
New User Here (loss mentioned)

Hello All,

My name is Melissa, I'm new to posting in the community but not new to the struggles of infertility.  I have a DH, we've been together for 7 years. We have been struggling to start a family for several years. I was diagnosed with PCOS & Hydrosalpinx.  We suffered a loss about 4 years ago at 13 weeks,  we haven't been able to achieve a pregnancy since. 

We recently started medicated IUI cycles after I had my left fallopian tube removed and was told by my fertility clinic that I don't ovulate. 

We just completed our first IUI this past weekend.  *Fingers Crossed* but not much confidence. 

Anyway, thanks for the support.  I find much comfort from you ladies! 

Re: New User Here (loss mentioned)

  • Welcome to the club no one wants to join :smile:  !!

    I also tried naturally for several years before starting IUI treatments and then IVF, so I can understand your lack of confidence and anxiety. I -never- thought fertility treatments would work for me because the world was obviously against me, God hated me and good things happen to other people not me. That mindset was the result of 3 years of TTC and watching friends/family get pregnant while I didn't get even a single positive pregnancy test. I had just lived through so much disappointment at that point that I expected it, rather than a positive outcome.  I was really fortunate that my clinic and my parents were super supportive and never lost faith even when I did. I still remember sitting with the IVF coordinator at my clinic and discussing the schedule for my IVF round; she said "And when your pregnancy test comes back positive..." and I said, "You mean IF it comes back positive." She looked at me and repeated, "WHEN". 

    I think it's positive that you've been able to identify some issues that you can address! Hoping IUI is the trick for you guys and your stay on these pages is a short one :smile:

    ~~ Our Story in Spoiler! TW loss/child~~
    Fall 2012 -- started TTC
    Summer 2015 - no BFP yet, labs normal, referred to RE
    Fall 2015 - Summer 2016 - Further testing all normal. 3 IUI's -- BFN. Recommended move to IVF. Planned cycle for fall 2016.
    September 2016 - Surprise natural BFP. MMC @ 8 weeks. RE expressed confidence that we just needed the 'right' embryo.
    Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 -- Break from TTC
    June 2017 - Started IVF; egg retrieval for freeze all cycle. 9 mature eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 4BB embies on ice.
    August 2017 - FET transfer both embies. BFP.  Twin pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound. EDD 4/28/18
    September 2017 - Twin B stopped developing; Twin A doing perfectly! Graduated from RE @ 10 weeks
    March 2018 - Baby Girl born via C/S due to pre-eclampsia -- strong and healthy!

    TTC #2
    January/Feb 2021 - Freeze-all IVF cycle 
    March 2021 - FET of 1 PGS normal female embryo. BFP! Beta #1 156,  #2 472, #3 1241, #4 5268 EDD 12/5/21 - Christmas baby!

    "When all is lost then all is found."

  • Wow. Your words made me tear up.   You completely articulated my life.  When you said "you mean IF" and "God hated me and good things happen to other people not me." ... 

    So, If I may, are you still trying for #1?
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  • I had one natural pregnancy after 3 IUI's which ended in an early m/c (while we were waiting for our IVF cycle, of course, so that got pushed back). 

    My first IVF cycle resulted in two embryos -- and one of them is now my 2 year old daughter. Her birth was absolutely amazing; it felt like the whole world was lifted off my shoulders and I just felt so light and happy for the first time in years. It was a long journey to get there, but I would do every second over again for her. It was -6- years from starting TTC to her birth which is just insane when I think about it.

    We're back for #2 now and obviously expecting another grueling journey ahead since we have to start from scratch. 
    ~~ Our Story in Spoiler! TW loss/child~~
    Fall 2012 -- started TTC
    Summer 2015 - no BFP yet, labs normal, referred to RE
    Fall 2015 - Summer 2016 - Further testing all normal. 3 IUI's -- BFN. Recommended move to IVF. Planned cycle for fall 2016.
    September 2016 - Surprise natural BFP. MMC @ 8 weeks. RE expressed confidence that we just needed the 'right' embryo.
    Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 -- Break from TTC
    June 2017 - Started IVF; egg retrieval for freeze all cycle. 9 mature eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 4BB embies on ice.
    August 2017 - FET transfer both embies. BFP.  Twin pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound. EDD 4/28/18
    September 2017 - Twin B stopped developing; Twin A doing perfectly! Graduated from RE @ 10 weeks
    March 2018 - Baby Girl born via C/S due to pre-eclampsia -- strong and healthy!

    TTC #2
    January/Feb 2021 - Freeze-all IVF cycle 
    March 2021 - FET of 1 PGS normal female embryo. BFP! Beta #1 156,  #2 472, #3 1241, #4 5268 EDD 12/5/21 - Christmas baby!

    "When all is lost then all is found."

  • That's awesome & it gives me hope.  
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