April 2021 Moms

STM+ Check In 10/9

How many kids do you already have? Ages? 

How are your other kids doing this week? 

Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?

GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween?

Re: STM+ Check In 10/9

  • How many kids do you already have? Ages? 
    5 year old girl, 3 year old boy, 1 year old girl

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    Soso. The bigs started preschool/MDO 2 days a week and they are ZONKED on school days which is a double edged sword. I’m happy they’re loving it but the attitudes those afternoons are starting to get to me. I realized I need to make a concerted effort to keep the afternoon chill & do an early bedtime. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?
    Can someone remind me...does 2nd tri start at 13 or 14 weeks? 😆

    GTKY: I don’t actually love Halloween so we typically just generically decorate for fall...pumpkins and whatnot. I feel like our neighborhood has exploded with halloween decorations this week tho and the kids are dying for us to put up more Halloween decorations. So far I just keep pushing them off and then maybe in November we can get some turkeys or something 😂 
  • @goldpolkadot my husband’s family says zonked too, I always thought it was a made up word. I didn’t realize other people said it too!

    How many kids and ages?
    I have 2 kids; 5 and 3

    How are your other kids doing?
    My kids are doing really good. My oldest is in her 2nd month of kindergarten and she loves it. My 3 year old is loving all of the extra one on one time she is getting with me. 

    We have started telling our friends about the upcoming pregnancy and a few have asked if we planned this. I was not expecting people to ask that question. 

    My kids are super excited for Halloween. My oldest started putting out decorations midway through September. And they are counting down the days until Halloween. 
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  • How many kids do you already have? Ages? 
    1 DD, age 4

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    Great! She's loving school and has been in a good mood all week (that doesn't always happen, she's very moody). I am 11 weeks along and TB said baby is the size of a lime, so I showed her a lime and explained that's how big baby is, and showed her on my body where baby is sitting right now. She was very excited!
    @goldpolkadot yep, school days are always early bedtime days! She just gets worn out.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?
    @Mamallamallama I wouldn't be expecting that question either!
    I really feel like I turned a corner the other week after my horrible migraine. The nausea has been like a bell curve, peaking at week 9 and then slowly getting better. It makes me feel both relieved and excited but also nervous!! I'm sure I'll be nervous until I actually get to hear a heartbeat at my first appointment.

    GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween?
    I love Halloween and so does DD, so we have quite a bit of stuff! We also just moved cross-country this year so we need to accumulate more decorations again. Right now we have some tombstones and a zombie groundbreaker in the front, plus an animatronic creepy pumpkin guy. Inside we have some random decorations hanging/standing around, and then we just have some spider lights out on the back deck. If I had more money I would totally buy that 12' tall skeleton from Home Depot that is all the rage this year!
  • @goldpolkadot I think second trimester starts at 14 weeks! But now I’m not sure. They all run together for me now 😜

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 
    2 girls, ages 6 and 3.5

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    They’re doing okay! In a stage right now where they love playing with each other. They’re currently downstairs meowing at each other. Who knows, I am just thrilled when they keep each other busy! 😂

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?
    I’m getting anxious to tell more people! It’s going to start being a bit obvious soon anyways. I’ve had some fb friends announce recently - one is due April 19, just a couple days before me!

    GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween?
    We don’t really love Halloween a whole lot, but the girls were bugging me to decorate for it last week. We were at the in laws house and their neighbor had this huge inflatable ghost that changes colors and skeletons and stuff. I was like umm I think I have a string of pumpkin lights somewhere? So we put those out. And also a $5 light up Jack-o-lantern from Target. Haha! I’ve had fall decorations up for a couple weeks now - leaves and pumpkins and fall flowers and stuff. Just not much for Halloween! 
  • How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3yo and 16mo DDs.

    How are your other kids doing this week? Good but the tantrums are 😬 from both. Told them about the baby yesterday (obviously DD2 doesn't have a clue). DD1 will only call the baby a brother 🤷 I'm like, or a sister and she goes "or a brother" back and forth endlessly 🤣

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? Mentioned this is another thread but we're buying a house pending the inspection! I'm 31, DH is 33, and we have been in a 1,000sqfr 2BR 1BA for 6 years. Our new house has 4BR and 3BA and 4,400sqft (large finished basement we have no clue what to do with so it's not as huge or $$$ as that seems). SO...DD1 will keep using the crib which matches the dresser w/changing pad top. The girls will share a room b/c they want to and we'll have a nursery but baby will be in our room in a bassinet and then PNP for quite a while. Where do we put the dresser? We definitely need another one since DD1&2 share. So I just buy them a new one and put it in the nursery? And do I need another changing table for the playroom downstairs? I've never had kids in a 2 story house. DD1 is potty trained but it'll be a while before DD2 is.

    GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween? Just some fall decorations and crafts from daycare.

    @goldpolkadot I'm with you on the decor. Not decorating since we're moving but I only have pumpkins. DD1 is obsessed with this cute little ghost our neighbors have hanging from their trees so I could get into that next year. I agree with @bblair24 on 14 weeks but I like that b/x that's when my MS stops and the first two weeks are before ovulation so it's more even btwn trimesters IMO. Also, thanks for starting the thread!

    @riff323 that's a great idea for explaining to siblings! So cute.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @Mamallamallama haha I didn’t realized it was an odd word!! And man oh man on getting that question. We for sure did too with #3 and now, with #4, I’m honestly dreading the questions and comments a bit once we announce. I currently get comments like “oh wow you’ve got your hands full” when I’m on walks or at the grocery store with all 3. On one hand I totally get people are just stupid and should have a filter and so I just shake it off either sweetly (or with a snarky comment depending on my mood, ha!), but on the other it’s actually kind of hurtful when people say things thoughtlessly!! I would suggest just coming up with a quick one-liner you can toss back - I remember at work saying something like “yes! We’ve always wanted a big family And we’re so excited!” and just leaving it at that. 

    @riff323 man I have I learned my lesson!! Early bedtimes for sure on school days! Love all your decorations!!

    @bblair24 isn’t it amazing when they play together?! The best 🙌🏻 And I like your decor! I think we have that same target pumpkin 😂 I just got a big fall wreath today and stuck a pumpkin and some Thanksgiving-y corn in it and it should last us through the end of November! 

    @kvh22 yay for telling the kids!! What an awesome home size upgrade! We’ve always been in a multi-story house with kiddos and personally I think you only need changing pads in bedrooms. When we were in a 3-story townhouse we had one in DD1’s room on 1st floor (on her dresser - but we ditched it once she was potty trained) & then also had one on DS1’s dresser on the 3rd floor in the nursery. When we moved into our current house we still had that one changing pad & dresser in DH1’s room (second floor) until he was potty trained and then moved it all to the nursery (which is on the 1st floor) right before DD2 was born. So all that to say, I found that with multiple kiddos you adapt very quickly to changing them wherever you are (on the floor or whatever haha) BUT I did always have a small caddy (with just a few diapers and wipes) on the floor without a full on changing area!! 
    Also, @kvh22 @bblair24 14 weeks! Good to know 😂
  • How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 kids ages 6, 4 and 22 months

    How are your other kids doing this week? They are good. It has been a busy week for us and they are all looming forward to a vacation day Monday. Of course, DH and I have to work so it will be interesting!

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? I feel like I’ve packed on the pounds the last few days. I haven’t weighed myself but my body just feels fluffier. And at a little over 12 weeks, I have a definitely baby bump. It’s low enough that I can hide it still but as the day goes on and my bloating intensifies, it’s hard to hide!

    GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween? We have done a little more this year because our street does a ton. I’m also not a big Halloween person but the kids are loving it, so I gave in to some giant spiders, bats, and fun lights.

    @goldpolkadot I always thought 2nd tri was somewhere between 13 and 14 weeks, since 13+2 makes it a fairly even three way  split between 40 weeks, I’m counting it as that.
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @pelorunningmama I much prefer 13+2 to 14 weeks. The sooner the better. 😂
  • How many kids do you already have? Ages? Three boys ages 4, 2, and 1

    How are your other kids doing this week? Good! The usual! @goldpolkadot I feel you on the post-school attitudes though. My 4 year old is awful the two days a week he has school.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? This seems a bit crazy considering I'm not quite 11 weeks but I've been starting to wonder if I'm feeling baby movement? Idk if its possible quite this early and could totally be gas but I guess time will tell.

    GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween? We usually just decorate for fall. Although my boys have been loving others Halloween decorations so maybe I'll snag something on clearance for next year.
  • I have a 5yo boy and 10 mo girl. My son was having some behavior issues in school last week (noises, not listening) but I think we figured it out with sensory toys and a sticker system. DH took him for froyo last night (I wanted to go but was too sick) and he ran into a bunch of his classmates so they all played outside and he said “it was the most fun I ever had in my life” which made me so happy because he needed that. My girl started walking a few days ago which I thought was really early, but she already has it down! 

    I’m so done feeling like I got hit by a bus all the time. Constant fatigue nausea hot flashes feverish sweating feeling like I can’t even stand up or I will vomit unless I lay down. It was not this bad with my first two and it’s making me think I have some other illness going on that I’ve been writing off as first trimester symptoms. 

    Decorating is my sons absolute favorite thing to do. We decorate inside and out and he loves taking all the stuff out and putting it around. He absolutely loves going to michaels or home goods and picking out new stuff lol DH does not appreciate all the unnecessary pumpkins in the house but oh well!
  • 5 & 3yr olds

    First week of brick and mortar for my kindergartner. I feel like she's been in a progressively better mood as the week went on. Her teacher emailed me that she has adjusted well (some classmates have been live for 3 weeks), walked in like she owns the place, but has to practice putting on her mask. Looking forward to more one on one time with my little guy.

    I am SO over the impatient looks into my car from the pick up line at her school. Sorry people, but you can wait as long as it takes for me to make sure my daughter is properly in her carseat. I'm really looking forward to reaching into the back seat to help her when I have a huge belly.

    We had fun putting Halloween window clings in the kids' rooms and the front window. Also some little banners in the front yard. Luckily the house across the street has a ton of cool decorations for us to look over at. Both my kids love Halloween. 

  • rexnierexnie member
    edited October 2020
    2 y/o is doing well. We just got back from our first pandemic vacation - rented a cabin in the mountains with my brother and his fiancé and we all had a blast. All the adults got tested before the trip since I’m high risk. We packed and cooked all of our own food and kept activities outdoors and distanced (fishing, kayaking, bike riding). Unfortunately we found out my son suffers car sickness on our way home and we had to stop on the side of a mountain for 45 min to get him meds and calmed down enough so he could safely go back in his car seat. 

    Last year we bought our first home (we’ve been apartment / city dwellers for a decade). We’re slowly adding more outdoor decor for the holidays and it’s been fun! This was the first year my son “helped” me decorate the yard and we go for walks to check out the other yards in our ‘hood. 
  • How many kids do you already have? Ages?
    3!  Age 8, 8 and 1. 

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    The older two have been in virtual school, playing with friends, etc, and the youngest and I have been going for walks, playing with dinosaurs and bulldozers and watching Peppa Pig. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?
    I am tiiiiiiired. Can’t wait for the 2nd tri 2nd wind (hopefully you still get that with 3 kids??)

    Anyone else in the “not announcing” camp?  I’m pretty private and will literally be hiding this as long as possible and then only telling very close family and friends in a very non-fancy way. 😂

    GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween?
    Love Halloween!  We put some things out throughout the house usually (probably not this year since the baby gets into everything) and we have some big spiders hanging from our tree out front and a mini graveyard in the mulch with a big skull. 

    @goldpolkadot I think it starts at 13?  I had to google. Also we use “zonked” pretty liberally in our house!
    @mamallamallama that is def not a polite question (and personal). What does it matter?  Did you answer truthfully or with snark?  
    @bblair24 I always loved listening to my girls play when they were little. 
    @kvh22 I remember the 3 year old tantrums!  I didn’t expect that at 3, but 4 was so much more mellow. 
    @pelorunningmama my weight gain during pregnancy is out of control. I am normally fairly lean and active, but when I am pregnant the pounds just stack on no matter what. I have stopped looking at the scale - I won’t do it again until I’m cleared to workout post-baby. 
    @runsoncoffee I am also wondering when I’ll start to for sure feel some movement!  I’m sure it’s not too far away. 
    @serenamarr mine are struggling with school, too, only we have the opposite problem where they don’t focus when they’re at home learning. 
    @lexibizzel the carpool line is brutal. It brings out the best in everyone. 
    @rexnie I empathize with the car sickness. Both my girls get that and it’s no fun. 

  • @runsoncoffee, I am 12.5ish weeks and my gas bubbles feel sooo much like little baby flutters. I assume they’re gas bubbles right now? I’m looking forward to feeling movement - that’s my favorite part of this whole pregnancy ordeal! ❤️
  • How many kids do you already have? Ages? DD- just turned 2! 

    How are your other kids doing this week? Today was good, last week was a challenge. She was having troubles with hitting both at home and at school. Her teacher isn't concerned, but we are working on it both at home and at school now. Her tantrums have really evolved... it's hard to believe it gets worse at 3?!

    We have been working on please and thank you, and DD is so freaking cute when she says both! She also got a helmet and cowgirl boots for her birthday so she can ride a couple of the well trained show horses with her aunt. Freaks me out a little bit, but they are being safe and it get's her out of the house for an hour once a week. 

    We don't really decorate for Halloween, but deck the front of the house out for fall. We grew pumpkins this year, so ended up with about 40. The front of our house looks great right now with pumpkins, mums, and my favorite fall wreath. Other than that, bath and body fall candles on the inside. I suppose as kids get older we will do more fun halloween type decor. 

    @runsoncoffee i'm 14 weeks tomorrow and twice in the last two weeks while i was doing child's pose during yoga i thought i felt the baby! So you never know! 

    @rexnie same thing happened with DD two weeks ago coming home from my mom's house! She whined for a few minutes and then threw up everywhere, thankfully there was a rest stop right ahead of us, but then the car smelt like throw up for the remainder of the 4 hour ride. Here's to hoping its something they grow out of?!
  • @BuckeyeNut05 I am not telling many either. With this being my 4th, my tummy is going to give it away before I’m ready too. I’m 13 weeks on Thursday and feel like I’m already showing a ton. We have told my best friends and that is it. Our parents don’t even know yet! We are going to tell them this week.
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @cagncoo12 I would love to have 40 pumpkins! I’m going to plant some seeds this fall for next year. We had a small patch at our old house and it was so fun!
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @cagncoo12 I def felt my second around 14 weeks so I bet it is baby for you! Sooo exciting!! 
  • @BuckeyeNut05
    I have been answering honestly. This was planned and we are excited. We told my mother in law the other day and she looks at me and said “ is this exciting and planned”. Bitch please, even if it wasn’t planned it would be exciting. We have been married for 7 years and we have 2 kids, why people think it’s so strange that we planned to have a 3rd blows my mind. Plus, I’ve never definitively said I am done with kids. 

    People are dumb. This is why I wanted to wait longer to tell people. It is none of their business. 
  • @runsoncoffee

    I’m a little over 13 weeks, questioning if anything I feel internally is the baby. I really do think I felt movement the other night. 
  • How many kids do you already have? Ages?  DD, 18 months

    How are your other kids doing this week?  I feel like we are in full on toddler tantrum mode, help...!  Reading these comments that it gets worse at age 3 has me seriously nervous..@cagncoo12 how was your DD at 18 months?! Somehow she has become obsessed with the TV...it was a slow progression but now every morning before daycare and when she gets home before dinner and bed she just wants to sit in her chair in front of the TV and watch. And if I turn it off or don't oblige it is a full on meltdown - screaming, crying real tears, throwing toys...I'm so embarrassed. I definitely caved to her especially in the nauseating weeks when I just couldn't entertain her but now I'm really trying to fix this!!

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?  I guess my rant was above  :#   I have my 12 week NT and NIPT tomorrow so am excited about that 

    GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween?  I love decorating for all holidays!  We've lived in our house for just over 2 years so we are still slowly collecting decorations (i remember my first season here coming back from Homegoods after spending a fortune only to realize i had bought like, 4 things..) it takes time!  My most recent purchase for this season is those floating Martha Stewart paper bats - DD shrieks 'BATS'! every time she sees them and it's so cute  
  • @Mamallamallama I’m sure I’ll get the se once I actually start telling people since I already have 3 and I’m closer to 40 than 30.  
  • How many kids do you already have? Ages? one son, 23 months!

    How are your other kids doing this week? He's great! Actually having a lot of fun because the smoke has cleared and weather is slightly cooler, so a lot more walks and outdoor activities 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? Does anyone have a great mask for their kids around 2 years old? I need to find one that fits him and it will be a challenge to find a good one bc he rips it off as soon as any are on..

    GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween? First year we are doing it and it is so much fun! My son LOVES the decorations, so we bought and put up huge fake spiders and ghosts and everything I used to roll my eyes at.. he runs out and waves and laughs at them every day :) 
  • @goldpolkadot my old OB always said 13 weeks was 2nd tri because 38-42 weeks is actually considered full term. But this new OB says 14. I like 13 better myself. 

    I think anywhere around 14-18 weeks is when you can start to feel baby. But it depends on where baby is sitting I think. So not unreasonable especially if it’s not your first. 

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 
    2 DS, ages 5 and 2

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    5 is struggling. I’ve traded morning sickness for the return of my migraines. But I’m not able to give him quite as much of my attention during the migraine so he’s spiraling out of control with his behavior issues.
    2 is getting a lovely 2 year old attitude and now hates all food and throws it and says yucky, as well as telling us constantly “no I do it myself.”

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? DH and DS1 are constantly on different wave lengths. I wish he would work a little more on trying to meet DS where he is and just give more time and effort. I think I’ve said it before, he’s definitely a tough kid, and I’m not trying to make excuses but I also think finding ways to help make the situation better should fall to both parents and he shouldn’t just be able to say “well he listens better to you so can you just deal with this?” Especially when I’m literally sitting in pain from an imaginary ice pick stabbing my brain and the kid just wants someone to play with him. Sorry, husband rant over. 
    Other rant: I kept getting logged out and then it said my password was wrong for the bump and I was frustrated by it so I just ignored it for a few days because while a simple process to reset a password I was annoyed!

    GTKY: What kind of decorating (if any) do you do for Halloween?
    well we live at my parents house, so it’s all theirs and they have tons of stuff out. The worst is this witch they have that has a button and she sings a song and dances. I don’t honestly mind it, but they only want the kids to push it once and then be done. And then they yell at my kids if they do it extra times or they touch the decorations. It’s hard to find the balance between DS1 and grandpa. 
  • @emeraldisle17 DD's temperament definitely wasn't as bad at 18 months, but her horrible obsession with tv and iPad started around then... granted that also aligned with the start of covid and me sitting her in front of the tv so i could work. 

    For the most part, we started to do no tv after daycare, and she only gets to watch tv before daycare if she wakes up at like 6:30, then she watches it while i work out for 30 minutes. It's helped with her tantrums to limit her screen time at home, but also challenging when you are pregnant and exhausted! 
  • @cagncoo12 a year or so ago we cut out tv during the week and it made a HUGE difference with attitudes. It’s definitely hard, especially now, and sometimes we do cave in, but for the most part I can see a dramatic difference in their obedience, patience with each other, ability to just play happily, etc., when the option of TV isn’t even on the table. The middle little still asks if it’s “movie Friday yet” every now and then during the week, but we’ve been doing it long enough that when I say “nope, it’s just Tuesday” (or whatever), he’s good with it. 

    @emeraldisle17 YES the collecting of stuff takes time! I was definitely reminding myself of that at Hobby Lobby when just my fall wreath & a garland for our mantle was like $40 🤦🏼‍♀️ All the beautiful mantles and outdoor decorations make me want to buy ALL the things haha. I have to just remind myself to pace myself and just add one or two things a season. It was the same for holiday books for the kids - when our first was little I wanted to buy alllll the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas books and it’s expensive to do a ton at once!

    @theletlers awww booo on grandpa!! I mean why even have it if it drives you nuts?! That’s always our philosophy with toys - if we hate them then they don’t stay in our house!

    @eahayes Isn’t it funny how kids make you change your feelings on stuff. I used to roll my eyes at the inflatables but my kids looooove seeing them when we walk the neighborhood so I’ve warmed up to them 😂

    @Mamallamallama @runsoncoffee @cagncoo12I remember with #2 and #3 being shocked to feel movement early!! It’s possible!!
  • @goldpolkadot 100% I know I'm a year or so away from doing a full family theme costume and going ALL out with decorations for the holidays! It is definitely so much more fun with kids!

  • @Mamallamallama @runsoncoffee  @cagncoo12 @goldpolkadot I think I've been feeling movement too over the last few days and I'm only 13 +2!

    Pregnancy Ticker
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