
HCG Numbers Spiked ?!

Hey all!

I know nobody can tell me for sure until my ultrasound this Friday 10/9, but I wanted to hear other's experiences! I had my HCG count taken as soon as I got a positive test which was 9/28/20. My LMP started sometime between Sep 2-4. Anyway, my HCG count was 73.8. The reason I got it taken is because I have had only 1 successful pregnancy, 4 ectopic, and 3 miscarriages, so they watch me closely. Well my Doctor said since I was only around 3.5 weeks pregnant he wanted to wait a week to check my numbers again. Well, fast forward to today and I had my test, came back at 2378.9!! So I wonder, does this possibly mean mulitples?? from 73.8 to 2378.9 in 7 days is crazy to me! My only successful pregnancy, my numbers were on the lower range the entire time. Thoughts? Your experience? Tell me what you think!! I can't wait until Friday. This is a cross post. I also posted this on the 1st Trimester Discussion Board. Thanks all!

Re: HCG Numbers Spiked ?!

  • Hey, turns out we both menstruated and got the BFP on the exact same days! On 10/1 I was exactly 4 weeks,  and my hcg was 886. Then on 10 /5, at 4w4d, it was 4441. I'm thinking multiples too. So you had your scan yesterday?  How did it go? How many babies in there? I found it helpful for calculating hcg dynamics just googling "hcg calculator. " one of the first results is a site that charts your results along with usual min average and max ranges.
  • I’m interested in hearing the results with these incredibly high HCG test in only a few days. From my understanding it should double ever 48 hours. lizalovespasha yours seem normal but @mattsforeverwife that’s very quick and fast.
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