May 2021 Moms

WTF Wednesday

What is driving you nuts? Pregnancy related or not, let it out!! 

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: WTF Wednesday

  • I have I haven’t been able to sign into the Bump since yesterday morning! 😩 glad it’s finally working again.
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  • WTF suddenly hitting toddler?! The toddler that I have been taking care of since he was newborn, and is the same age as my son, has started hitting and pushing when he thinks no one is looking. It started about a month ago, and has been happening once of twice a week. His favorite target is his baby brother, and the only reason I know is because we have cameras in our house. If I go to the bathroom or am cooking, and the toddler suddenly looks guilty, I check the cameras. I always give him the chance to confess, and he never does. It makes me so sad, especially because his little brother never complains when hit or pushed, he just takes it and goes right back to his brother. And it makes me worried that this is happening all the time at home if baby brother is so accustomed to it. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • WTF to myself... idk why i thought the genetic screening testing was the same as NIPT...when i talked to my OB coordinator today leading up to my NT scan tomorrow, i used NIPT terminology for the screening bloodwork i did and when she corrected me i felt SO EMBARASSED.  i can't be the only one who got that confused, right?

  • mimsermimser member
    edited November 2020
    @asf0613 don't feel embarrassed, all tests except for amnio and CVS are actually NIPT... non invasive prenatal testing. It's just that NIPT refers more often to fetal dna testing. Anyway that's how I understand it, but I've used NIPT  "incorrectly" as well!
  • @mimser yes i thought they were all under same umbrella, but i also didnt realize i was getting two different blood draws.  oh well! its happening tomorrow and thats all that matters!
  • NIPT is genetic screening bloodwork for the baby. 🤷🏽‍♀️ They have different brand names (mine was Maternit21). Are you getting genetic screening for yourself tomorrow, too?
  • @asf0613 my practice only offers the NIPT, they don’t even bother with the other screenings anymore. So I think you can use interchangeably 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • I was so confused by this too @asf0613 ! I was given the choice between “cell free dna” and something else with a different name. I had no idea that choosing cell free dna meant that I was taking a similar test to Materniti 21 etc! But that’s what I did. So once those results come back, assuming all is ok, I will not do a quad screen at 16w—just will screen for the one of the four regarding neural tube defects. It is really confusing. 
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