May 2021 Moms

STM+ Check In Week of 9/23

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How many kids do you already have? Ages?


GTKY: What's your favorite Fall activity?

Re: STM+ Check In Week of 9/23

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  • @Marz1pan you are always welcome back in the PNW! We lived in San Diego for two years, but ended up missing seasons and trees so much that we came back. I had fun in San Diego, but am so glad to be in the Seattle area again. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • How far along are you? 5w5d

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 2 Boys - Ages 6 & 3

    Rants/Raves:I have a love/hate relationship with Target. Everything seems great, in theory, but I can't ever find anything in my size or I get something that I *think* will look good only to have it be terrible. I bought a maternity dress for family pics in Nov, b/c I know I'll be showing by then, and it was so wide in the chest. I don't know how you could wear a bra with it, and if you didn't, your ta-tas would definitely be hanging out everywhere. Their website is even worse. Love their kids clothes although our store is always picked over. BLAHHHH

    GTKY: What's your favorite Fall activity? We love taking our kids to a local pumpkin patch. They love it and it's a fundraising pumpkin patch for a local church, so we enjoy getting to give back into the local community. Oh and soups. Give me all the soups!

    BFP 9/13/2020 with Baby #3 <3  
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • @queen_frostine I'm in Texas, too, and it just wouldn't be a pumpkin patch experience if you weren't wiping sweat off your forehead yelling at your kids to stop squinting and smile for the picture  :D
    *Loss 8/2014*
    *Rainbow 8/2015*
    *Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
    *Loss of Twin 5/2018*

  • How far along are you? 6w+6d

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? One, she's 2.5

    Rants/Raves: My first ultrasound is tomorrow and I'm so excited! But, due to Covid DH won't be allowed in the office, and I don't know if this is Covid or not - but I'm not allowed to look at the screen during the ultrasound which I find to be really strange. Instead of meeting with doctor in person afterward, we're going to have a phone conference. I had to ask the nurse specifically if I was going to be able to at least get a picture since I find the whole setup to be totally bizarre. I fully understand Covid restrictions and respect them completely, but it still sucks  :(

    GTKY: What's your favorite Fall activity? DD had so much fun at the pumpkin patch last year. Hopefully we'll do it again this year and do some apple picking. I love making all the warm and cozy meals and desserts.

  • @caitb13 they just started allowing significant others into the exam room for pregnancy here. I am so so thankful for that. I feel so bad for those that can’t have a support person with them during this time 😔 I also find it super weird they won’t let you look at the screen at all. We just had our first one yesterday and she turned the screen for me to see the baby and heart beat and then turned it back to just her to do the measurements and stuff she had to do and then turned it back one more time for me to look before she was done. That’s so sad they won’t let you look. I guess they stopped printing pictures though since my last pregnancy which makes me super sad! I don’t know if it’s a covid thing or just not doing that anymore? 
  • @caitb13 I don't know if I'd find that acceptable. Is this the OB you used previously?
    *Loss 8/2014*
    *Rainbow 8/2015*
    *Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
    *Loss of Twin 5/2018*

  • @SU1989 It's a weird time for sure, but I'm glad you can have your SO with you for appointments. I initially thought that we would be meeting with the doctor in person, but now that I know it's a "virtual visit" it makes a little more sense to me since they don't want to increase possible exposure. Our plan is to drive together, and then we'll talk to the doctor on speakerphone after the appointment. The nurse told me that I can then come back in and get a picture from the receptionist  :D So they're still offering pictures, but I can't get it until afterward.

    @texas_t My appointment tomorrow is with our fertility doctor. If everything looks good tomorrow then I'll be released to my OB. They've been awesome up until this point, but I've never had an ultrasound experience like this before. I wasn't sure if this was the way things are done now or unique to this practice. The only thing I can think of is that an ultrasound tech will be completing the sonogram, not the doctor, and I know techs can't interpret or diagnose what they're seeing. Maybe they've had problems with that? Either way, if everything goes well tomorrow this should hopefully be the last time I have to see them! 

  • @caitb13 what in the world? If they didn’t let me look at my own ultrasound screen I’d be asking some serious questions! Hopefully your OB won’t have that restriction. 
  • @caitb13 that's super bizarre, I wonder if it's because people try to analyze the ultrasound themself? FFFC my husband couldn't go to my US and you can't record or anything. I set up an audio recording so I got a clip of the heartbeat. I cropped it and deleted everything else. Sorry but I'm gonna let my hubs hear the heartbeart. 

  • How far along are you? 8+2

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? Two, DS 6 (7 next week) DD 2. 

    Rants/Raves: I work retail and my company is still doing a columbus day sale😑 I'm hald Native American and it really grinds my gears that they are so behind on the times. 

    GTKY: What's your favorite Fall activity? We go to the pumpkin patch on my son's birthday every year so that's probably my best memories. 

  • @yellingbanana my kids are nearly the same ages, 12, 9 and 4. :) 
  • How far along are you? 6w

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? One son who will be 2 in October

    Rants/Raves: I have the day off today and no plans! I will probably run to Costco for a few things then take a nap...really exciting lol. 

    We are moving our son in to a big boy bed today so I'm a bit nervous how that will go. Any recommendations? He is normally a really great sleeper and goes right down when we put him to bed, but the past few nights he has screamed and cried and just wanting one of us to hold him so I'm not sure how this will go.

    GTKY: What's your favorite Fall activity? I love to go to the cider mill for cider and donuts!

    Me:29 DH:30
    TTC #1: 12/2017
  • @caitb13 that does seem odd but maybe because it's a fertility clinic? Each office is different I guess. My OB office has a TV on the wall that shows the ultrasound so she doesn't even have to turn the screen.
    Me:29 DH:30
    TTC #1: 12/2017
  • How far along are you? 6w 4d

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? one 2yr old boy

    Rants/Raves: I got a prescription for Zofran and feel like a new woman! I mean, I still feel queasy but I am catching up on emails and may even be able to help pack up a bit today with only a few dry heaves thrown in. I'm so excited! 

    GTKY: What's your favorite Fall activity? I love going to the pumpkin patch. There's one up the street from us that does a hay ride to get to the patch. I'm extra excited for it this year because DS is suddenly very into pumpkins and likes finding them on porches around the neighborhood. I have a feeling we're going to end up being that extra house with 100 pumpkins this year.

    @spartan4life My little is similar with bedtime, super easy to lay down. We honestly just didn't make a big deal about it. We changed his crib to a toddler bed so it felt familiar. I'm able to give him hugs and kisses once he's tucked in and he loves that. Hopefully it's a smooth transition for yall. 

  • @spartan4life yeah it's weird, but hopefully after today I won't have to go back! My old clinic didn't have the same policy, but the doctor did the ultrasounds himself. 

    No advice, but wishing you good luck with the transition from crib to bed! If it was up to me DD would be in a crib until college lol.  
  • @SkilledSailor yay for the zofran helping! I picked up mine as a back up but after 3 days, I think the b6 might finally be working. I still feel a little sick but at least right now it's definitely not as bad as it has been. 
    @spartan4life no advice but good luck! Our daughter will be 3 in a few months and she's still in her crib and probably will be until she outgrows it or until we need it, whichever comes first  :D
  • @nbcarlson wow, I can’t believe there’s a restriction on recording your own ultrasound! I’d love to know the reasoning behind some of these rules. Sorry you have to deal with the Columbus Day stuff, that is surprising. I thought we made some progress there 😕
  • How far along are you? 6 weeks 

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 3 Girls (6, 5, 1)

    Rants/Raves: Had my first "appointment" yesterday and they drew blood, i asked how long it would take and they said 5-7 do i have to wait a week! ugh..and cant schedule my first ultrasound until after that..the first few weeks of pregnancy just crawl!

    GTKY: What's your favorite Fall activity? Black friday shopping, does that count? lol. Also going pumpkin picking with the girls and decorating them.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We are not allowed to record ultrasound either. I asked if I could take a 10 second clip to show our 4 year old and they said they have a no photo/recording policy. Kind of stinks 😔 
  • Thank you all! @SkilledSailor that is what we were planning to do but since he has been giving us so much trouble, I'm worried it will be worse. 

    @gusgus14 and @caitb13 I wish I could keep him in it longer (at least until the new baby comes) but he started climbing out and I'm really afraid he will fall so big boy bed it is 😣
    Me:29 DH:30
    TTC #1: 12/2017
  • @brynn_mamaof4 sweet! It’s quite an adventure parenting such a wide range of ages! But it’s nice because there is only one little one at a time. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • How far along are you? 7w

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? one 2yr old boy

    Rants/Raves: woke up with dry eyes and a runny nose. Worst mood swings today, had a temper tantrum to match my toddlers. Also turned into an exhausted zombie after 2pm. I don’t remember being this unhinged my last pregnancy. Bit going to the high desert tomorrow to celebrate our wedding anniversary so that is something to look forward too!

    GTKY: What's your favorite Fall activity? Pumpkin carving, Halloween decorating/costumes, apples, squash, soup, crisp air, I love fall and I live in Los Angeles. I fantasize about moving somewhere with actual seasonal changes.

    Pregnancy Ticker
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