How many kids do you already have? Ages?
How are your other kids doing this week?
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.)
Re: STM+ Check in w/o 9/1
How are your other kids doing this week?
He’s doing well, I think a little tired. He’s been up in the night & won’t settle.
I feel like last week I wrote something like “life is bliss with him” lol. Today, I’m so tired of nap struggles. He nurses to sleep but won’t go down after. I took him to my bed & some days that’s perfect, but today he rebounded. The wanting to nurse the whole nap / refusal to nap gets me... and then I go back and blame myself for not timing the nap right 🥺. Sigh lol.
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.)
He likes oranges? Lol, I’ve never thought about this! He loves being attached to me aha ^^see the nap struggle.
Married: August 2013
Son: December 2018
Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept
How are your other kids doing this week?
They’re good, they’re so sweet! They’ve been busy playing together which is nice.
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?
I just feel bad that I can’t play more with them right now. I feel so crappy and just lay on the couch. They’ve started playing doctor on me 😂
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.)
DD1 was born exactly on her due date (after people spent months telling me that your first is always late haha). That’s so fitting for her. She’s always on the go and doesn’t sit still much, which started when she was still inside. DH also remembers how I’d be nursing DD1 and she’d pop off, leah her head back and grin at him, then go back to nursing. He said he should have known then that we’d be in trouble with her. 😜 I’m not sure about DD2! She’s far more chill than her big sister and I guess she wasn’t quite as active while still inside.
How are your other kids doing this week? He's in a big mommy phase, which is sort of nice because I don't feel that great and love the hugs. Starting to throw his pacis at night then scream for me to come get them which is SO tiring on top of insomnia!
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? Nah. I feel detached right now - no bump yet (def a tummy from bagels but doesn't feel like a bump!) I've had fertility issues in the past so I felt this way with my son too- didn't feel "real" until later in the pregnancy (and now working from home bc of covid precautions so nothing seems "normal").
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.) He's a total sweetie and super busy. He is starting to be fiesty and I love seeing his personality. He's goofy and silly too- I love that he will do funny things like try to hide his Paci's or make me make his animals dance for him.
How are your other kids doing this week? He's having a good week so far but online preschool is what's testing my patience.
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? For real the preschool is 20+ minutes of prep work and clean up. It would be worth it if they were actually accomplishing things but it's all about songs and art. We do a ton of songs and art at home already, so I'm just over it. I'd guess you could say the grumpiness is hitting me hard.
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.) He's so different from how he was in utero and even his first whole year. He was such a chill baby, although he had many struggles (latching, eating in general, sleeping). He's quite the lively kid now, and he's so fun.
How are your other kids doing this week? Pretty good. DD2 is a bit fussy. DD1 is so cuddly. I don't usually watch tv (aside from sports) in front of them but have started putting on HGTV in the past week since I feel like crap and she just wants to snuggle under the blanket with me and watch "mommy's show" together. It's adorable. If only DD2 would calm down a bit lol
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? DD1 is in PT daycare M-Th but DD2's room didn't open. Our downstairs neighbors are getting a nanny and we're going to share with them until we move and the timing will be great (mid-Sept) since I feel like crap and work is going to be crazy. Hoping it works out although it's been really nice having the extra $$ in our pockets not paying for daycare. But it'd be totally worth it for a bit of extra attention for her and a bit more sanity.
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? DD1 was insanely active which held up. My OB literally said she was the hardest baby to get on the doppler and most active when she checked fundal height. She was literally trying to punch her way out and was only 8lbs so not huge. DD2 was mellow which also held up but she's kind of a mess (climbing, falling and hurting herself) so it's a bit in conflict with her mellow personality and pregnancy. Being more chill might just be a second kid thing but funny that she moved so much less. I did have a subchorionic hemmorhage/hematoma with her and a hemmorhage that she caused during delivery (nicked a blood vessel and caused a LOT of fuss) so maybe that lines up with all of the injuries.
How are your other kids doing this week? So far, so good! Although the weather hasn't been the best and our days go way better when we can spend a good chunk of time outside. So we'll see how the week goes...
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? none
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.) My middle guy has always been the same... SO physical (in good and bad ways) and strong-willed.
How are your other kids doing this week? We've had an interesting few days. She had a crazy tantrum, threw herself on the ground when DH was holding her hand, and apparently dislocated her elbow. Thankfully it was a quick fix. She was the perfect patient, didn't cry and got a big cookie afterwards haha.
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? DD is so attached to me, and can't stand to be away from me, which get's really frustrating, but also i love the cuddles and kisses.
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.)She went crazy when i played music in utero. This kid loves music! She is constantly singing, dancing, clapping, and has got great beat!
How many kids do you already have? Ages?
3 kids: 6, 4 and 20 mo.
How are your other kids doing this week? They are all exhausted from school. Oldest and youngest are feeling it the most.
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? I’m exhausted. DD3 has been waking up at night which is super unusual for her (she is my only child I can count on to sleep through usually). Then she is waking up right at 6 everyday so I can’t get much time for myself and she is totally wiped. It’s a mess.
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.)
DD3 is stubborn and wild, just like she was in utero. She was breech until 34 or 35 weeks then went sunny side up. She also was the hardest baby of all three. Her personality is never ceasing so it makes sense.
my son turned two yesterday!
How are your other kids doing this week? He’s good. Maybe a little out of sorts from all the pizza and cupcakes, but generally just a happy kid ready to have fun. The tantrums come more frequently but he’s still pretty redirectable which is nice.
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? Any potty training tips? I think we are going to start soon. Just need to find the energy to finish the Oh Crap book first.
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.)
How are your other kids doing this week?
The bigs are okay. I’m struggle with naps for the baby. We keep going back and forth on dropping her morning nap. Some days she doesn’t sleep at all & some days she’s exhausted and needs it...
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?
I’m getting excited at telling the kids about baby #4. We’re definitely going to wait until we’ve announced it publicly because they can’t be trusted AT ALL haha but I’m excited to tell them.
All my kiddos were super super active in-utero...aaaand they still are!
One - DD, age 4
How are your other kids doing this week?
She's good! I have been laid up with a migraine and she is so good at playing by herself. I feel awful for being hands-off, but she seemed to understand I didn't feel well and kept trying to help me.
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?
I can't wait to tell DD! We're going to do it around Halloween (her favorite holiday) so we'll probably do a fun Trick or Treat game and see how she takes it!
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.)
My body was fully ready to go, completely dilated, bulging sac, etc... and she was still at 0 station. She is a very cautious child and won't be pushed into doing anything. I used to watch her cruise the furniture, and if she was distracted she would literally walk to another piece of furniture to cruise on, but she didn't think she could walk until she was 13 months. I keep asking her if she knows how to read yet because she pretends she doesn't know different letters and stuff but I know she's full of crap!
How are your other kids doing this week? Poor kid has a nasty ear infection. He's struggled with chronic ear infections since he was 9mo old, got tubes and adenoid removal at 11 mo, and still keeps getting them regularly (though fewer). We had a veryyyyy rough night Monday night, Tuesday he was digging at his ears but not complaining until that night. Woke up yesterday morning, stuck his finger in his ear and it came out with blood. Second bloody ear infection he's had in the last two weeks.
Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? He'e such a trooper with ear drops now. He hates them, but when I let him help me get them ready (take the bottle out of the box, shake it, get the cotton ball ready, etc.) and count them as they go in he barely fusses. But on the flip side.. the tantrums OMG. So many people I know adore the toddler phase because they're so inquisitive and learning so much, which I do love, but damnit the tantrums, I'm just like ...can we fast forward just a little?? Or go back? I adored the snuggly newborn/infant phase.
GTKY: Did anything about your kid(s) "personality" line up with how they were in utero or as a newborn? (i.e. super active/mellow, stubborn, takes forever, etc.) Kid NEVER sits still unless he is super sick. I had an anterior placenta, so I didn't feel a lot of his movement but I can't imagine what I would have felt/seen if I didn't. I swear he never stopped moving and in the last two weeks he was going to headbutt my cervix until I got him out.