Thought I’d start up this thread. Is anyone having regular blood draws due to previous loss? My hcg went from 89 to 1300 in the last week but progesterone dropped from 35 to 25. Talking to my Dr tomorrow to likely start progesterone supplementation, but curious if this has happened to anyone and continued their pregnancy? I’m 4 weeks 5 days.
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
I'm talking myself off a ledge several times a day over here. I took a 1.5 hour nap today and it still isn't enough of a symptom for me to start feeling more at ease. I need to start meditating again cause the worry is really bumming me out. I want to enjoy every moment no matter what!
Wishing the best for everyone!
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
Anyways, sorry for the novel. Today I am pregnant so I'm holding on to that:)
I plan to be an active PGAL poster until at least viability week. Here's my story.
This is my 4th pregnancy. First one was a chemical pregnancy ending at 4w1d. Got pregnant 2 months later. Ultrasound at 8 weeks + 3 showed only a yolk sac: blighted ovum. Pregnancy ended at 9w6d and a D&C a few days later. Got pregnant again 2 months later. All was going well and suddenly, my water broke at 20 weeks and it was way too early for our baby boy.
So now this pregnancy is high risk and no cause was identified for my PPROM. Labs were clear, so didn't look like an infection and nothing points to incompetent cervix, but it's not really excluded either. I should be monitored closely and be on progesterone from 16 weeks (or 12
i don't remember...) with frequent cervical lenght measurements and hopefully we'll never get to needing a cerclage because everything will keep looking good. I haven't met with the OB who will follow my pregnancy yet, we'll see what she feels is going to give us the best chances to a healthy, take home baby.
Sorry about the novel too and yes @Panaceia , today I'm pregnant, and this is good news! My fiancé and I are having a hard time saying it in an exciting way and it's so sad!
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
I had a blighted ovum at 8 weeks 4 days in 2017 followed by a D&C before having my daughter. Having a loss has made me appreciate more the small milestones, but also prevents me from getting too excited about it. We are cautiosly optimistic. The wait before the first ultrasound is always the hardest for me.
My PGAL brain is designed to overanalyze every symptom. During my last pregnancy, I didnt announce my pregnancy to friends until 33 weeks and some family until after 20 weeks when we got the results from the anatomy scan.
Sending you virtual strength to deal with the wait and emotional rollercoaster of the first weeks!
BFP: 12/16/16 => DD born 08/27/2017