Feeling terrible per usual although I did have like 2 hours of not feeling completely awful yesterday so I painted our family room. Kind of regretted it later though because my back was very much not happy with me.
14 weeks as of last Friday. I had such a great few days! Had enough energy to spontaneously meet a close friend for dinner, did my first peloton workout in over 2 months on Friday and yoga yesterday, and then had a productive Saturday doing chores.
Then yesterday - BOOM - splitting headache starting late morning and it got worse and worse until I gave up around 8 and fell asleep on the couch. I got nothing done. 😭I still had it when I woke up, so I looked up Excedrin Tension since some of you mentioned your Drs said you could take that. I saw it's just tylenol and caffeine and so made myself coffee immediately. Washed down my tylenol with the coffee and the headache is gone.
I didn't have coffee the day I had my last headache (my bday) and didn't yesterday, so I'm wondering if it's related. I've never had caffeine withdrawal before pregnancy (I quit "cold turkey" right before we started trying in August and didn't have any coffee for first 8/9 weeks), so I don't think it's that...but I wonder if coffee is proactively helping keep my blood vessels more dilated so I don't experience as many 2nd tri headaches as I would otherwise. 🤷🏽♀️I dunno, but I probably won't be missing my morning coffee again ever.
Otherwise feeling good! Concentration still not where I wish it were, but hopefully as my energy gets back to normal my mental abilities will follow.
So, I feel like 2-3 time in the last week I saw some white spots on my nipples, like tiny bits of discharge, or I suppose colostrum? I also felt like my robe was a little damp in that area too once or twice. Anybody else? I'm 13w5d.
@mimser I never actually leaked in my first pregnancy but do remember the white spots, like thick white dots at each milk duct. I could never figure out what to do about it because they didn’t dissolve in a hot shower or anything, but eventually I rubbed coconut oil on my nipples in the shower and they dissolved away.
is anyone else suffering from intense acne?? funny because pre-pregnancy i never really did and now my face looks like a pepperoni pizza. i know there are so many products to avoid using, so it makes me feel like there's nothing?
my face wash (i use Belli because its pregnancy safe) is clearly no match for this!
@asf0613 I had horrrrrible horrible acne and bacne last pregnancy and have somehow avoided it this time. I would say talk to your OB about what is safe to use because when I eventually did, I wished I had used something earlier because my OB seemed to think topical products are pretty low risk 🤷🏻♀️
If you are dealing with cystic acne, using colloidal bandaids at night works wonders 👌🏻
@gusgus I’ve used Acnefree brand body spray and it’s sticky but works pretty well, I would just use it at night. It’s a mix of glycolic acid and salicylic acid.
@mimser yup, usually about 12 weeks or so with my first two pregnancies. But after DD2, I never really stopped lactating. Weird, but true. Nothing crazy, but definitely lactating for the last 9 years 😬. I would’ve made a great wet nurse back in the day!
@yellingbanana same! I can still squeeze a drop of milk to my nipple 😂😂🤷🏼♀️ I always said I could feed a village of children with how much I produce, knock on wood.
@mimser I do remember leaking some with my daughter but it was usually a little later on. I am still nursing her now but thankfully haven't had any random letdowns.
I feel like crap again. I can't tell if it's pregnancy related or if I am possibly sick. I am back to zero energy and I am getting horrendous headaches every day.
Today I've had the worst food aversions this pregnancy. Some weird carb issue. This mornings oatmeal, lunchs rice, tonight's pasta. Maybe they were a little soggy, but I could barely swallow them. Had to swallow with water for every bite. I shouldn't complain, I don't get morning sickness.
Re: Symptoms Thread 11/14
Also my lips were super dry yesterday, they were cracking. I'm pretty sure I drink enough water so I'm assuming it's a pregnancy thing 🤷♀️
Today I had a hard time eating big meals, not nauseous, but just feel full fast.
Then yesterday - BOOM - splitting headache starting late morning and it got worse and worse until I gave up around 8 and fell asleep on the couch. I got nothing done. 😭I still had it when I woke up, so I looked up Excedrin Tension since some of you mentioned your Drs said you could take that. I saw it's just tylenol and caffeine and so made myself coffee immediately. Washed down my tylenol with the coffee and the headache is gone.
I didn't have coffee the day I had my last headache (my bday) and didn't yesterday, so I'm wondering if it's related. I've never had caffeine withdrawal before pregnancy (I quit "cold turkey" right before we started trying in August and didn't have any coffee for first 8/9 weeks), so I don't think it's that...but I wonder if coffee is proactively helping keep my blood vessels more dilated so I don't experience as many 2nd tri headaches as I would otherwise. 🤷🏽♀️I dunno, but I probably won't be missing my morning coffee again ever.
Otherwise feeling good! Concentration still not where I wish it were, but hopefully as my energy gets back to normal my mental abilities will follow.
my face wash (i use Belli because its pregnancy safe) is clearly no match for this!
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
I feel like crap again. I can't tell if it's pregnancy related or if I am possibly sick. I am back to zero energy and I am getting horrendous headaches every day.