my body, I know that I rarely ever have a cold without a cough, but of course now I'm paranoid. I went out to get tested last night, so just waiting on the results now. I will probably have to reschedule my Friday OB appt. even if the results are negative, which will make the second appointment rescheduled due to COVID, and is so annoying. I know it's just a doppler check, but I'm past the first trimester nausea and before my bump is really showing, so I was looking forward to the reassurance of hearing that heartbeat.
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? We don't celebrate. We celebrate Chanukah which starts next week, and have done nothing. But we always keep it very simple. DH is in charge of the Menorah, and we buy books for the boys, and that's it. Their grandparents spoil them.How far along are you? 15+3
How many kids do you already have? Ages? I have a 4yo daughter
Rants/Raves: We are hoping to find out the sex of the baby Friday! yay!
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? We have the tree and advent calendar up. We have inflatables in the yard. Now we just need to put up the hooks to hang the stockings. I'm just about done with shopping. I have 2 more to buy for and just don't know what to get them. One is for my BIL who is a teenager, so I'm waiting to hear back what video game he wants. The other is my nephew who just had a birthday and I have no idea what else to get him.Anyone know where to find some nice wrapping paper online. Our covid numbers are so high I stopped shopping in stores. Any leads?
BFP #1 January 28, 2016
Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016
My Chart
BFP #2 September 11, 2020
EDD May 23, 2021
How far along are you? 18+4
How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 kids: 14DD, 9DD, almost 4DS
Rants/Raves: I feel like my daughters are starting to get excited about their new little sister. They seemed annoyed that we were having another baby at first, so this new level of caring is making me feel a little better. My son has been excited the whole time and comes up to kiss my belly. Yesterday he told me ‘mommy, I love Mia’. Yes, I cried a little.
GTKY: Normally we don’t get Christmas stuff up until a week or two into December, because we are so busy. It’s soccer season! Lol. Seriously though, both DDs are on competitive teams which means sometimes their games are an hour or more away. But this year is definitely different, no games means open weekends. So our tree and lights went up a few days ago! Our yard is so festive!@mrosek91 hoping for a negative covid test!!!
How far along are you? 13w 3d
How many kids do you already have? Ages? DS 14 months
Rants/Raves: My husband just booked an airline ticket for a two month medical trip to help his Dad. My toddler doesn't have his passport yet, and foreign passports take too long, so I can't visit my parents while he's gone. Plus, covid, its hard to say if they will close the airports again and then he'll be stranded on the other side of the world. Plus, even if I try I know I will be stressed and two months of stress isn't good for a pregnancy. I have help from my MIL but we have the worst time communicating important things. Her Spanish isn't great but its better than my Chinese, so we're stuck speaking in Spanish hoping that the message will go through.
Any great ideas for hiding surprises in his suitcase?
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? I celebrate, but I think it will just be music and church this year. No plans for a tree or shopping this year. Found a box of decorations, so I might decorated the windows. I like gift giving so I might change my mind.How far along are you? 15w 6d
How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 girls (6,5,1)
Rants/Raves: We told our girls today about the baby and they were over the moon! They are so excited to have another little sister. Its so great to see them so excited.
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? I havent started decorating but have already started shopping. I do most shopping on black friday, but still have a few gifts left to get.How far along are you? 17w5d
How many kids do you already have? Ages? Caleb - 5 and Owen - 2
Rants/Raves: Rants: My car check engine light started flashing on Tuesday evening so we had to get it towed to the shop. Thankfully, it's nothing that big and I get to pick it up today (it took time to order a part). Consequently, we've only had one car so I've been getting to work super early. Raves: Our 9th anniversary was last night so we went to dinner and had a delicious steak and decided on a middle name for Eli! YAY!
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? We decorated the day after Thanksgiving. I use the word "we" loosely, because basically my husband did it all, lol! I've gotten about 50% of gifts done and we picked up the stocking stuffers for the kids last night.*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
How far along are you? 16+4
How many kids do you already have? Ages? one son who just turned 2
Rants/Raves: another COVID exposure secretary tested positive so now we are all just monitoring symptoms. We won't get tested this time unless any of us have symptoms because we are all really good about masks in our office. She is also 27 weeks pregnant so hopefully it's mild for her. Also, I hate DH's boss. He has been applying for new jobs for over a year but still nothing so we decided that if he doesn't have something new by the end of January, he will quit and go work for his parents. He just works all the time and his boss is really degrading so it has been life difficult the past few years.
GTKY: If you celebrate Christmas, have you started decorating yet? Started shopping for gifts? Finished all your shopping? I love this time of year! We put up our decorations the day after Thanksgiving, but we still need to do the outside lights. We moved to a new house this year and we never really did anything outside at our last house so this is new for us! I'm excited! I have purchased a few gifts but not many. I really need to get on it but I'm a last minute shopper every year so this year is tough for me having to order everything online 😂