3rd Trimester

Severe Round ligament pain

Has anyone else experienced severe round ligament pain? Mine is sooo bad that when it hits i cannot move at all for fear of making it happen again. On a scale of 1-10 the pain is a 9.5 and is so severe that i start crying. Ive seen doctor about it and she assured me its only round lig pain and theres not much i can do. But this seems abnormal for the amount of pain im in.

Re: Severe Round ligament pain

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    How does the pain manifest? Sharp? Lasting? There are certain movements that can trigger it and avoiding them can help prevent it.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    jenjenellajenjenella member
    edited September 2020
    @meggyme Its very sharp and feels like a hot knife going into my groin/hip area. Once it starts it usually lasts all that day off and on. Its a dull ache for remainder of day and then it will come back very fast usually while standing up. It happened this AM and i was stuck standing still in living room for about 20 minutes until i could slowly walk to my bedroom because any sort of slight movement triggered it again. Im at 29 weeks too
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    meggymemeggyme member
    edited September 2020
    If I remember correctly, standing up slowly from sitting and rolling out of bed instead of sitting up are two things you can do to prevent it. You basically don’t want to move in a way that puts extra stress on the ligaments running over you belly and connecting your crotch to your lower ribs. Try and take note of any movements that trigger it and avoid them or do them much more slowly.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    Has anyone else experienced severe round ligament pain? Mine is sooo bad that when it hits i cannot move at all for fear of making it happen again. On a scale of 1-10 the pain is a 9.5 and is so severe that i start crying. Ive seen doctor about it and she assured me its only round lig pain and theres not much i can do. But this seems abnormal for the amount of pain im in.
    I haven’t had anything this severe but I’ve also been seeing a chiropractor since around 25 or so weeks. If you haven’t already you should look into getting an appointment. I don’t think it would completely eliminate it but if it makes it better at all then that’s a win imo. He asks me about my round ligaments at every appointment and I’m 38 weeks now and feeling pretty good. Best of luck! 
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    @greyl thanks! I spoke to Dr yesterday and she said i have a severe case of it unfortunately. She told me to see a physical therapist and take tylenol if needed. I went to PT yestrday and they gave me some stretches to do. Im just hoping this doesnt last for the remainder of pregnancy because its excrutiating when it happens. A chiro is a great idea too, i havent seen mine since becoming pregnant
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