Either the nausea is subsiding or my medication is working better. Who knows. My hips are already giving me problems with brings me back to last time with SPD and makes me so scared for later in the pregnancy.
I'm 9w3d and my symptoms started to come and go. But today I feel not bad, nausea is usually better on the week end, but it was definitely there the last couple days, after I got nervous because I wasn't nauseous anymore 🤦♀️. Still tired in the afternoon and evening, and boobs are still a little bit sore too, but not very much.
9 weeks 4 days. I’m still very nauseous and have lost a good amount of weight, but days seem to be improving slowly. Very tired, not sleeping great... but no heartburn this pregnancy!! (So far) for that I am thrilled.
4th baby on the way oh wow do I look super pregnant. I have since about 8 weeks. Guess my body remembers and is more than ready lol.
10w5d and feeling mostly good, which is slightly worrisome for me since I generally worry about everything anyway! The last three days or so I’ve had no nausea and hardly even that gross feeling I’ve gotten so used to. I wonder if I’ve just gotten better at managing it by always eating something every 90 minutes or so. I’m trying to always remind myself of the symptoms I do still have: sore boobs, constipation, exhaustion, slight food aversions, moodiness, and even a noticeable little bump!
9+3 and my stomach and I are in pretty regular disagreement (although thankfully no vomiting). Still having the crazy dreams, and exhaustion. Also pregnancy brain is in full effect. I was trying to figure out how mimser was also 9+3 when she's due the day before me, took way longer than it should have to realize she posted yesterday. 🤦♀️
Does anybody else's nausea gets worse as the day goes? I'm basically fine in the morning and by mid afternoon I am definitely not fine...
I’m not fine in the morning, have an hour or two early afternoon I feel ok-ish and then after dinner I’m couch bound. Eating seems to make it worse. Quite the conundrum.
@mimser I'm usually the worst I think he afternoon and evening as well! Thankfully I don't feel like a giant bag of dog poo in the morning or I don't think I'd be able to function!
I'm feeling better lately. I have had a few people comment I'm losing weight. Which may be possible because I have no appetite, well had, it's getting better. Also I noticed my boobs are bigger and heavier. Last time I never noticed a difference in boobs. I don't think I've lost any weight on the scales it just moved to my boobs. DH said I've lost weight in my face though, which is always were its noticed first for me.
TTC #1 since August 2015 BFP #1 January 28, 2016
EDD October 3, 2016 Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016 My Chart
TTC #2 Since August 2020 BFP #2 September 11, 2020 EDD May 23, 2021
anyone have a good remedy for congestion? my runny nose has finally subsided, but now i have the dreaded clogged nostrils. cant even get my nose spray to penetrate through and hoping for a natural remedy of some sort to try
@texas_t oh no!! i actually carry around an extra roll of doggy poop bags JUST for that type of occasion so i always have something with me. super tiny to fit in purse/car too all rolled up
I’m able to get plain (cold) water down the past couple days instead of it having to be flavored or a seltzer. And I not only had the energy to put away the clean laundry from 2 (?) weeks ago 🥳, I did the dirty laundry and put it away the same day. 💃🏽 This hasn’t happened since before I was pregnant. Small victories, y’all.
And I think I’m actually showing now instead of just being a lil’ covid chonk. Which I like very much. Been looking forward to this lil’ bump forever.
Re: Symptoms Thread 10/17
Either the nausea is subsiding or my medication is working better. Who knows.
My hips are already giving me problems with brings me back to last time with SPD and makes me so scared for later in the pregnancy.
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
Also pregnancy brain is in full effect. I was trying to figure out how mimser was also 9+3 when she's due the day before me, took way longer than it should have to realize she posted yesterday. 🤦♀️
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
I'm feeling better lately. I have had a few people comment I'm losing weight. Which may be possible because I have no appetite, well had, it's getting better. Also I noticed my boobs are bigger and heavier. Last time I never noticed a difference in boobs. I don't think I've lost any weight on the scales it just moved to my boobs. DH said I've lost weight in my face though, which is always were its noticed first for me.
BFP #1 January 28, 2016
Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016
My Chart
BFP #2 September 11, 2020
EDD May 23, 2021
Also me: *throws up on self while driving*
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
Neti pot?
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*