April 2021 Moms

Symptoms check-in week of 9/21

bblair24bblair24 member
edited September 2020 in April 2021 Moms
How far along are you?

How are you feeling this week?

GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist!

Re: Symptoms check-in week of 9/21

  • How far along are you?
    9&6! Come on 12 weeks...or 16...or really, just anytime this nausea will go away!

    How are you feeling this week?
    Okay I'm going to go there. Anyone else dealing with constipation? I've always noticed a general "slowing down" of things in previous pregnancies but OMG it's downright awful this time. I'm wondering if being on zophran around the clock is making things worse. My prenatals don't have much (if any) iron so it's not that. I'm definitely eating poorly and not drinking enough water which I think are the main culprits. Anyway it's awful. Anyone have tips? 

    Oh man! My perfect day (I feel bad saying this!) starts solo haha...no kiddos...a walk on some gorgeous beach with a latte to sip on. Some pilates. Time to read (while looking at the ocean in the background). A swim in a pool. A massage/mani/pedi. Lunch and dinner somewhere delicious and amazing (hubs can come for that part). Really good wine and yummy dessert. Ahhhhhh
  • @goldpolkadot yes! I asked my OB if I could just take a magnesium supplement and she said yes, I could take up to 500 mg a day. It’s definitely not all the way back to normal, but I can at least go every day now! I felt like it even helped slightly with easing the nausea when I wasn’t so backed up. 

    How far along are you?
    10 weeks today! 

    How are you feeling this week?
    I’m still nauseous most of the time and have now lost 11 pounds. I mean I probably had a little bit to lose, but I wasn’t overweight by any means. And man am I just exhausted with pregnancy and 2 other kids all day. 

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist!
    It would start by waking up sans children, and then going to sit down for a delicious breakfast that is just magically made but I don’t have to make it or talk to anyone, it’s just ready for me! Maybe a nice walk through the woods and then some yoga and meditation. Lunch by a lake and then kayaking with my husband followed by a long uninterrupted shower and a nap. A romantic dinner with wine and crusty bread in olive oil, dancing and a walk home to sit by a fire with another glass of wine. Probably some boom chicka boom following this... I mean the kids aren’t here for the day right?
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  • @goldpolkadot I've got it really bad too. I've been trying to force myself to eat some fruits and vegetables and that's helped a lot! I also try to add flax seeds to what I'm eating if it makes sense to, because those work really well for me.
  • How far along are you?

    How are you feeling this week?
    I have been constipated and think that is actually a large part of the reason I’ve been nauseous. I deal with constipation anyways (thanks to IBS) and it makes me feel sick to my stomach even when I’m not pregnant. Besides that, I’ve been kind of crampy this week. Nothing severe, just kind of annoying when I go from sitting to standing. I’m trying not to flip out about it. 

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist!
    I think my day would start by myself. And would continue by myself for a while. 😂 I’d get delicious coffee from somewhere (and it wouldn’t hurt my stomach!) and I’d go shopping in some of our fun downtown shops. Then I’d pick up lunch, come home to a perfectly clean house, eat, crochet, and watch a movie. Then I’d let DH come home in the afternoon and we’d go out for delicious Italian food!
  • @goldpolkadot take a stool softener and magnesium! Hope that helps.

    How far along are you? 9+5

    How are you feeling this week? Tired and nauseous still. So ready to be done with first tri and I have so much longer to go. Being a 4/20 due date kind of stinks because I see so many of y’all that are almost out of its and I’m jealous! 

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist! 
    Gosh, I don’t know! I would start the day off with a workout. Then get a coffee and sit in peace for a bit. I love to shop so I would also act like I didn’t have a budget and treat myself! Sushi on a patio would be amazing. I don't know what else! Just being leisurely and having no noise would be everything. My three closest neighbor girlfriends are planning a mom day in November where we play hooky from work and shop, get coffee, do all the things, and I can't wait!
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • How far along are you? 9w1d

    How are you feeling this week? Like I drank ALL the alcohol, but without the alcohol. Oddly I am also hungry today, so that is a new feeling. 

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist!

    Oh my gosh! Probably have a nice treat yo'self drink from Starbucks. Shopping with no budget. Take a nap. Get dressed up and have sushi dinner with cocktails. Go for a walk outside. Quiet time with MH. 
  • How far along are you?
    8 +3

    How are you feeling this week?
    Nauseous, exhausted and short-fused

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist!

    I would sleep in, eat my weight in waffles for breakfast while I drank endless mimosas, fly to the Bahamas with my only husband and swim with the wild pigs on the beach. All day. (Side note that we’ve been trying to do this for the past two years, And the first year there was the massive hurricane that week, and now this year COVID)  
  • How far along are you?

    How are you feeling this week?
    Much better. Finally started B6+unisom and it seems to be helping the nausea. Still have food aversions, fatigue, congestion, etc. But anything is better than nausea/vomiting. 

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist!
    How fun! Ok, I would be in Paris with someone adventurous. Start the day with coffee, juice, and crepes. Then go to the Metro, close our eyes, and point the map. Whichever stop is closest to our finger is where we go. Explore that area, chat with some locals, have a snack or drink and do it again a couple times. Finish the day with a baguette, some cheese, and a bottle of wine by the River Seine and pretend we are serious artists painting the sunset.
  • I love everyone’s dream days so far! 

    Also my OB called me and said my T3 and T4 thyroid levels are high so I have to see an endocrinologist. So I called to make an appointment and they asked if I can have the OB fax my lab results because the doctor might want to get me in quickly depending on the levels and they are booked through December. Then I made it worse by googling things. I’m sure it’s probably okay, but when I started reading about it...man does your mind wander to worst case scenario!
  • How far along are you?
    10 weeks today 
    How are you feeling this week? Feeling better besides constantly peeing and wanting to sleep. Also passing a BM can be a little bit of a challenge. 

    Mentally- still waiting for something bad to happen and google is anyone’s worst enemy. My stomach was feeling tight and now it’s really not irritating me as much. I’m not sure if that’s normal and since we had the previous loss nobody but my DH knows so google has become my downfall and put me into a downward spiral. As much as I love him- he’s not much help. My matron of honor also knew for our wedding because I couldn’t get through the day alone. 

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist! 

    I love to travel- so I would go somewhere on a beach with my husband and my pup who loves to swim. 
  • @allthingsbarbie it’s possible that’s your round ligament stretching out if it’s more lower abdomen. It happens for me too, more of a cramp feeling. But it’s a good pain if so!
  • Sharing this in case it helps anyone else! The PA I saw last week recommended putting lemon juice in water to ease nausea. I’ve been doing that this week and it actually does settle my stomach a bit, and it makes me more willing to drink more water! I’ve been adding lots of lemon and ice. She also suggested antacids for the nausea, which I hadn’t considered since I wasn’t experiencing heartburn. She said it helps neutralize the stomach acid. So I bought the chewy tums (the target brand) because I wasn’t sure I could handle the chalky texture of normal tums. Anyways that’s been helping too!
  • @theletlers - yes thank you! I guess my concern is more so that I don’t feel like anything is stretching anymore? Like the other day I squeezed when trying on a pair of pants for a bridal shower and I could feel the tightness and if I were to do that now I don’t feel that tightness? I do get the cramping feeling and since there’s no discoloring in the restroom I’m just hoping for the best. However my breasts are less tender so I guess that’s another reason I’m just anticipating the worst? Sounds sad to say but I haven’t had the true opportunity to be excited about any chance for a little blessing just yet.
  • How far along are you?

    How are you feeling this week? Oh nausea and vomiting... though art killing me. Still trying to just be thankful I’m pregnant but it’s much harder than I expected lol 

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist! Something fun with my bf. I feel like I’ve been such a lazy boring drag lately.... 
  • How far along are you? 11+3 

    How are you feeling this week? I'm afraid to even say this "out loud" because I don't want to jinx myself, but I actually FINALLY feel really good! I even have energy and have been going on walks with DH and the pup and have been able to get a lot of work done, etc. It was only a few weeks go I had to take 3 hour naps in between netflix binge sessions, so I'm considering this a HUGE achievement haha. Also, my appetite definitely isn't back to normal, but I feel like it's been easier to find things to eat than it was a few weeks ago. So yay improvement! 

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist! Oh man, I'm a little jealous of all of you ladies whose perfect days begin or involve exercise because as much as I want to be that person, I am just so not hahaha. I will certainly do pilates, but it's only so I can have my ice cream or pizza and feel less guilty, not because I actually enjoy exercising haha. DH and I are big travelers. Every year since we've met we've gone on a major trip over my birthday (December 28) and NYE - Paris, Iceland, etc. This past year we went all out and did a 3 week trip around Asia. It was supposed to be our "last" big trip before we got pregnant and little did we know, it was also our last big trip before Covid and being stuck in our house for the next year!! But I still thought we'd get to go on a babymoon and I'm a little disappointed that we won't really get to do that (or at least not the way I had previously anticipated). So that'd be my perfect day - a real babymoon! 
  • @allthingsbarbie remember too that those early weeks you usually have a lot of bloating so it’s not really bump until maybe end of first trimester or beginning of the second. Is this your first babe or are you a STM? With my first kiddo I didn’t pop until 24 weeks, but with the second kiddo it happened around 12 weeks. Pregnancy definitely messes with every part of our bodies including driving us crazy wondering WTF is happening!!
  • @theletlers I honestly don’t know what I should consider myself. I had one MC previously last year. This is the first time I’ve been able to see a heart beat. I think the trauma of last is what’s making thus one difficult for me. Now I really know what things feel like so I’m most likely over analyzing everything.... thank you for the information though. Like I said google is dangerous and it’s so hard not to get trapped in a negative space. I just want to be able to give my lovely husband this gift bc I know how much joy it will bring him which in return warms my heart. We haven’t said anything to anyone because of the previous loss and in return I feel like mentally I’m losing it in sorts. I would most likely be the person where if I knew I could get in every day to see the heartbeat I would but I understand I can’t and it’s not rational lol. 
  • @theletlers @pelorunningmama @riff323 thank you ladies!! Magnesium is a totally new idea to me - going to go look into that right now. Flax is a good idea for sure, Riff, TY!!

    @theletlers keep us updated - praying for you! That's stressful!! 

    @Lexibizzel okay I'm switching some of my day to be in Paris...you nailed it!! An amazing baguette, cheese, wine, the best!!

    @theblondebump SO good you guys got in a big trip last year! Where all did you go? Asia was majorly on my bucket list & 2 years ago we got to go and see Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, and then ended in Beijing! The hubs and I actually squeezed in one last trip in 2020, too - it was kind of nuts actually. We went to Germany to visit friends the first week in March...like literally the week that things got bad in Italy and just days before all the US restrictions went into place. It was oddly perfect timing tho...very minimal tourists everywhere we went & realllly empty flights so we had full rows (EACH) to ourselves both ways!!
  • @allthingsbarbie I’m sorry to hear that, having a MC is hard. I had one between DS1 and DS2 myself. But I truly hope this baby will be your rainbow baby! Is there maybe a close friend or family member you’d feel comfortable letting know about this pregnancy? I think it can also be just as hard not having anyone in real life to tell. It doesn’t have to be the whole family and world, but just having that one person to help you feel the excitement face to face. There’s also a thread on here for PGAL (pregnancy after loss) and we share more of our emotional struggles particularly with worry of another MC. 
    But you’ve got all of us here no matter which thread you’re on. We are all in this together! 
  • @theletlers thank you seriously for your kind words. I did tell my best friend but she is struggling to get pregnant so I also am trying to be mindful of her own journey. I am getting ready to tell my mom because I think having her support is really just what is needed. I’m also hoping this is my rainbow baby and just keeping the positive thoughts flowing :) wishing nothing but the best for you as well! 
  • How far along are you? 11 + 1

    How are you feeling this week? Pretty good! Aside from constipation (it's the worst, i'm with you @goldpolkadot!), a lot of my symptoms have gone away. It's nerve racking... but i'm positive and looking forward to hearing baby's heart beat next Thursday at my OB appointment. 

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist! Sleep in, no dog or kid waking me up! Probably work out, relax with a big Starbucks latte, take a nap. This is probably the Covid life talking, but a perfect day for me right now would end in my family all being together, being loud, laughing and not having to wear masks around each other. 

    @goldpolkadot I started taking miralax this week, and it has been successful! 
  • @goldpolkadot that sounds so perfect!! We went to Tokyo, Bangkok for NYE, a few places in Vietnam, Cambodia, and India. It was a really fun trip! We both had been to Asia before but never together. I'm so glad we got to do that before Covid! Sounds like you really got yours in just in the nick of time!! 
  • @cagncoo12 miralax was totally my next plan - I'm so glad it's working for you!! The magnesium (+flax) has been working for me hallelujah! @theletlers @pelorunningmama @riff323 thank you thank you thank you ladies!
  • @goldpolkadot @cagncoo12 I've been taking Miralax too.  I forgot it for 2 days and....it was rough. 
  • kadeephdkadeephd member
    edited September 2020
    How far along are you? 8+6

    How are you feeling this week? not great.  I've been doing unisom and b6 every night and b6 a few more times throughout the day.  It's been helping but I still am feeling overall bad and having a hard time eating sometimes.

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist!
    I like @Lexibizzel's day.  I've never been to France and probably would pick a different country, but I love traveling and haven't been able to do much of it at all since 2017 (my son was born in 2018).  My day would probably only include my husband (sorry kiddo) and maybe my brother and SIL or another couple.  We'd wake up in a hotel somewhere foreign and have a big breakfast, then spend the day exploring.  I like cities and the wilderness so I'd be OK with either option.  I'm not much for museums or shopping so it would be more wandering if we were in a city.  Delicious lunch and dinner would also be had, slowly and with drinks.  We'd end the day listening to low-key live music (not a big concert or anything).  So mostly just exploring a new place with people I love and eating a lot of good food, with a little music sprinkled in.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • This thread is amazing!

    How far along are you? 10+1

    How are you feeling this week? Bleh but better than last week and the weight loss has stalled, thankfully. All the talk of miralax is reminding me of postpartum. One nice thing is that (when I feel up to it) I can eat all the dairy I want and have no lactose intolerance symptoms. @goldpolkadot I also feel like the constipation is worse this pregnancy in the past but I will also say that I am eating much worse than prior first trimesters b/c the morning sickness/aversions are much worse.
    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist!
    This is so hard. I want both the travel day and the day to myself to just do regular things I don't get to do anymore between not going out much and having the kids at home all the time. I think what I'm missing most is family and the lake (it's still warm here although not at the lakes we'd go to where we grew up). A day at the lake would be perfect. With lots of family around to help with the girls but also time to go kayak by myself or with DH and do some reading at this little island/sand bar in the middle of the lake.
    As an aside, we were lucky to plan an impromptu hawaii trip in early February. It was glorious and is getting me by for now. We did both babymoons in hawaii and for some reason I just *wanted* to go even though we were planning to get pregnant (maybe because we wanted to move, potentially before getting pregnant) but it's nice since we won't have a beach babymoon. 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • I gave in this morning and called my OB. Talked to a nurse and she's sending in a prescription for Diclegis today as long as it was okayed by a provider. Hallllelujah. It got me through my pregnancy with DD2 so I'm crossing all my fingers that it'll take the edge off this time too. Something's gotta give - the constant nausea is getting super depressing!
  • How far along are you? 13 weeks today!

    How are you feeling this week? Actually good minus being so tired, but that's mainly due to my son waking up a million times a night..

    GTKY: If you had an entire day free to do whatever you want, how would you spend it? Feel free to dream big and pretend like Covid doesn’t exist! omg I can't even handle this question because this is literally my fantasy! def hiking with family, sleeping in, and then having a bbq with friends. basically a combination of seeing all the people and none of the people so I can have alone time in one day
  • All the talk of constipation this week has given me fond memories of those first post partum poops 😂 I didn’t believe with DD1 how bad it could be. With DD2 I took the stool softeners RELIGIOUSLY. I wasn’t gonna mess around that time! Maybe I should just start now and take them for the next several months 😜
  • @bblair24 stool softeners alone didn't do enough for me. It was torture with DD1 so I did miralax with DD2 which was much better but I stopped too early and it was miserable. Not something I ever have a problem with not pregnant/postpartum.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • I’ve never tried miralax @kvh22! I do have issues with it while not pregnant and have tried fiber gummies and benefiber. Stool softeners did the trick for me before, but I’ll try to remember Miralax PP this time!
  • @bblair24 ah the fondness of postpartum memories...lol!
  • I am so jealous of your hawaii babymoons @kvh22 ! That would have been ideal! I'm bummed about not getting a real babymoon :(
  • @theblondebump 2 of our 3 hawaii trips we're with kids. It's different but still so fun! This last trip being able to actually drink was a nice bonus to not being pregnant. We have friends who want to meet in Hawaii for trips (our best friends where we currently live) so I'm hoping between that and potentially convincing one of our parents to come we can make it work again in the next few years. It's a huge family destination although I don't look forward to it being such a long flight from the east coast. It's 4hrs from where we are now which is shorter than getting to the east coast.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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