Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: April 20, 2021/ 8 weeks today
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out...hubby can’t wait until April!
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Raspberry
Upcoming appointments: Had one this morning!
How are you feeling?: Nauseous. Very very nauseous
Rants/Raves: Rant: there are still two bowls from yesterday’s cereal breakfast sitting out that I asked husband to wash. Raves: my kids had a really good bedtime both last night and tonight.
Questions: anyone else having crazy dreams? Mine are wild!
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Probably fall, I love the cooler weather, the crunch of leaves on the ground and I usually love the food that fall weather brings!
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A sweet pea
Upcoming appointments: Not til October... feels like I'm the only one. (Side note: last pregnancy I only ever had one ultrasound, the anatomy scan, and it seems like I'm the odd one out. Now I live in a completely different state and it seems like the same thing is going to happen!)
How are you feeling?: Blergh. I was really hoping I wouldn't be so nauseated this time but I guess I forgot that it takes a little while to kick in. The struggle to eat to avoid nausea when you're already nauseated is real.
Rants/Raves: Can't think of any!
Questions: None
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? I love spring. I actually really like winter too, but there's something about spring that re-energizes me. I love the bright green grass, the bright green leaves, and the flowers blooming. I like how it's still relatively cool but you can get outside and enjoy. And... Easter candy! Easter has the best candy of all the holidays!
@theletlers yes to crazy dreams. I had one the other week in which Al Pacino stole me from my husband... very vivid, and very odd. I've also had some crazy sex ones that are not pleasant.
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: April 28, 7 weeks today
FTM/STM/STM+: 4th pregnancy, 3rd baby
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a blueberry
Upcoming appointments: a week from today for an ultrasound and meeting with an OB!
How are you feeling?: Sick.
Rants/Raves: If you’ve been following our bunk bed saga, the last box was finally found and delivered and it’s all assembled. The girls love it! (FedEx had lost one of the four boxes of our purchase - the box that contained the actual bed pieces 🤦🏻♀️)
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Fall! I love the cool weather and the colors. Unfortunately our fall in the south doesn’t really last very long, but I think it’s just the perfect season.
@theletlers I’ve been having insane dreams too! I had a dream last night that people (who IRL are friends) kept proposing to me. What in the world. 😂
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Tater tot
Upcoming appointments: 9/16.. still feels like forever away. Meeting a new OB since I'm not a fan of the only one left at my last OB office.
How are you feeling?: SO over this nausea.. it has been absolutely awful for well over a month now. Sleep also sucks. I'm so tired, but also never feel rested when I wake up, no matter how long I slept. On a funny note, I had some serious gas bubbles the other day that I swear felt just like the early movement with DS and I was like "OH! Did I just feel the baby move?" and then laughed at myself because its the size of a gummy bear, so theres no way and its definitely just gas lol
Rants/Raves: Rant- school is kicking my butt. I absolutely despise virtual learning.. but also am a little scared for kids to come back to school because then my risk for exposure goes up, which worries me with being pregnant and having a little one at home. Rave- I experienced my first "pay it forward" at the drive thru for coffee this morning. The person in front of my paid for my coffee, so I did the same for the person behind me. It was such a lovely way to start my day.
Questions: not right now
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? I used to LOVE summer, but I find as I get older I'm loving fall more and more. I love hot weather and the beach and all things summer, but after how hot this summer was and all the covid restrictions messed with our usual fun I'm not so sure I love summer as much anymore.
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: I want to find out, MH doesnt
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an altoid
Upcoming appointments: 9/21 at 9 weeks
How are you feeling?: Pretty much like crap most of the time. So tired, boobs are sore, bloated. And So. Much. Nausea.
Rants/Raves: Honestly, I'm too tired to get too excited about anything. Other than the fact that I have symptoms, which is reassuring while also making me feel miserable.
Questions: Not that I can think of.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Definitely autumn. I love crisp weather and the leaves.
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 4/12- 9 weeks 2 days
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding Out
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Blackberry
Upcoming appointments: Next Tuesday, first OB appointment... looking forward to it, i have so many questions!
How are you feeling?: Not horrible! I feel like a lot of my symptoms are dissipating. Constipation sucks though.
Rants/Raves: DD moved to the 2 year old room at daycare this week and she loves it! I figured since i had to tell the admin staff in order to reserve a spot next summer, i would tell her baby/toddler teachers that I was pregnant. They were so excited. Made me feel really good. It makes me so sad to send my kids to daycare, so knowing that they have/will have teachers that will love on them makes it so much easier.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Fall. I just love everything about it!
@theletlers Yes! ALL the dreams. Sex dreams, scary dreams, dreams with dead people in them. I feel like I never wake up rested because my dreams are so intense.
@mamabee1113 same on the gas bubbles/whatever’s going on in there feeling like early movement. I know it’s not but I get that stomach drop feeling and wonder what’s going on in there just to remember, it’s definitely too early to feel the baby.
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 4/15 8+6
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: team pink
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: gummy bear
Upcoming appointments: Friday last ultrasound at the IVF clinic
How are you feeling?: pretty miserable most of the time
Rants/Raves: I’m just feeling blah
Questions: none
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? I love change so I usually like the beginning of every season and the get tired of it by the end and am ready for the next. I grew up on the east coast and now live in California so I really miss real seasons, especially fall and winter, but I’ve come to appreciate the mild weather here too. Except now when the weather for a month straight is “smoke”. F that. Give me sun, rain, hot, cold, whatever as long as I can breathe.
@mamabee1113 yes to the gas bubbles! I know it’s probably just from the constipation and normal pregnancy gas, but it makes me remember those first little flutters and how exciting they are...then I remember the end of pregnancy kicks to the ribs and I cringe!
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a keyboard key
Upcoming appointments: OB/ultrasound appointment this afternoon.
How are you feeling?: Horrible. Threw up for the first time in any pregnancy yesterday.
Rants/Raves: Nervous about a presentation this afternoon which is an hour after my ultrasound. I have a very small section but I hate public speaking and it'll be on video in front of our 70+ person team. Reallllly nervous for the actual ultrasound (no loss history but terrified before the early ultrasounds/dopplers). Not loving that I won't have time to process if something is wrong before having to present. I sent my boss my speaking notes (she could do it better than I could) for my 5 minute or less section and said "in case I get hit by a bus, here's what I'm planning to say." I had to mention that I have an appointment, too, in case they're seriously behind and I don't get back in time so IDK if she'll jump to me being pregnant but I didn't feel comfortable leaving it up to chance. I don't start until slide 28 so I have some buffer.
Questions: none
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? I love the feel of fall but summer is my favorite for going to the lake (didn't get to do that this year). But I LOVE what you said @forevertired! I don't get sick of summer and fall but I get sick of winter and spring and love the change (so beginning of summer and fall are my favorites). End of summer is sad. End of fall would be sad but I love Thanksgiving.
@kvh22 I threw up for the first time too on Saturday. Bleggghhh can't wait for this to pass.
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: I think finding out. Last time we were team green.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: playing die
Upcoming appointments: 9/14
How are you feeling?: ugh. I thought I was on the upswing, but no. I remember reading someone else's comment asking if quality/quantity of sleep seemed related to nausea and it definitely does for me. If I sleep decently, I feel better.
Rants/Raves: We found a new full-time daycare for my son. He'll start on Monday. I'm so excited. I haven't been able to get anything done lately. I know I'll miss seeing him, but I'll also value our time together more instead of just trying to get through the day. It's Spanish immersion too, which is pretty coo.
Questions: none
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Fall! Seems like that's a pretty popular choice. I love the weather, the clothes, the food, the colors. Fall in VT (where I went to college) was just the best. So many harvest festivals.
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: Finding out, DH is team Blue, DD is team pink, I am not a fan of gender binaries being forced on kids but also totally get parents wanting to dress girls more feminine and boys more masculine.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Blueberry (idk if it is the size of one of those tiny Maine ones or the giant Oregon ones)
Upcoming appointments: First prenatal next week DH is coming with which is exciting since he couldn't be there for any of my prenatal appointments with DD
How are you feeling?: Today I am feeling way better than I have. Didn't wake up from nausea/gas last night!
Rants/Raves: Rants-feeling a little worried about having to pay double for childcare when baby comes Raves-I don't hate my husband anymore! (most of the time)
Questions: Anyone have any backup plans for the imminent social/ecological collapse?
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Fall and Spring. I love transition seasons, they always motivate me to re-organize.
@aguamala re: imminent social/ecological collapse... not really. I have no idea what a sensible back up plan would even be. I guess I'm just hoping we figure stuff out before absolute disaster strikes. Do you have a plan?
@aguamala I definitely fear the imminent social/ecological collapse but I’m not really sure what a backup plan would even be. If you have a plan I’d love to hear it!
@aguamala this year has been such a whirlwind I don’t even know what to think anymore. But I fear things will not be the same as ever before. Hard to make a plan for the unknown!
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: April 21, 8 weeks today.
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: we don't know yet. I want to know, but I don't want to know all at the same time haha. Good thing we don't have to decide just yet.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A raspberry
How are you feeling?: T.I.R.E.D. with a side of emotional/moody. Other than that, pretty good.
Rants/Raves: Rave to all of the amazing and supportive ladies in this group!!
Questions: Absolutely everything. I'm so glad to have found this community. Lurking all of the threads has me quite relieved/reassured. This is our first child, and all of my friends have kids that are 10 and over, so it's been a looooong time since any babies have been around us. (I like to think I planned well as I have a plethora of babysitting aged kids around 😅).
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Spring as flowers are blooming and the days start getting longer!! A close second is Fall as I love warm sweaters and being cozy inside by the fireplace.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: idk! Tiny!
Upcoming appointments: none til October
How are you feeling?: good! Super tired at the moment!
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Summerrrr. Always has and always will. Love the heat, slower pace, vacations, being outside, water stuff, 4th of July, cookouts, being light outside until 9pm! So sad it's almost over.
@riff323 standard practice at my office is first appt at 12 weeks (which is when mine is this time too) and only one ultrasound at 20 weeks for the AS. Ive had a dating ultrasound the past two pregnancies for exact due date to hopefully avoid nicu time since my babies are early and I usually end up with extra ultrasounds due to cholestasis of pregnancy. But with no complications it would only be the 20 week one also.
@kadeephd@forevertired@theletlers Yeah I don't have a specific plan mapped out either. It's impossible to predict exactly how these disasters will affect us. I was working in international climate politics when I became pregnant with my first and felt guilty about bringing a new life into this world, knowing the science behind climate change and future predictions of inevitable doom. I have a tiny bit of hope that we will get our shit together in time and switch over to renewables. This time around, I honestly am justifying bringing another life into this world so that my daughter and her sibling will have more of a chance at survival by protecting each other.
@aguamala That is pretty dark stuff. I'm just hoping if something terrible happens it will be quick and we won't suffer too much. I also try to appreciate and enjoy each day, as corny as that sounds, since who knows when things will go south. I do feel selfish for choosing to have kids when there is a chance their lives may be filled with suffering. But that has been true at every point in time, and I honestly don't have a good sense of how to assess this risk compared to, say WWII, or the Cold War, or black death, or any of the other terrible things that have happened throughout human history. I just mean things have looked quite bleak before, and I'm personally glad my ancestors procreated anyway.
@kadeephd haha sorry I tend to dive into the deep uncomfortable stuff too soon. I am a big fan of making the best of every moment, especially as we grow older. Mortality can be scary but is the most common thing ever! I am learning to see the beauty of the nature of time. Thanks for putting things into perspective!
@theblondebump I don't think there is a single piece of news... just general looming stuff like climate change and the crazily widening wealth gap and political situation.
@aguamala Honestly I'd sometimes rather talk about stuff like this than general pregnancy chitchat. I'm a public policy person so I think/worry about big societal problems a lot and enjoy doing that, even though it's also stressful.
Upcoming appointments: Today was my confirmation appointment. We were able to see a heartbeat.
How are you feeling?: I'm nauseous and tired but relieved that the baby is well.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why?
My favorite season is Fall. I love how the air smells, the colors of the leaves and the overall cozy feeling. I'm ready for sweater and boots weather or to be able to curl up in front of my fireplace with a nice blanket.
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 8 weeks today. Due April 20
FTM/STM/STM+: 4th time
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out: finding out I think. This babe was enough of a surprise.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:raspberry
Upcoming appointments: old ob scheduled for next wednesday. New ob is a week from Monday. I think I will end up switching practices but hate that I have to wait even longer! I’m also super nervous that I may not love the new one and then feel stuck.
How are you feeling?: tired and nauseous if I’m not stuffing myself with junk food.
Rants/Raves: This is completely superficial. Before we found out, I was back to pre-pregnancy size from my very first pregnancy. I was eating great. Now I feel like all of that has gone to hell. I’m craving junk food. I’m barely tracking meals because it’s depressing and I know weight is coming on. I guess I’m glad to be starting from a low point but bleh.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why?Fall. I wish our fall was more fall like but I love the colors and scents and the excitement of the holidays. It’s simply the best time of the year. I go into major depression come January.
@pelorunningmama girl I feel you on the mental struggle with weight. When covid started I was at my lowest weight, almost back to my wedding weight! And then covid and then bam, pregnant, and it is SO hard not to get down about it. And like you, I’m also stuffing myself with garbage because it’s the only thing that helps the nausea. And then, not even feeling good enough to work out makes it extra horrible. Hang in there, mama. You aren’t alone. And hopefully 2nd tri will bring some more energy to work out and cook healthier foods.
@juliebird6@pelorunningmama I’m with you ladies! I was just back to my pre-1st-baby weight and feeling so great with pilates workouts and walks and just general healthiness and now boom...sitting on the sofa eating whatever comes to mind!
@juliebird6@pelorunningmama@goldpolkadot ahh we're all in the same boat ladies! I was really proud of myself for getting in great shape last year and then COVID hit and I really let all the wheels come off. Pre-covid I had a pilates instructor and went to one-on-one lessons on the reformer and when covid hit and I was stuck at home, I basically just gave up all exercise. I actually got to a point where I wanted to put off getting pregnant because I wanted to lose the COVID weight first haha. But then I was like wait, this is silly. We really want 3-4 children and I'm already 31 so it felt like we really shouldn't wait any longer and I felt like waiting so I could lose a few extra pounds was pretty superficial. Butttt I definitely feel pretty crappy when I can't make myself exercise at all and crave carbs and junk food. I want to exercise but I have zero energy.
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: April 27th - 7w3d
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:
Green, but still debating if we want to find out.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:
A blueberry!
Upcoming appointments: Next one is at 12 weeks
How are you feeling?: Very Nauseous when hungry, feeling heavy and so very gassy.
Rant: I wish I could work from home and not have to get up and get dressed everyday. But at the same time this is also what keeps me sane.
Rave: Looking forward to having some upgrades done at home prior to baby arriving.
Questions: Do any mums feel very alone, like their social life is non-existant since they got pregnant?
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why?
We don't really have seasons where I live (tropical island near the equator). But right now it's the dry seasons and it gets cooler at night, and I'm not here for it.
@juliebird6@pelorunningmama@goldpolkadot@theblondebump I’m in the exact same place! I gained weight at the beginning of quarantine and was back down to what I considered a healthy weight. I was eating well - figuring out meals to maintain my ideal weight and to not trigger my stomach problems. I was exercising every morning and riding bikes with DD1 a lot of evenings and feeling great! Now I’m under my ideal weight - lost about 5-6 pounds because I’m barely eating and when I do eat it’s not healthy, and I’ve stopped all exercising. 😕
@juliebird6@pelorunningmama@goldpolkadot@theblondebump@bblair24 wow me too! I was hardcore spinning 5 days a week, in great shape, lost 20lbs. Then I gained 6lbs from Clomid and bam pregnant. Now only doing moderate spinning a few days a week (if I can) and eating a lot of carbs. Hopefully 2nd tri bring us all more energy and less nausea!
Not that I like to see other people struggling, but it is really comforting to know that I'm not the only one feeling down about gaining weight. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who can't get it together so it's nice to know other people are out there struggling too. I KNOW that in my head but it's nice to actually see it in writing to substantiate it!
@juliebird6@pelorunningmama@goldpolkadot@theblondebump@Bblair1122@bbrahmbhatt totally in the same boat here, too. I had lost 50 lbs prior to getting pregnant, because I wanted my body and mind to be in a healthier happier place, which it is. I am still over weight and really really really don't want to undo all of the work I have already done. I'm finding I'm giving myself permission to eat crappy food because "you're pregnant, you deserve it". I'm trying to track food most days and at least stay close to calories burned. I know I need to gain a bit of weight, but I'm going for as minimal as possible. I've watched other women I know gain 100+ lbs during pregnancy and I have sworn that will not be me.
Re: All Due Date Check-In w/o 9/8
April 20, 2021/ 8 weeks today
Finding out...hubby can’t wait until April!
Had one this morning!
Nauseous. Very very nauseous
Rant: there are still two bowls from yesterday’s cereal breakfast sitting out that I asked husband to wash.
Raves: my kids had a really good bedtime both last night and tonight.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why?
Probably fall, I love the cooler weather, the crunch of leaves on the ground and I usually love the food that fall weather brings!
4/29... 6+5
Finding Out
A sweet pea
Not til October... feels like I'm the only one. (Side note: last pregnancy I only ever had one ultrasound, the anatomy scan, and it seems like I'm the odd one out. Now I live in a completely different state and it seems like the same thing is going to happen!)
Blergh. I was really hoping I wouldn't be so nauseated this time but I guess I forgot that it takes a little while to kick in. The struggle to eat to avoid nausea when you're already nauseated is real.
Can't think of any!
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why?
I love spring. I actually really like winter too, but there's something about spring that re-energizes me. I love the bright green grass, the bright green leaves, and the flowers blooming. I like how it's still relatively cool but you can get outside and enjoy. And... Easter candy! Easter has the best candy of all the holidays!
@theletlers yes to crazy dreams. I had one the other week in which Al Pacino stole me from my husband... very vivid, and very odd. I've also had some crazy sex ones that are not pleasant.
April 28, 7 weeks today
4th pregnancy, 3rd baby
Finding out
a blueberry
a week from today for an ultrasound and meeting with an OB!
If you’ve been following our bunk bed saga, the last box was finally found and delivered and it’s all assembled. The girls love it! (FedEx had lost one of the four boxes of our purchase - the box that contained the actual bed pieces 🤦🏻♀️)
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why?
Fall! I love the cool weather and the colors. Unfortunately our fall in the south doesn’t really last very long, but I think it’s just the perfect season.
Rave- I experienced my first "pay it forward" at the drive thru for coffee this morning. The person in front of my paid for my coffee, so I did the same for the person behind me. It was such a lovely way to start my day.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? I used to LOVE summer, but I find as I get older I'm loving fall more and more. I love hot weather and the beach and all things summer, but after how hot this summer was and all the covid restrictions messed with our usual fun I'm not so sure I love summer as much anymore.
@theletlers absolutely with the crazy dreams.
I'll come back later to post.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Definitely autumn. I love crisp weather and the leaves.
@theletlers @kvh22 YES, the weirdest dreams EVER.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Fall. I just love everything about it!
@theletlers Yes! ALL the dreams. Sex dreams, scary dreams, dreams with dead people in them. I feel like I never wake up rested because my dreams are so intense.
@mamabee1113 same on the gas bubbles/whatever’s going on in there feeling like early movement. I know it’s not but I get that stomach drop feeling and wonder what’s going on in there just to remember, it’s definitely too early to feel the baby.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? I love change so I usually like the beginning of every season and the get tired of it by the end and am ready for the next. I grew up on the east coast and now live in California so I really miss real seasons, especially fall and winter, but I’ve come to appreciate the mild weather here too. Except now when the weather for a month straight is “smoke”. F that. Give me sun, rain, hot, cold, whatever as long as I can breathe.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? I love the feel of fall but summer is my favorite for going to the lake (didn't get to do that this year). But I LOVE what you said @forevertired! I don't get sick of summer and fall but I get sick of winter and spring and love the change (so beginning of summer and fall are my favorites). End of summer is sad. End of fall would be sad but I love Thanksgiving.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Fall! Seems like that's a pretty popular choice. I love the weather, the clothes, the food, the colors. Fall in VT (where I went to college) was just the best. So many harvest festivals.
Raves-I don't hate my husband anymore! (most of the time)
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Fall and Spring. I love transition seasons, they always motivate me to re-organize.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Spring as flowers are blooming and the days start getting longer!! A close second is Fall as I love warm sweaters and being cozy inside by the fireplace.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why? Summerrrr. Always has and always will. Love the heat, slower pace, vacations, being outside, water stuff, 4th of July, cookouts, being light outside until 9pm! So sad it's almost over.
@aguamala Honestly I'd sometimes rather talk about stuff like this than general pregnancy chitchat. I'm a public policy person so I think/worry about big societal problems a lot and enjoy doing that, even though it's also stressful.
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why?
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why?Fall. I wish our fall was more fall like but I love the colors and scents and the excitement of the holidays. It’s simply the best time of the year. I go into major depression come January.
Team Green/Pink/Blue/Finding Out:
Green, but still debating if we want to find out.
Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:
A blueberry!
Upcoming appointments: Next one is at 12 weeks
How are you feeling?: Very Nauseous when hungry, feeling heavy and so very gassy.
Rant: I wish I could work from home and not have to get up and get dressed everyday. But at the same time this is also what keeps me sane.
Rave: Looking forward to having some upgrades done at home prior to baby arriving.
Questions: Do any mums feel very alone, like their social life is non-existant since they got pregnant?
GTKY: What's your favorite season? Why?
We don't really have seasons where I live (tropical island near the equator). But right now it's the dry seasons and it gets cooler at night, and I'm not here for it.