June 2021 Moms

Weekly Symptoms week of 11/8

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Re: Weekly Symptoms week of 11/8

  • 9 weeks 3 days.
    I'm still very nauseous. Zofran has been helping a little which is good.
    Threw up right after taking it this morning though.

    I'm so so tired. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • 8 weeks- still super nauseated and tired.  Nothing really new. Ready to not feel like a lump. 

    Any of the other hypothyroid mamas dread having to take their pill in the morning? 

    I usually wake up feeling okay,  but the second I take my thyroid pill and drink a bunch of water my nausea kicks in hard.  The hour wait until I can eat something is one of the worst parts of my day.  I try going back to sleep but it never happens.  I end up just gagging and using every ounce of willpower to keep it down. 

    I know there isn't really anything to do to help,  but wanted to commiserate with anyone else who might be miserable in the morning 😂
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  • edited November 2020
    6 weeks 4 days 
    Nausea is in full swing. Currently taking the maximum of Diclectin, and down to puking 4(ish) times a day instead of every hour. 

    Also so sleepy! I almost fell asleep during our church service yesterday :# , and was in bed right after I put my daughter down at 7:30 lol

    *Edited to Add*

    And my Dr just called to let me know I have a UTI. The fun really doesn't stop lol
  • 10w 1d - currently sitting in the lab waiting to have my blood drawn for my NIPT test and I feel like I’m going to pass out I’m so tired. Constantly feel like I have the mini flu or something - no fever or cough or nausea or sore throat - but I just feel like total dog poop. Just feel blah, blah, blah. I’m ready to not feel so useless all the time. It’s honestly starting to make me feel really down. This is my 4th baby and I haven’t ever felt this crappy. I’m feeling like a lousy mom to my boys right now. And a lousy wife to my husband. Ugg. Sorry for the downer post!!
    Trying to Conceive TickerMe: 41 DH: 42
    💙 DS1- 12/2011
    CP - March 2014
    MMC - Sept 2014
    💙DS2 - 10/2015
    💙DS3 - 5/2017
    💖DD due June 6, 2021
  • @mamakate2011 ugh I’m feeling the same way. Just so friggin crappy. I keep thinking I’m getting the flu or a cold...but nope just drained and knocked up 😑
  • @mamakate2011 I feel the same way re: mom guilt. I just keep reminding myself that I'm doing the best I can and it's not forever! Worried about getting through Thanksgiving and Christmas when I'm so wiped out from just finding laundry and putting it away. 

    @artsiefartsie I'm the same way with my thyroid meds in the morning. I usually try to wait an hour but have been told by my Dr that 30 minutes is ok too. I try to keep myself physically busy that hour (unloading dishwasher, laundry, sweeping, etc) bc it helps distract me from how bad I feel. 

    How far along are you? 6+6

    How are you feeling this week? Symptoms have physically ramped up this week. Naseous all the time, gagging a lot. My sense of smell is so intense. I could seriously live on my couch right now haha. Pregnancy brain has kicked in- I've left the house 2x this week without my purse.
  • @artsiefartsie Yes, I dread taking my synthroid. I try to take it super early. You can ask your Dr about taking it at night, but it has to be 4 hours after you have eaten and I am usually not awake still by that time. It is what my OB suggested with DD. 

    @_orchid_ I hear ya on the pregnancy brain. I am forgetting so much already. And just left the house without my phone when we were dropping off my car for service. 

    @mamakate2011 Can you plan 1 special thing for your kids a week? We went to the park yesterday because it was a good day for me. I can’t do it every day, but finding just a few special moments a few times a week helps with the mom guilt and always feeling blah. 
  • Haha and forgot to post AFM. 


    Nausea, pregnancy brain, exhausted, food aversions seem to be slowly going away. Walking seems to be helping with energy and nausea so going to try to keep up with it. 
  • @mamakate2011 I am so glad you mentioned that...I HATE those random waves of being so tired I feel like I'm going to pass out. They ramp up my anxiety, making me think something is wrong. 

     I've also really been getting in my own head about how awful I've felt and useless I feel like I am.  Thankfully,  my husband has been super helpful and literally says "stop it, you are creating a human,  of course you are exhausted" 

    So I just want to add that you aren't a bad wife or mom,  you are just a little preoccupied with creating life.  It makes total sense that you are down,  though.  Letting myself cry a little really helps me get unstuck in my own head.  Sending you love! ❤
  • 10w 5d and feeling like crap here too. I am more exhausted than I have been. Today I could probably just lay my head down and sleep anywhere. 

    The nausea and vomiting is still not letting up. Zofran helps curb the vomiting most of the time, but the nausea is non stop all the time. I wish I knew I was a few weeks away from feeling better. Unfortunately, if it follows my first I am months away from feeling better. 
  • @artsiefartsie I've been taking it in the middle of the night when I go pee and then I'll take my zofran immediately when I wake up and that's been semi okay
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How far along are you? 10w, 6d

    How are you feeling this week? Exhausted. Starving, but nothing sounds good. I am forcing myself to eat because the nausea is worse when I haven't eaten. The bloat is out of control as I haven't gained any weight, but my pants don't fit. Hoping to start feeling better in the next week or so. With DS is tapered around 11.5 weeks, so here's hoping!

    Me: 36, DH: 38, Together since: 2006, Married: 9/2011 
    **TW Living Child**

    BFP 9/19/20 - EDD - 6/1/21

    BFP 2/2014 - DS - 10/2014

  • 8ish weeks about now. Nausea through the roof, but Diclegis has helped. Because of how bad I got last week I am set up with a home health infusion nurse. Currently getting fluids from the comfort of my couch, which I’m not complaining about. Depression has been gnarly and crazy dreams to go with it. I’ve been having night sweats akin to post partum, so that isn’t helping dehydration, I’m sure.
    Married <3 August 2010
    DD1  <3 August 2011
    DD2 <3 August 2013
    DD3 <3 February 2017
  • 6+5. I feel fine. More tired, but food/coffee aversions haven’t set in yet, and I’m now starting to get in my head about why that is. I still have 11 days until my first appt.  :#
  • kristah2kristah2 member
    edited November 2020
    I’m 10+5 and feel like I’m coming out the other side finally. I’m super tired and I have a headache basically everyday but I don’t feel as sick as I did a couple weeks ago. 
    ETA: though I’m still way too afraid to give up my diclectin yet. 
  • 9 weeks 

    I have been feeling like utter crap lately like so many of you. Every morning I get up I start feeling horrible. I get nauseous, bad headaches, gagging, dizziness etc. Im tired of feeling like garbage everyday :( I haven't thrown up yet once thank god but I just feel like im hungover everyday and sometimes I want to eat, sometimes I dont. Also, my step daughters deodorant is making me sick. The smell of it makes me nauseous. Im super tired all the time and just want to be lazy. 

    @kristah2 I feel ya on the headcahes. I have one daily too. It sucks and hurts all day long!! :( 
  • 6+5

    Pretty much the same since last week - sore boobs & really tired. I’m either really hot or really cold. Thankfully no sickness (yet). Bloated though for sure!
    TTC #1 Since April 2014
    Me: 27 | DH: 31
    08/2006 - Laparoscopy/Stage 1 Endo
    10/2014 - Bloodwork normal, HSG all clear
    10/2014 - DH's SA 15mil/mL, 35% motility, 6% morphology
    BFP #1: 12/29/14 | EDD: 9/9/15


  • @mindyb2019 omg the deodorant!! Every morning DH comes downstairs and it kills me. It’s so strong! I keep asking him if he put it all over his body. 
  • 10+1 and so so tired. I took a nap during work for an hour as I had a migraine one day last week. It was the best and I wish I could do it everyday. Still feel like crap most afternoons but am able to expand my food groups so I'm not eating the same thing.  
  • 8 weeks

    So much nausea in the mornings. I feel sick as soon as I wake up but as soon as I get out of bed it is so much worse. I gag/dry heave/threw up several times in the morning (and throughout the day). I’m also super tired. 
    Me: 38, DH: 37
    Married: 8/10/13
    BFP- 12/18/15, D&E- 4/8/16 @ 21w5d- confirmed Thanatophoric Dysplasia
    BFP- 11/7/17, M/C- 11/18/17 @ 4w6d
    BFP- 8/25/18 ~ EDD- 5/9/19 ~ DD born 5/2/20 *Lillian Hazel*
    BFP- 10/9/20 ~ EDD- 6/21/21

  • 7+3 today

    For me the nausea is annoying but so far I haven't actually been sick so it's manageable.  It's the exhaustion that's killing me. We let DS watch a little TV after dinner and before bathtime each night and I'm falling asleep during the show.  I try to clean up the kitchen and have a snack after he goes to bed to keep myself up until at least 8:30 but that's really all I've got.  
    History and blog link in spoiler
    2016 - dx with super low ovarian reserve; failed cycle with clomid, failed IUI, 
    2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
    moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
    Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP!  baby boy born 8/22/18

    May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
    Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
    May 2020 FET; BFN
    July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
    Oct 2020 BFP! 

    Take a look at my blog

  • Anyone else have this thing where words they know are spelled correctly look like they are spelled wrong or forgetting how to write words? I know pregnancy brain is real, but forgetting spelling?
    Me: 36, DH: 38, Together since: 2006, Married: 9/2011 
    **TW Living Child**

    BFP 9/19/20 - EDD - 6/1/21

    BFP 2/2014 - DS - 10/2014

  • @DoubleUp8 oooh Me!! Lol I've been looking at words lately and I know they are spelled correctly but for some reason they look wrong. I just did that last night to my husband too. He was typing an email and I pointed to a word and said.. that word looks wrong, is that how you spell that? Looks weird for some reason. Turns out it was the correct way to spell it lol I have those moments at work too where I’ll stop and ask my boss... how do you spell blah blah blah? I’m usually great with spelling and grammar btw 😆 
  • 8 weeks tomorrow and the nausea is ramping up. I've gotten sick several times even on the medication I'm on. I'm so glad my parents are in town. Yesterday, they took both girls outside to play while I took a nap after work.
  • My head is killing me!!! I’ve taken Tylenol and no relief 😭 Omg make it stop 
  • @mc0303 - I sympathize. I've had near constant hormone headaches since 6 weeks.
  • @mc0303 @marebear15 I also feel you ladies pain. I've had headaches daily since like 6 weeks or so too. Sucks!! 
  • The only thing that helps my headaches is ibuprofen which we obviously can't take,  so my doc told me to add a magnesium supplement, which did help a lot for the overall constant headaches.  And then tart cherry juice helps a lot in addition to Tylenol when I do get a headache.  It has a similar anti inflammatory to ibuprofen but is pregnancy safe. It sounds nuts but I do notice a marked difference over just the Tylenol alone.  

  • @artsiefartsie thank you!! Will definitely try out. I can’t live like this 😭
  • I’m also on the constant migraine train. It’s killing me. 
    If I catch it early enough I can take 2 Tylenol wind half a cup of coffee and it seems to help me get through the day. 
  • @artsiefartsie omg hard yes to dreading the levo in the morning. I keep it by my bed with water so that if I wake up early by chance I can just take it and go right back to sleep. My doc only told me to wait 30 mins to eat after taking it though. An hour would be so rough!

    Feeling the same as many of you! Nauseous every day but throwing up only a few days a week maybe. This morning was bad. Threw up so much stomach bile after waking up. And it tastes so horrible it just made me gag even more. I’m so exhausted all the time. Basically can’t get through a day without a nap. 
  • @artsiefartsie +1 to dreading the thyroid pill 🤮
  • Bahhh! I hate the internet! I’m still having diarrhea and of course the internet says it’s probably something awful. I shot my OB a note asking if it was normal. He needs to get back to me before I lose my damn mind!
  • @mc0303 My body goes between diarrhea and constipation regularly. It can’t make up its mind lol. I have diarrhea mostly in the evenings for a few days then it switches to constipation for a few days and back again etc etc.. it might not be something horrible. Just might very well be the pregnancy hormones. I’ve read that all the changes in hormones can cause diarrhea.  
  • @mindyb2019 I hate pregnancy hormones!!! Lol. Stupid OB got back to me and told me not to take meds for it and to drink lots of water and bananas. 😑😑😑 I hate everything right now! 
  • @mc0303 and @mindyb2019 I’m glad to know it’s not just me. It comes out of no where and I basically run to the bathroom. 

    Back on my first I had a full night in the bathroom and thought I pulled a muscle but turns out it was my appendix rupturing which I found out a couple days later so now whenever I get it when I’m pregnant I get terrible flashbacks. 
  • @kristah2 oh my goodness!! That’s so terrifying!! That would give me terrible flashbacks too. 
  • @mc0303 ya pregnancy hormones suck!!! I feel ya sista lol I try to drink lots of water too or prune juice here and there if I get too backed up lol 

    @kristah2 omg I feel ya there. It comes out of no where for me too lol. Ill be fine and then all of a sudden out of nowhere I'm like "omg gotta go to the bathroom" and I mad dash down the hallway 😆 oh God. That experience you had sounds horrible. No wonder why you get terrible flashback. Sorry :( 
  • Anyone else have painful gas??? I'm so bloated it hurts right now. Woke me up at 2am. I didn't eat anything that would give me gas so idk what's going on but it hurts!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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