April 2021 Moms

Random questions/concerns

Hello everyone, I hope it’s okay to make a new topic I wasn’t sure where to put my question so I made this if anyone else also has a question or concern and doesn’t know where to post it. (If there was a better spot for this let me know! ) 

I am 10 weeks tomorrow and just received a call from my doctor for low risk changes results from my last pap. They scheduled me for a colposcopy when I reach 16 weeks. Did anyone experience this during a pregnancy? What was the outcome? How was the testing? 

Re: Random questions/concerns

  • @grilledcheeezin - I haven't experienced that while pregnant, but I did have the same thing at my yearly gynecological exam last year. It was an abnormal pap smear and they had me come in for a colposcopy. The colposcopy was not all that different from a pap smear, just slightly more uncomfortable. I wouldn't really even say it was painful, just felt discomfort/pressure for about a minute or so. In the end, it was nothing to worry about, just sometimes there's abnormal cells or whatever, they said they wanted to just continue monitoring, doing yearly pap smears, etc. I wouldn't sweat it! 
  • Thanks @theblondebump that’s really reassuring the phone call really made me nervous. 
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  • @grilledcheeezin i have the same experience as @theblondebump. It's not too bad, i remember the biopsy stinging a bit, but that's it. Hopefully it's nothing! 
  • I’m hoping it’s nothing as well and I think I’m even more concerned to be doing the testing and treatment while pregnant 😬
  • I’m looking for any advice on finding a doula. I’m probably not their typical client because I do want a hospital birth and an epidural, but I’m really looking for the extra support. I had an awful birth experience with my son and basically went through 3 different shifts of nurses and the one good nurse I had made all of the difference (luckily she came back on shift for the very end, yay for 30 hours). I want someone there for me this time, but I really don’t know the questions to ask or what I should be looking for.
  • @forevertired Okay I know absolutely nothing about doulas lol or birthing in general... I was waiting hope someone else would chime in with a bit more experience in this topic it I also don’t want it to go unanswered....  I was able to find this site https://www.dona.org/what-is-a-doula/find-a-doula/ that helps find doulas in your area... and maybe just contact some local ones and explain exactly how you are feeling and just trust your connection and judgment if it’s a good match? If not try another one! Maybe even post a thread on the main pregnancy community page not just the April 2021 section so that can open up to a lot of other stm+s
  • Sorry if that’s no help at all I hope you find someone that makes this journey more comfortable for you this time around! 
  • @forevertired for my first, one of our local crunchy baby stores hosted a meet-the-doulas event, kind of like speed dating style. This was in 2016, so not sure if anyone would be doing anything like this right now, but it might be worth a quick trip to a local baby store to see if anyone has dropped any advertisements there. I first found out about our local doula services from babies r us, so not even crunchy at all! But the event I’m talking about was hosted at totally an all-organic type place.
  • @forevertired I found ours through a few (crunchy) friends. I asked ones I knew who had doulas which offices they came from and then stumbled across the office we used. I read the bios of all their doulas on staff and then decided on one or two but everyone was booked so I fell into ours and she’s been the most amazing support person ever (with #2&3)!!!! I know for sure ours for sure does births exactly like you were describing - support person there to advocate for you, etc. Our doula (and her office) are well known at our hospital so the nurses know them too. With #2 our doula was even able to call ahead so they were expecting us and when we checked in she had already updated them about my water breaking, etc. With #3 it was so quick that she hadn’t gotten to talk to them & they actually sent us to triage (!!!!) - took the nurses like 2 mins to go Oh crap this lady needs a bed in L&D stat!! 

    So all of that to say, I’d start by asking friends. If no dice there then I’d google doulas in your area. There’s a chance you OB might also know of one, too. Our doula’s office also had a bunch of birthing classes that they’re well known for so that might be a different angle to look for when you’re searching. 

    If you have any other questions, let me know! Happy to try to help!
  • @grilledcheeezin you are so sweet, thank you!
    @juliebird6 oh that’s a good place to look, I haven’t been in a store in ages but it may be worth the adventure out!
    @goldpolkadot thanks, it’s great to hear about your positive experiences with one. How far along were you when you found yours? We have a local mom group that would be great to ask I’m sure but I don’t want to ask there until I’ve announced because then it’ll be officially out. None of my closer friends that I’ve told have ever used one. I wasn’t planning on doing much of an announcement until maybe November but this may be my reason to actually go public soon.   
  • @forevertired I didn't end up using one, but I was interested in a doula and asked my OB. He gave me the names of ones that were used at that hospital, and then from there I believe you just interview them to find a good fit.
  • @forevertired oh I was way late in the game with #2, at least halfway if not more. I feel like I only had a month or two left honestly. It took me a while to commit because it was an extra expense that we thought wouldn’t be covered at all (and then turned out to be partially covered) but it was worth it. I was a little traumatized after #1s birth so I felt like I actively needed to do something to make sure I had a different outcome for #2. 
    You could totally wait a bit longer, I think some of them get booked up though (but if you found a whole office then hopefully someone would have availability). My doula told me I got her last April spot when I texted her last week 😳 And I’d been planning to wait until NEXT week after first appt to tell her! Maybe you could get a close friend (that you told) to post in your moms group? 
  • @goldpolkadot thank you, that’s a relief to hear that waiting turned out ok. And I’m glad you were able to get your doula’s last spot! I’ll put some feelers out to see if anyone I’ve told feels comfortable posting for me, that would be a huge help. Thanks!
  • @forevertired totally! Keep me updated!!
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