May 2021 Moms

STM+ Check-In: Week of 9/9

Not sure if any of these weeklies have really been claimed or assigned. @texas_t I think you started the last one? Let me know if you want to claim it. I just figured I'd get this week's going because I'm procrastinating at work :) 

How far along are you?

Current symptoms:

What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry?


GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family?

Re: STM+ Check-In: Week of 9/9

  • How far along are you? 5 weeks, 4 days

    Current symptoms: Any symptoms I think I have are coming and going: sore boobs, shortness of breath (didn't have this last time and has been a struggle to deal with), bloating, light cramps occasionally (this seems to be disappearing maybe?), very short, mild waves of nausea

    What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry? She was trying to negotiate with DH the other day and struck the sassiest pose at the end of her argument. It was so funny and we couldn't help laughing. 

    Rants/Raves: Rant: I had a zoom meeting last night and I had told the rest of the board early yesterday that I would have to disconnect by a certain time (on the earlier side of the meeting) because my 8:00 meeting that I had informed them of was actually at 7:30. They still put me in the second half of the agenda and didn't even get to my turn until the time I said I needed to leave. I should have just told them I had to go but I had two important things I needed to get approval on before I could move forward so I had to rush. I haaaaaate rushing. 

    Rave: I think the weather is FINALLY turning. Of course where I live that still means it's hot and humid but not completely unbearable  :D

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family? Probably just being outside when it's nice. Going to the mountains is big for us, too. I used to love our Sunday morning grocery trips but we haven't been able to do those as a family since March due to COVID and not sure when we'll do them again (we try not to take our daughter anywhere she doesn't need to go unless it's outside where we can distance from other people). 

  • How far along are you? 4w3d

    Current symptoms: Just mild queasiness and food aversions. Feeling extra tired today.

    What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry? My little has been extra clingy the past few days. It's like he knows which is impossible because he just turned two. But on the sweet end, he has a new routine of being sure he gets hugs and kisses from me before his dad takes him to DC. 

    Rants/Raves: Loving the fall weather this week! I'm also so excited to be pregnant during the winter this time. Oversized sweaters for the win! 

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family? We love going to local parks and the kids science museum. Always a good time together. This past weekend I think H had as much fun in the sand exhibit as A. 

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  • How far along are you? 4 weeks today

    Current symptoms: headaches, slight nausea, nipple soreness reminiscent of newborn latch issues

    What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry? I was trying to put my daughter’s helmet on, and told her to let me know if I was pinching her. She immediately let me know that I was (oops), but then in her sweet little voice said “it’s okay, you’re trying your best” 

    Rants/Raves: not a whole lot going on in our house, no real rants or raves to report

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family? We go golfing every Sunday. My daughter and I hang out in the cart and run around when we can, while my husband golfs. It’s a fun tradition

  • @audmomout how sweet is she!!!! awww
    *Loss 8/2014*
    *Rainbow 8/2015*
    *Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
    *Loss of Twin 5/2018*

  • How far along are you? 5 weeks 4 days

    Current symptoms: I tried to take an hour nap this afternoon but I think I’m physically incapable of napping even when tired. Right now I’m taking a break from making dinner because I have heartburn and got all sweaty. Sore boobs and my head feels cloudy. I for sure have more symptoms this time than last. 

    What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry? My daughter will often come over and just give me the longest, sweetest hugs. She also yells at me to hold a glass with 2 hands and don’t go too high on the stairs, just like we do to her.

    Rants/Raves: I guess my biggest rant today is that our local apple picking farm has a really complicated schedule this year due to Covid and I haven’t been able to find a time to go! Not that I really need 10 pounds of apples.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family? We obviously stay home a lot lately, we like to play in the driveway and “go crazy” running around in our basement, as my daughter puts it.

  • @texas_t I hope your new OB works out! It’s so important to be able to trust your provider!
  • How far along are you? 4w5d 

    Current symptoms: Not a ton of symptoms. I've been really hungry and my sense of smell has been pretty sensitive. I tend to be pretty bloated by the end of the day which is fun :D

    What's something your child(ren) has said or done really that made you laugh/cry?: For context, my daughter is obsessed with Daniel Tiger and we frequently use the songs to help her understand a situation. Yesterday, we got together with one of my friends and her 2-year old daughter at my parents' pool. They have a little slide set up and my friend's daughter was nervous to go down it. I told my daughter that she needed "a little help to be brave" and she held the other girl's hand while she went down the slide  <3

    Rants/Raves: Hmmm...nothing I can think of right now ...

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family? We're not the outdoorsy-ist folks, but this summer we've been enjoying taking lots of walks and playing outside. We're pretty cautious with COVID  so it's been fun to explore some of the outdoor gems in our area. 

  • @coastalmomma3 happy birthday to your son! He has such a great attitude. I hope he has a great day celebrating <3
  • How far along are you? 6w2d

    Current symptoms: So much queasiness. I alternate between nauseous and starving these days.

    What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry? DS is 25 months and has started talking in paragraphs, although they don't always make sense. Yesterday when I picked him up he told me a whole story about him pushing the chair back under the table and that they sit and talk in the chairs. I'm not sure what the point was, but awfully cute.

    Rants/Raves: First appointment today! Excited to get the pre-natal care ball rolling.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family? We like going to my Mom's house and swimming in the pool. We are very sad that it's closing for the season, but any trip to Gaga is a great time for DS and me and DH. The extra hands are super helpful and when it's Gaga time, Gaga is the star in DS' eys. win-win.

  • audmomoutaudmomout member
    edited September 2020
    @samd6 happy birthday to you both! Sorry about the crummy weather!
  • @yellingbanana I’m so sorry for your loss. but what a sweet empathetic baby you have! 
  • How far along are you? 5w 6d

    Current symptoms: Soooo tired, no food sounds good.  I feel vaguely car sick all the time. 

    What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry? 

    My son (3) complained last night that his blanket wasn't "plush enough" so I got him a fluffy throw at Target today and his excitement was darling.  

    Rants/Raves: I have neither.  Just feeling kind of sad because I'm realizing I'll be kind of isolated this whole pregnancy. We moved to Austin from Seattle a year ago, didn't meet that many people before lockdown,  I'll be working remote through my pregnancy because we're recommending everyone high risk of COVID complications stay remote,  and I can't fly home or to visit people.  I feel kind of trapped. 

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family? Hiking!  My son is convinced he's ready to summit Mt. Hood.

  • How far along are you? 4 weeks 5 days
    Current symptoms: Random cramps, occasional gaggy feeling, random tingles in my boobs, and overall stomach not feeling settled.
    What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry? My youngest has been super clingy lately. I’ve just been trying to soak it all in and know it will pass eventually. I actually ended up having to rock him to sleep last night which made me tear up a bit. It also makes me giggle a little because I wonder if he has a sense that something is going to change. 
    Rants/Raves: Nothing really yet. I don’t like wishing away time so I am trying to wait patiently to get through the first trimester. I have a history of losses so I have a bit of anxiety. In general, I love being pregnant though. We shall see how it feels at 36. 😜
    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family? Honestly, as silly as it sounds, I just love being together. 
  • How far along are you? 4 weeks

    Current symptoms: tired and sore nipples, a little more heartburn than normal.

    What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry?

    My son is almost 2 and lately he has started being so gentle and hugging the dogs, it's so sweet! 

    Rants/Raves: nothing really right now. Mostly just in shock that I'm actually pregnant idea why since we were trying 😂

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family?

    We love to play at the park together. It's so fun to watch my son (almost 2) discover new things he can do!

    Me:29 DH:30
    TTC #1: 12/2017
  • How far along are you? 4+3

    Current symptoms: crying at the drop of a hat

    What's something your child(ren) has said or done lately that made you laugh/cry? I asked my oldest (4yo) to sing a song he learned. He told me he was going to sing it backwards, and then proceeded to sing the tune with nonsense words.

    Rants/Raves: I took the test about an hour ago, and now I'm waiting for DH to wake up so I can tell him. I should go back to sleep since all my boys are sleeping, but of course I can't.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do as a family? Mostly I enjoy watching "my men" play together, but family walks are also nice.

    @gusgus14 my last BMB there was a question for number of children and ages in the STM+ check-in, it helped us learn who everyone was. Just a suggestion.
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