Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Switch back from Neutramigen to neuroPro

Just switched back from Neutramigen to infant NeuroPro two days ago.  Baby had been sleeping from 7:30 to about 2:30 for the first night feed. Now 3 nights in, back on cow’s milk formula, he is waking every 3 hours to feed and super hungry. Growth spurt or something else? I so thought we had this sleep thing down at 3 months.

Re: Switch back from Neutramigen to neuroPro

  • Enfamil Neutramigen is great but maybe he should not be given Neuropro. You could go ahead with Enfamil Prosobee, it is soy-based and tastes good with equal nutrition, and won't cause your baby any discomfort. However, it is best to always consult your pediatrics before switching to any new formula. 
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