Trying to Get Pregnant

TWW Monday 11/30

**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!** 




Typical LP length: 




Re: TWW Monday 11/30

  • Month/Cycle: 19/17 just a quick guess, could be off my a cycle or two. 

    CD/DPO: 14/27? Maybe, I really haven’t tracked well this passed couple of cycles. 

    Timing: good

    Typical LP length: 12-14 days 

    Testing: if af doesn’t show in a day or two. 

    R/R: HEY GUYS! sorry that I’ve been gone lately! No exciting news for me on the ttc front. We had to live with my in-laws for like 6 weeks while our new house was ready and the contractors finished out! But we moved home a little over a week ago and things are starting to calm down. On top of living with them, we all got quarantined at the same time and all got covid so it was a fun time.  🙃 being in their house was not conducive to posting on the bump or tracking well. So we’ve just been doing our best for the past two cycles. Doc still won’t see me until after the beginning of the year for any fertility treatment, so let’s hope it doesn’t get that far, moving has made me broke! 


  • @photographerwife glad that the house is finished and you’re starting to feel settled! Yikes about getting COVID...I hope all is well now!

    Month/Cycle: 13/11

    CD/DPO: 30/10

    Timing: -3, -2, 0(IUI), +1

    Typical LP length: on progesterone so at least 14

    Testing: I think Thursday

    R/R: Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth at the end of last week! We were so busy with Thanksgiving and decorating for Christmas. We have everything up except the tree which we are going to get this weekend. So a very fun but very very busy long weekend. DH and I got some quality Christmas movie watching in too which was really nice. I just love this time of year so much!


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  • @photographerwife wow, that's a lot! Glad to hear that you've recovered from COVID and that the house is done - I have had to do the same and though my IL are wonderful it's nice to get back into your own space again. 

    @runningoncookies we spent the weekend putting up decorations too! We're not 100% there yet either... right now my living room looks like the closets exploded.. eek. Glad you got some good movie watching in, too. Any good ones?

    Month/Cycle: 6/5

    CD/DPO: 33/12

    Timing: good

    Typical LP length: 13

    Testing: I think Wednesday if no AF. Maybe today if I feel like picking up some tests after work

    R/R: back to work today, which is fine I guess. The vacation was sweet but short. DH and I both overslept this morning so that was a bit rough. Nothing exciting happening really, just decorating and whatnot. I hate this part of the TWW bc I want to test badly but I also don't want the disappointment of a negative...

    CS/Q: I woke up at 2:30 AM with a migraine and needed to get some ibuprofen so I just took my temp (I usually temp at 4). The chart still looks good for now...

  • Month/Cycle: 2/2

    CD/DPO: CD23

    Timing: good 

    Typical LP length: 10-13

    Testing: later this week

    R/R: It’s in the negatives overnight and when I go out to my car the doors are somewhat frozen shut. It’s one thing to have a garage to keep my car in overnight and a totally different thing for it to be left outside all night. I probably need to plug it in so the battery doesn’t get so cold. I’m ready for 20 degree weather. 😫

    CS/Q: Yesterday’s temp got adjusted up today. So that is promising. 

  • @photographerwife I’m glad everyone recovered well. I’m glad y’all are back home and things are calming down. 

    @runningoncookies I can’t wait to get home and start decorating. We have our outside lights on but everything is still Thanksgiving inside. 

    @fameonmain2 I hope your migraine doesn’t stick around. 
  • @fameonmain2 we started out with some new/cheesy ones lol...we watched The Holidate on Netflix which was adorable, and then we also watched the Christmas Chronicles which is one of the best “new” Christmas movies I’ve seen in a while. We didn’t watch it when it first came out, but now we want to watch the second one!

    @emeraldcity1214 yuckkkk for the car doors being frozen shut!
  • @emeraldcity1214 doors frozen shut! That's the worst. I'm curious - how/why does TD adjust your temp?

    @runningoncookies haha I watched those too this weekend! They were both the background to my cleaning/decorating. I watched most of Christmas Chronicles II yesterday - it was cute! I didn't think it was as good as the first though.
  • @fameonmain2 Tempdrop takes my temperature all night long. Then it uses an algorithm to give me my BBT. It does that so that I don’t need to have a solid 3 hours of sleep in order to get a temperature. I can be up and down all night long and it will learn my patterns and filter out all the disturbances. So the first temp that I get may not be the final temperature. Each day it can retroactively change yesterday’s and the day before that. So I get 1 new temp and the last 2 could be changed. Does that make sense? I have had it since 2017 so I can usually tell when my temps will be adjusted in a dramatic way. I usually get temps that get adjusted down. Last cycle I was expecting adjustments on some higher temps in my LP and they didn’t. That was my first clue that I was actually sick. I never got an actual fever but I did have to stop wearing my TD so it wouldn’t affect how the algorithm chooses my temp. The changing temps can be difficult for some people to get comfortable with so it’s recommended to use a reg BBT alongside it until you get comfortable. Typically TD mirrors the pattern of those temps but ends up being somewhat smoother. 
  • @emeraldcity1214 yes, that makes sense! Thanks for the info!
  • @runningoncookies all is well now! Thankfully all of us had very mild symptoms. I love this time of year too! I put up two trees this year because I could decide which one I liked more for the space! Haha 

    @fameonmain2 going back after vacation is the worst, hope the rest of the tww treats you well.

    @emeraldcity1214 I can’t even imagine it being so cold! I live in the south, so it’s still warm here most days and I’m dreading the 20s! 

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