May 2021 Moms

GTKY 11/03

When everyone was younger, I’m assuming we all went on dates here and there before meeting our spouse or SO. 

What’s the worst date you have ever been on? What happened? Weither it was a blind date, a friend that set you up, or just a random person that you met that asked you out for coffee/drink. Let’s hear these stories! 

Re: GTKY 11/03

  • I actually started dating my husband when I was 15 so I've never really been on a date😬 Even when we first started dating it was casual, we didn't have a real date. 

  • i started dating my DH at 18, and i didn't really date before then.  no bad ones to report with him!
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  • I started dating DH when I was 17, so no real bad dating stories here.

    TTC #1 since August 2015
    BFP #1 January 28, 2016
    EDD October 3, 2016
    Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016
    My Chart
    TTC #2 Since August 2020
    BFP #2 September 11, 2020
    EDD May 23, 2021

  • I was really hoping for more good stories here! 😅 As I don't have any great stories either as I've been with my SO for 7 years and just a few months before that I was in a relationship that started when I was 17

    But we saw some pretty bad movies with my fiancé early on, he still talks about how he can't believe how many bad movies he took me too. But apparently I was so accommodating 😅
  • Haha another one who didn’t really date anyone before DH and no bad dates with him!
  • Me too!  There's the guys you spend time with and they say that girls think having coffee means you're on a date, but you're not. So I thought, Great, I can just hang out. But the truth is I think he thought it was a date. 😅

    My best story is on the day of my engagement, but I change it so that he comes out looking like a prince. Worst date, but we got engaged so it wasn't that bad. 
  • Now I'm feeling lonely. DH was only the 5th guy I dated, and usually I find I fall on the lower end of the spectrum, but this group is making me feel like I really dated around.
  • @ec1212 omg same 😂😂 I was reading through these with wide eyes like dang.. am I skanky?? 😆😆😆😆 literally cracking up. 
  • @ruby0902 both rough stories haha!!

    I think the worst date - and this is not even that bad of a story - was with a guy who I met randomly while out with friends one night. He texted asking where I might want to meet up and sent me a beer place he liked. I don't drink beer anymore cause it makes me feel like crap. I let him know I'm more of a cocktail/wine girl and that a certain neighborhood would be good for me after work, and let him pick the place from there.

    So he wound up picking a sports bar  :( and it was during some basketball tournament, so I wasn't super psyched -- he picked the night we went out so if he wanted to watch a game, he could have just picked a different night. Anyways, I get there, we're chatting and then I notice he's just watching the TV over my shoulder. So I kindly excused myself but then he wanted to walk me to my train stop. I didn't plan on seeing him again but he walked me to the train and then goes in for a kiss like we had had a great time and I was like absolutely not and just left. He texted asking for another date and I don't think I ever responded.

    The only other bad date experience was actually after 2 dates with a guy who then texted me trying to get me to meet up, but it turns out he just wanted me to meet him at his friend's place - and he made it clear that it was more of a booty call than a real date (we hadn't done anything but kiss on our dates). I was so grossed out that I shut him down. He then proceeded to text horrible things to/about me and I was like "You have a mother and a sister and you talk with that mouth?!" It was awful to get a taste of what I think a lot of other young women experience with guys they meet in online dating ... luckily it was a one-off but it was not pleasant at all.
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