Hello everyone, I hope it’s okay to make a new topic I wasn’t sure where to put my question so I made this if anyone else also has a question or concern and doesn’t know where to post it. (If there was a better spot for this let me know! )
I am 10 weeks tomorrow and just received a call from my doctor for low risk changes results from my last pap. They scheduled me for a colposcopy when I reach 16 weeks. Did anyone experience this during a pregnancy? What was the outcome? How was the testing?
Re: Random questions/concerns
@juliebird6 oh that’s a good place to look, I haven’t been in a store in ages but it may be worth the adventure out!
@goldpolkadot thanks, it’s great to hear about your positive experiences with one. How far along were you when you found yours? We have a local mom group that would be great to ask I’m sure but I don’t want to ask there until I’ve announced because then it’ll be officially out. None of my closer friends that I’ve told have ever used one. I wasn’t planning on doing much of an announcement until maybe November but this may be my reason to actually go public soon.